Redis CLI
The Redis Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful tool that allows you to interact directly with a Redis database through your terminal. Redis CLI provides a simple yet effective way to execute Redis commands, manage data, and monitor the performance of your Redis server. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of using Redis CLI, from installation to executing advanced commands.
What is Redis CLI?
Redis CLI is the official command-line client for Redis. It provides a direct interface to execute Redis commands without needing any additional libraries or frameworks. Whether you're testing Redis features, debugging issues, or performing administrative tasks, Redis CLI is an essential tool in your Redis toolkit.
Before using Redis CLI, you need to have Redis installed on your system. The CLI tool comes bundled with Redis installation.
On Linux/macOS
# Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-server
# macOS using Homebrew
brew install redis
On Windows
Windows users can use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) or download Redis from the official Redis website.
Connecting to Redis Server
Once Redis is installed, you can start using the CLI tool to connect to your Redis server.
Basic Connection
To connect to a local Redis server running on the default port (6379):
You should see a prompt like this:>
This indicates you're connected to a Redis server at the address (localhost) on port 6379.
Connecting to a Remote Server
To connect to a Redis server on a different host or port:
redis-cli -h HOST -p PORT
redis-cli -h -p 6380
Authenticating with Password
If your Redis server requires authentication:
redis-cli -a YOUR_PASSWORD
Or for better security (to avoid having the password in your command history):
Basic Redis Commands
Let's explore some fundamental Redis commands using the CLI.
Checking Connectivity> PING
The server responds with "PONG" if the connection is active.
Key-Value Operations
Redis is primarily a key-value store. Here's how to set and get values:
# Set a key> SET username john
# Get the value of a key> GET username
# Check if a key exists> EXISTS username
(integer) 1
# Delete a key> DEL username
(integer) 1
Working with Multiple Data Types
Redis supports various data types. Here are examples of using different data types:
Strings> SET message "Hello, Redis!"
OK> GET message
"Hello, Redis!"
# Add elements to a list> LPUSH fruits apple banana orange
(integer) 3
# View list elements> LRANGE fruits 0 -1
1) "orange"
2) "banana"
3) "apple"
# Add elements to a set> SADD colors red blue green
(integer) 3
# View set members> SMEMBERS colors
1) "blue"
2) "red"
3) "green"
# Create and populate a hash> HSET user:1 name "John Doe" email "[email protected]" age 30
(integer) 3
# Get a specific field from the hash> HGET user:1 name
"John Doe"
# Get all fields and values in the hash> HGETALL user:1
1) "name"
2) "John Doe"
3) "email"
4) "[email protected]"
5) "age"
6) "30"
Sorted Sets
# Add elements with scores to a sorted set> ZADD leaderboard 100 "player1" 85 "player2" 95 "player3"
(integer) 3
# Get elements sorted by score> ZRANGE leaderboard 0 -1 WITHSCORES
1) "player2"
2) "85"
3) "player3"
4) "95"
5) "player1"
6) "100"
Advanced CLI Features
Redis CLI offers several advanced features to enhance your productivity.
Command Help
Get help for any Redis command:> HELP SET
SET key value [EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT timestamp|PXAT milliseconds-timestamp|KEEPTTL] [NX|XX] [GET]
summary: Set the string value of a key
since: 1.0.0
group: string
Running Commands in Batch Mode
Execute commands without entering interactive mode:
redis-cli SET greeting "Hello World"
Or run multiple commands:
redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 PING SET name "Redis" GET name
Command Line Options
Redis CLI provides many command line options to customize its behavior:
# Run a single command and format the output as CSV
redis-cli --csv HGETALL user:1
# Monitor all commands processed by the Redis server
redis-cli monitor
# Get statistics about the Redis server
redis-cli info
Using Redis CLI as a Data Input Tool
You can use Redis CLI to import data from a file:
cat commands.txt | redis-cli
Where commands.txt
contains Redis commands, one per line.
Redis CLI in Practice: Real-World Examples
Let's explore some practical examples of using Redis CLI.
Example 1: Session Management
# Create a session with 30-minute expiration> SET session:1234 "{\"user_id\": 42, \"login_time\": \"2023-01-15T14:30:00Z\"}" EX 1800
# Check session expiration time> TTL session:1234
(integer) 1793
Example 2: Simple Caching
# Cache API response with 5-minute expiration> SET cache:weather:nyc "{\"temp\": 72, \"conditions\": \"sunny\"}" EX 300
# Retrieve cached data> GET cache:weather:nyc
"{\"temp\": 72, \"conditions\": \"sunny\"}"
Example 3: Basic Analytics
# Increment page view counter> INCR pageviews:homepage
(integer) 1
# Increment again> INCR pageviews:homepage
(integer) 2
# Track unique visitors using sets> SADD visitors:today "user:123" "user:456" "user:789"
(integer) 3
# Count unique visitors> SCARD visitors:today
(integer) 3
Example 4: Pub/Sub Messaging
Redis CLI can be used to implement a basic publish/subscribe system:
In one terminal window (subscriber):> SUBSCRIBE notifications
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "notifications"
3) (integer) 1
In another terminal window (publisher):> PUBLISH notifications "Hello from Redis!"
(integer) 1
The subscriber would see:
1) "message"
2) "notifications"
3) "Hello from Redis!"
Redis CLI Command Pipeline
Redis CLI allows you to visualize command flow using the --pipe
echo -e "SET key1 value1
SET key2 value2
GET key1
GET key2" | redis-cli --pipe
Interactive Mode Features
Redis CLI's interactive mode offers several useful features:
Command History
Press the up and down arrows to navigate through previously executed commands.
Tab Completion
Redis CLI supports tab completion for commands. Type the first few letters of a command and press Tab to autocomplete.
Multi-line Commands
For complex commands, you can split them across multiple lines using backslashes:> MSET \
> key1 "value1" \
> key2 "value2" \
> key3 "value3"
Redis CLI Scripting with Lua
Redis CLI supports Lua scripting, which allows for more complex operations:> EVAL "return'SET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])" 1 mykey "Hello from Lua!"
OK> GET mykey
"Hello from Lua!"
Command Reference Visual
Here's a visual representation of Redis CLI command categories:
Debugging with Redis CLI
Redis CLI is an excellent tool for debugging Redis applications:
# Monitor all commands processed by Redis
redis-cli MONITOR
# View slow commands
redis-cli SLOWLOG GET 10
# Check server information and statistics
redis-cli INFO
# View client connections
redis-cli CLIENT LIST
The Redis Command Line Interface is a versatile and powerful tool for interacting with Redis databases. Throughout this tutorial, we've covered the basics of connecting to Redis servers, executing various commands for different data types, and exploring advanced features like Lua scripting and batch processing.
Redis CLI is not just a development tool but also essential for production monitoring, debugging, and administration. By mastering Redis CLI, you'll be better equipped to work with Redis databases efficiently and effectively.
Further Learning
To continue your Redis CLI learning journey:
- Practice with the examples provided in this tutorial
- Explore Redis documentation for more commands
- Try implementing a small project that uses Redis as a caching layer or message broker
- Experiment with Redis modules and their specific commands
Practice Exercises
- Create a simple key-value database for a user profile
- Implement a basic leaderboard using sorted sets
- Build a message queue system using lists
- Create a session management system with appropriate expiration times
By mastering Redis CLI, you'll have a solid foundation for building applications that leverage the power and speed of Redis.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)