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Redis Geospatial


Redis Geospatial is a powerful feature that allows you to store and query geographical data within Redis. Introduced in Redis 3.2, this feature enables you to build location-aware applications with the ability to:

  • Store locations (latitude and longitude coordinates)
  • Calculate distances between points
  • Find locations within a specified radius
  • Find locations within a specified rectangular area
  • Sort locations by distance from a reference point

This functionality is perfect for various applications including location-based services, ride-sharing platforms, nearby point-of-interest searches, and spatial analytics.

Understanding Geospatial Data in Redis

At its core, Redis Geospatial uses a specialized data structure built on top of the Sorted Set data type. Locations are stored with:

  • A member name (identifying the location)
  • Longitude and latitude coordinates
  • A geohash value (used internally for efficient spatial indexing)

Basic Geospatial Commands

Storing Locations with GEOADD

The GEOADD command adds geographical locations to a specified key:

GEOADD key longitude latitude member [longitude latitude member ...]

Example - Adding cafe locations to a "cafes" key:

GEOADD cafes -73.9822 40.7484 "Empire State Cafe" -74.0060 40.7128 "Downtown Coffee" -73.9632 40.7799 "Central Park Brews"


(integer) 3

Retrieving Coordinates with GEOPOS

Once locations are stored, you can retrieve their coordinates:

GEOPOS key member [member ...]


GEOPOS cafes "Empire State Cafe" "Downtown Coffee"


1) 1) "-73.98220092058181763"
2) "40.74840360703913625"
2) 1) "-74.00600105524063110"
2) "40.71279966259346770"

Getting Geohash Strings with GEOHASH

The GEOHASH command returns Geohash strings which encode coordinates into a single string:

GEOHASH key member [member ...]


GEOHASH cafes "Empire State Cafe" "Downtown Coffee"


1) "dr5r5cpm3g0"
2) "dr5r1z7ss10"

Calculating Distance with GEODIST

You can calculate the distance between two locations:

GEODIST key member1 member2 [unit]

The unit parameter can be:

  • m (meters, default)
  • km (kilometers)
  • mi (miles)
  • ft (feet)


GEODIST cafes "Empire State Cafe" "Downtown Coffee" km



Radius and Area Searches

Finding Locations Within a Radius

The GEORADIUS command finds locations within a specific radius from given coordinates:

GEORADIUS key longitude latitude radius unit [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC] [STORE key] [STOREDIST key]

Example - Finding cafes within 5 kilometers of specific coordinates:

GEORADIUS cafes -74.0000 40.7500 5 km WITHDIST


1) 1) "Empire State Cafe"
2) "1.5958"
2) 1) "Downtown Coffee"
2) "4.1991"

Searching by Member

The GEORADIUSBYMEMBER command finds locations within a radius from an existing member:



GEORADIUSBYMEMBER cafes "Empire State Cafe" 5 km WITHDIST


1) 1) "Empire State Cafe"
2) "0.0000"
2) 1) "Downtown Coffee"
2) "4.1197"
3) 1) "Central Park Brews"
2) "3.5049"

Advanced Searching with GEOSEARCH (Redis 6.2+)

Redis 6.2 introduced more flexible searching with GEOSEARCH:

GEOSEARCH key [FROMMEMBER member | FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius unit | BYBOX width height unit] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count] [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [WITHHASH]

Example - Search in a rectangular area:

GEOSEARCH cafes FROMLONLAT -74.0000 40.7500 BYBOX 5 5 km WITHDIST


1) 1) "Empire State Cafe"
2) "1.5958"
2) 1) "Downtown Coffee"
2) "4.1991"
3) 1) "Central Park Brews"
2) "3.2960"

Storing Search Results

GEOSEARCHSTORE allows you to store the results of a search:

GEOSEARCHSTORE destination source [FROMMEMBER member | FROMLONLAT longitude latitude] [BYRADIUS radius unit | BYBOX width height unit] [ASC|DESC] [COUNT count] [STOREDIST]


GEOSEARCHSTORE nearby_cafes cafes FROMMEMBER "Empire State Cafe" BYRADIUS 3 km


(integer) 1

Practical Examples

Building a "Nearby Places" Feature

Here's how you might build a "find nearby places" feature for a mobile app:

// Example using Node.js with redis client
const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();

async function findNearbyPlaces(lat, lon, radiusKm) {
await client.connect();

// Get places within radius
const nearbyPlaces = await client.sendCommand([

// Format results
const results = => ({
name: place[0],
distance: parseFloat(place[1])

await client.disconnect();
return results;

// Example usage
findNearbyPlaces(40.7484, -73.9857, 2)
.then(places => console.log('Nearby places:', places))
.catch(err => console.error('Error:', err));

Ride-Sharing Driver Tracking

Here's how a ride-sharing service might track and match drivers with riders:

// Store driver's current position
async function updateDriverPosition(driverId, lat, lon) {
await client.connect();

await client.sendCommand([

await client.disconnect();
return true;

// Find nearby drivers for a rider
async function findNearbyDrivers(riderLat, riderLon, radiusKm) {
await client.connect();

const drivers = await client.sendCommand([

await client.disconnect();

return => ({
driverId: driver[0],
distanceKm: parseFloat(driver[1])

Geofencing with Redis

Example of creating a geofence to track when a device enters or exits a defined area:

// Check if device is in a geofenced area
async function checkGeofence(deviceId, lat, lon) {
await client.connect();

// First update device position
await client.sendCommand([

// Check if within any geofenced areas
const areas = await client.sendCommand([
'0.5', // 500 meter radius check

await client.disconnect();

return {
inGeofencedAreas: areas,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()

Performance Considerations

Redis Geospatial commands offer excellent performance, but here are some considerations:

  1. Memory Usage: Each entry in a geospatial index requires approximately 32 bytes of memory (excluding the member name).

  2. Indexing Speed: GEOADD operations have O(log(N)) complexity where N is the number of elements in the sorted set.

  3. Search Performance: Radius searches scale with the number of matching elements, not the total size of the dataset.

  4. Radius Size: Very large radius searches may impact performance. Consider using the COUNT option to limit results.

  5. Maximum Precision: Redis geospatial operations have a maximum precision of about 0.7 meters.


While powerful, Redis Geospatial has some limitations:

  1. Valid Coordinates: Redis only accepts coordinates within the standard latitude (-85.05112878 to 85.05112878) and longitude (-180 to 180) ranges.

  2. No Multi-Polygon Support: Complex geometric shapes aren't supported natively.

  3. No Altitude: Redis Geospatial only handles 2D coordinates (latitude and longitude), with no support for altitude/elevation.

  4. Earth-Based: Calculations assume Earth's shape and aren't suitable for other planetary bodies or custom coordinate systems.


Redis Geospatial provides a powerful set of features for working with location data:

  • Fast storage and retrieval of geographical coordinates
  • Distance calculations between points
  • Efficient radius and area searches
  • Sorting results by distance

These capabilities make Redis an excellent choice for location-based services, from finding nearby points of interest to tracking moving objects in real-time applications.

Additional Resources and Exercises



  1. Build a Store Locator: Create a simple application that finds the nearest stores to a given location.

  2. Implement Geofencing: Build a system that tracks when objects enter or leave predefined areas.

  3. Proximity Chat: Design a chat system where users can only communicate with others within a certain physical distance.

  4. Performance Testing: Compare the performance of Redis Geospatial commands with traditional database spatial queries.

  5. Route Optimization: Use Redis Geospatial to find the optimal route between multiple points based on proximity.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)