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RabbitMQ Disk Nodes


In a RabbitMQ cluster, nodes can be configured as either disk nodes or memory (RAM) nodes. This distinction plays a critical role in how RabbitMQ stores and manages its data across the cluster. In this guide, we'll focus specifically on disk nodes - understanding what they are, how they work, and when to use them in your messaging infrastructure.

Disk nodes are essential components of a robust RabbitMQ cluster, as they provide data persistence and ensure that your messaging system can recover from failures.

What are Disk Nodes?

Disk nodes are RabbitMQ nodes that store all their metadata to disk. This metadata includes:

  • Queue definitions
  • Exchange definitions
  • Binding information
  • User information
  • Permissions
  • Virtual hosts
  • Policies

The key characteristic of disk nodes is persistence - they write critical cluster metadata to disk, which enables the node to recover its state after a restart or failure.

Disk Nodes vs. Memory Nodes

To better understand disk nodes, let's compare them with memory nodes:

FeatureDisk NodesMemory Nodes
Metadata storageStored on diskStored in memory only
PerformanceSlower (disk I/O involved)Faster (no disk I/O)
RecoveryCan recover state after restartMust sync from disk nodes after restart
Cluster roleRequired (at least one)Optional

Configuring a Disk Node

By default, all RabbitMQ nodes start as disk nodes. Here's how to explicitly configure a node as a disk node:

# In rabbitmq.conf
cluster_formation.node_type = disc

# OR using environment variable

When starting a RabbitMQ node using the rabbitmq-server command:

rabbitmq-server -detached

This will start the node as a disk node by default.

Verifying Node Types in a Cluster

To check which nodes in your cluster are disk nodes and which are memory nodes:

rabbitmqctl cluster_status

Example output:

Cluster status of node rabbit@node1 ...
Disk Nodes
* rabbit@node1
* rabbit@node2
RAM Nodes
* rabbit@node3

This shows that node1 and node2 are disk nodes, while node3 is a memory node.

Best Practices for Disk Nodes

1. Maintain Multiple Disk Nodes

It's recommended to have at least two disk nodes in a production cluster for redundancy. This ensures that if one disk node fails, you still have another with the full cluster metadata.

2. Monitor Disk Space

Disk nodes require adequate disk space. Monitor the disk usage to prevent performance issues:

# Check disk usage
df -h /path/to/rabbitmq/data

# Configure disk space monitoring in rabbitmq.conf
disk_free_limit.absolute = 5GB

3. Proper Storage Configuration

For production environments, use:

  • Fast SSDs for better performance
  • RAID configurations for data redundancy
  • Separate volumes for RabbitMQ data and logs

Practical Example: Creating a RabbitMQ Cluster with Disk Nodes

Let's walk through setting up a three-node RabbitMQ cluster with two disk nodes and one memory node:

Step 1: Initialize the first disk node

# On node1
rabbitmq-server -detached

Step 2: Configure the second disk node and join the cluster

# On node2
rabbitmq-server -detached
rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl join_cluster rabbit@node1
rabbitmqctl start_app

Step 3: Configure the memory node and join the cluster

# On node3
rabbitmq-server -detached
rabbitmqctl stop_app
rabbitmqctl join_cluster --ram rabbit@node1
rabbitmqctl start_app

Step 4: Verify the cluster

# On any node
rabbitmqctl cluster_status

Handling Disk Node Failures

If a disk node fails, the following steps can help recover the cluster:

Temporary Failure (node will return)

# After restarting the failed disk node
rabbitmqctl start_app

The node will automatically sync with other disk nodes in the cluster.

Permanent Failure (node won't return)

# On a remaining node
rabbitmqctl forget_cluster_node rabbit@failed_node

This removes the failed node from the cluster. Ensure you have at least one disk node remaining.

When to Use Disk Nodes vs. Memory Nodes

Production clustersAt least 2-3 disk nodes for redundancy
High throughput needsMix of disk and memory nodes
Small/test deploymentsOne disk node is sufficient
Limited resourcesPrioritize disk nodes over memory nodes

Node Type Impact on Message Persistence

It's important to understand that the node type (disk vs. memory) primarily affects the metadata storage, not message persistence. Message persistence is controlled by:

  1. Queue durability settings
  2. Message persistence properties
  3. Publisher confirms

Example of creating a durable queue with persistent messages:

// Node.js example using amqplib
const amqp = require('amqplib');

async function setup() {
const connection = await amqp.connect('amqp://localhost');
const channel = await connection.createChannel();

// Create a durable queue
await channel.assertQueue('important_task_queue', {
durable: true // Queue will survive broker restart

// Send a persistent message
Buffer.from('Critical message'),
{ persistent: true } // Message will be saved to disk

console.log("Sent persistent message to durable queue");



Sent persistent message to durable queue

Common Issues with Disk Nodes

Slow Performance

Symptom: High message processing latency

# Increase the memory_high_watermark setting
rabbitmqctl set_vm_memory_high_watermark 0.6

Disk Space Alerts

Symptom: disk_free_limit alarms in logs

# Free up disk space or adjust the limit temporarily
rabbitmqctl set_disk_free_limit "2GB"

Split-Brain Syndrome

Symptom: Cluster partition

# Set partition handling strategy in rabbitmq.conf
cluster_partition_handling = autoheal


Disk nodes are a fundamental component of RabbitMQ clusters, providing persistence for critical metadata that enables recovery after failures. Key points to remember:

  • Every RabbitMQ cluster must have at least one disk node
  • For production, use multiple disk nodes for redundancy
  • Disk nodes are slower than memory nodes but provide data safety
  • Node type (disk/memory) mainly affects metadata storage, not message persistence
  • By default, all RabbitMQ nodes start as disk nodes

Additional Resources

  • Official RabbitMQ Clustering Guide
  • RabbitMQ Clustering and High Availability Documentation
  • Distributed Systems Design Patterns


  1. Set up a local three-node RabbitMQ cluster with two disk nodes and one memory node.
  2. Simulate a disk node failure and practice recovery procedures.
  3. Benchmark the performance difference between sending messages to queues on disk nodes vs. memory nodes.
  4. Implement a monitoring system to track disk space usage on your RabbitMQ disk nodes.
  5. Design a cluster architecture for a high-throughput messaging system that requires message persistence.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)