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Redis Geofencing


Geofencing is a location-based service that defines virtual boundaries around physical locations. When a device enters or exits these boundaries, specific actions can be triggered. In this tutorial, we'll explore how Redis—a powerful in-memory data structure store—can be leveraged to implement efficient geofencing solutions.

Redis introduced geospatial data structures in version 3.2, making it an excellent choice for location-based applications that require real-time processing. The combination of Redis's speed and its specialized geo commands makes it particularly well-suited for geofencing implementations.


Before diving into Redis geofencing, you should have:

  • Basic knowledge of Redis
  • Redis server installed (version 3.2 or higher)
  • A Redis client library in your preferred programming language
  • Understanding of basic geospatial concepts

Understanding Geospatial Data in Redis

Redis stores geospatial data using a data structure called a sorted set. Each member in this set represents a location with associated coordinates (longitude and latitude). Redis internally converts these coordinates into a geohash, which enables efficient proximity queries.

Key Geo Commands in Redis

Redis provides several commands for working with geospatial data:

  • GEOADD: Add locations with their coordinates
  • GEODIST: Calculate the distance between two locations
  • GEOHASH: Get the geohash string representation
  • GEOPOS: Get the coordinates of locations
  • GEORADIUS: Find locations within a specified radius
  • GEORADIUSBYMEMBER: Similar to GEORADIUS but uses a member as the center point

Basic Geofencing Implementation

Let's start with a simple example of adding locations to Redis and querying them:

# Add some locations to a geo set named 'locations'
GEOADD locations -73.9857 40.7484 "Empire State Building" -122.4194 37.7749 "San Francisco" -0.1278 51.5074 "London"

# Find locations within 2000 km of London
GEORADIUS locations -0.1278 51.5074 2000 km


1) "London"
2) "Empire State Building"

This shows that London and the Empire State Building are within 2000 km of the specified coordinates (London's location).

Creating a Geofence with Redis

A geofence is essentially a predefined area. With Redis, we can implement geofencing by:

  1. Storing location points (e.g., stores, landmarks, etc.) in a geo set
  2. Using the GEORADIUS command to check if a user's location falls within the fence

Let's create a practical example of a notification system that alerts users when they're near a store:

// Example using Node.js with the redis client

const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();

// Add store locations
async function addStores() {
await client.connect();

// Add store locations
await client.geoAdd('stores', [
{ longitude: -73.9857, latitude: 40.7484, member: 'Store A' },
{ longitude: -73.9843, latitude: 40.7485, member: 'Store B' },
{ longitude: -73.9832, latitude: 40.7458, member: 'Store C' }

console.log('Stores added successfully');

// Check if user is near any store
async function checkNearbyStores(userLong, userLat, radiusKm) {
await client.connect();

const nearbyStores = await client.geoRadius(
{ WITHDIST: true }

if (nearbyStores.length > 0) {
console.log('Nearby stores found:');
nearbyStores.forEach(store => {
console.log(`${store.member} is ${store.distance.toFixed(2)} km away`);
} else {
console.log('No stores nearby');

// Example usage
.then(() => checkNearbyStores(-73.9850, 40.7480, 0.2))
.catch(err => console.error(err));


Stores added successfully
Nearby stores found:
Store A is 0.06 km away
Store B is 0.12 km away

Building a Real-time Location Tracking System

Now let's build a more comprehensive example: a real-time taxi tracking system with geofence alerts.

import redis
import time
import json

# Connect to Redis
r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

# Define some zones (geofences)
zones = {
"airport": {"long": -73.7781, "lat": 40.6413, "radius": 2},
"downtown": {"long": -73.9857, "lat": 40.7484, "radius": 3},
"suburb": {"long": -74.0431, "lat": 40.6892, "radius": 5}

# Add zones to Redis
for zone_name, zone_data in zones.items():
r.geoadd('zones', zone_data["long"], zone_data["lat"], zone_name)

# Function to update taxi location
def update_taxi_location(taxi_id, longitude, latitude):
# Store current location
r.geoadd('taxis', longitude, latitude, taxi_id)

# Check if taxi is in any zone
for zone_name, zone_data in zones.items():
results = r.georadius('zones', longitude, latitude,
zone_data["radius"], 'km')

# If taxi is in this zone
if zone_name.encode() in results:
# Check if we've already recorded this taxi in this zone
already_in_zone = r.sismember(f'zone:{zone_name}:taxis', taxi_id)

if not already_in_zone:
print(f"ALERT: Taxi {taxi_id} has entered {zone_name} zone!")
r.sadd(f'zone:{zone_name}:taxis', taxi_id)

# You could trigger a notification here
event = {
"type": "zone_entry",
"taxi_id": taxi_id,
"zone": zone_name,
"timestamp": time.time()
r.publish('geofence_events', json.dumps(event))
# Check if taxi was previously in this zone
was_in_zone = r.sismember(f'zone:{zone_name}:taxis', taxi_id)

if was_in_zone:
print(f"ALERT: Taxi {taxi_id} has left {zone_name} zone!")
r.srem(f'zone:{zone_name}:taxis', taxi_id)

# You could trigger a notification here
event = {
"type": "zone_exit",
"taxi_id": taxi_id,
"zone": zone_name,
"timestamp": time.time()
r.publish('geofence_events', json.dumps(event))

# Simulate a taxi moving around
def simulate_taxi_journey():
# Starting near the airport
positions = [
{"long": -73.7781, "lat": 40.6413}, # At airport
{"long": -73.8091, "lat": 40.6612}, # Moving away
{"long": -73.8691, "lat": 40.6912}, # Further away
{"long": -73.9359, "lat": 40.7273}, # Approaching downtown
{"long": -73.9857, "lat": 40.7484}, # Downtown
{"long": -74.0431, "lat": 40.6892} # Suburb

taxi_id = "taxi:1234"

for i, pos in enumerate(positions):
Update {i+1}: Moving taxi to {pos['long']}, {pos['lat']}")
update_taxi_location(taxi_id, pos["long"], pos["lat"])
time.sleep(1) # Simulate time passing between updates

# Run the simulation


Update 1: Moving taxi to -73.7781, 40.6413
ALERT: Taxi taxi:1234 has entered airport zone!

Update 2: Moving taxi to -73.8091, 40.6612
ALERT: Taxi taxi:1234 has left airport zone!

Update 3: Moving taxi to -73.8691, 40.6912

Update 4: Moving taxi to -73.9359, 40.7273

Update 5: Moving taxi to -73.9857, 40.7484
ALERT: Taxi taxi:1234 has entered downtown zone!

Update 6: Moving taxi to -74.0431, 40.6892
ALERT: Taxi taxi:1234 has left downtown zone!
ALERT: Taxi taxi:1234 has entered suburb zone!

Visualizing Geofences with Mermaid

Here's a simple visualization of how geofencing works:

Performance Considerations

When implementing geofencing with Redis, consider the following:

  1. Memory Usage: Each stored location uses approximately 130 bytes.
  2. Query Performance: Radius queries are generally efficient with O(log(N) + M) time complexity, where N is the number of elements in the geo set and M is the number of returned elements.
  3. Precision: Redis geospatial indexing has some limitations in precision. For extremely precise applications, you might need additional verification.

Scaling Geofencing Applications

For large-scale applications with millions of locations:

  1. Sharding: Distribute geospatial data across multiple Redis instances based on geographic regions.
  2. Redis Cluster: Use Redis Cluster to automatically distribute data across multiple nodes.
  3. Caching: Cache frequent geofence checks to reduce load on Redis.

Example: Customer Geofencing for Retail

Here's a practical scenario: sending offers to customers when they enter a shopping mall.

// Example using Node.js

const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();

async function setupMallGeofence() {
await client.connect();

// Add mall location
await client.geoAdd('malls', [
{ longitude: -73.9857, latitude: 40.7484, member: 'Central Mall' }

// Add stores within the mall
await client.geoAdd('stores:Central Mall', [
{ longitude: -73.9857, latitude: 40.7484, member: 'Food Court' },
{ longitude: -73.9855, latitude: 40.7483, member: 'Electronics Store' },
{ longitude: -73.9860, latitude: 40.7485, member: 'Clothing Shop' }

console.log('Mall geofence setup complete');

async function checkCustomerLocation(customerId, longitude, latitude) {
await client.connect();

// Store customer's current location
await client.geoAdd('customer:locations', [
{ longitude, latitude, member: customerId }

// Check if customer is near any mall
const nearbyMalls = await client.geoRadius(
0.2, // 200 meters radius
{ WITHDIST: true }

if (nearbyMalls.length > 0) {
const mall = nearbyMalls[0];
console.log(`Customer ${customerId} has entered ${mall.member}`);

// Check if we've already sent a welcome message
const alreadyWelcomed = await client.sIsMember(`mall:${mall.member}:welcomed`, customerId);

if (!alreadyWelcomed) {
console.log(`Sending welcome offer to customer ${customerId}`);
await client.sAdd(`mall:${mall.member}:welcomed`, customerId);

// Now check which stores they're closest to for personalized offers
const nearbyStores = await client.geoRadius(
0.05, // 50 meters radius
{ WITHDIST: true }

if (nearbyStores.length > 0) {
console.log(`Customer ${customerId} is near these stores:`);
nearbyStores.forEach(store => {
console.log(`- ${store.member} (${store.distance.toFixed(2)} km away)`);
console.log(` Sending targeted offer for ${store.member}`);
} else {
// Check if customer was previously in any mall
const malls = await client.keys('mall:*:welcomed');

for (const mallKey of malls) {
const mallName = mallKey.split(':')[1];
const wasInMall = await client.sIsMember(mallKey, customerId);

if (wasInMall) {
console.log(`Customer ${customerId} has left ${mallName}`);
await client.sRem(mallKey, customerId);
console.log(`Sending "Hope to see you again soon!" message`);

// Example usage
async function runDemo() {
await setupMallGeofence();

// Customer approaches the mall
--- Customer approaching mall ---");
await checkCustomerLocation('customer:5678', -73.9867, 40.7494);

// Customer enters the mall
--- Customer enters mall ---");
await checkCustomerLocation('customer:5678', -73.9858, 40.7485);

// Customer moves to a different store in the mall
--- Customer moves within mall ---");
await checkCustomerLocation('customer:5678', -73.9855, 40.7483);

// Customer leaves the mall
--- Customer leaves mall ---");
await checkCustomerLocation('customer:5678', -73.9897, 40.7514);



Mall geofence setup complete

--- Customer approaching mall ---

--- Customer enters mall ---
Customer customer:5678 has entered Central Mall
Sending welcome offer to customer customer:5678
Customer customer:5678 is near these stores:
- Clothing Shop (0.01 km away)
Sending targeted offer for Clothing Shop

--- Customer moves within mall ---
Customer customer:5678 has entered Central Mall
Customer customer:5678 is near these stores:
- Electronics Store (0.00 km away)
Sending targeted offer for Electronics Store

--- Customer leaves mall ---
Customer customer:5678 has left Central Mall
Sending "Hope to see you again soon!" message

Advanced Techniques

Time-based Geofencing

Add a time dimension to your geofences by combining Redis geospatial features with expiration:

// Set a temporary geofence (e.g., for a pop-up event)
async function setTemporaryGeofence(eventId, longitude, latitude, radiusKm, durationHours) {
await client.connect();

// Add event location
await client.geoAdd('events', [
{ longitude, latitude, member: eventId }

// Set expiration for this event
const expirationSeconds = durationHours * 3600;
await client.expire(`events:${eventId}:visitors`, expirationSeconds);

console.log(`Temporary geofence for ${eventId} set for ${durationHours} hours`);

Dynamic Geofences

Create geofences that change size based on conditions like time of day or crowd density:

// Adjust geofence radius based on time of day
function getRadiusBasedOnTime() {
const hour = new Date().getHours();

// Wider radius during peak hours
if (hour >= 8 && hour <= 9 || hour >= 17 && hour <= 18) {
return 0.5; // 500 meters during rush hour
} else {
return 0.2; // 200 meters during normal hours

async function checkDynamicGeofence(userId, longitude, latitude) {
const radius = getRadiusBasedOnTime();
console.log(`Using dynamic radius of ${radius} km based on current time`);

// Now check geofences with this dynamic radius
// ... implementation similar to previous examples


Redis geofencing provides a powerful and efficient way to implement location-based services. With its in-memory data storage and specialized geospatial commands, Redis offers real-time processing capabilities essential for geofencing applications.

In this tutorial, we've covered:

  1. Basic geospatial operations in Redis
  2. Implementing simple geofences
  3. Building a real-time location tracking system with zone entry/exit notifications
  4. Creating a practical retail application with proximity-based offers
  5. Advanced techniques like temporary and dynamic geofences

By leveraging these concepts, you can build sophisticated location-aware applications that provide contextually relevant experiences to users based on their physical location.


  1. Modify the taxi tracking system to track multiple taxis simultaneously.
  2. Implement a "safe zone" application that alerts when a tracked device (like a child's phone) leaves a designated area.
  3. Create a delivery tracking system that notifies customers when their delivery is within 1km of their address.
  4. Build a social app feature that allows users to discover other users within a specified radius.
  5. Extend the mall example to include personalized recommendations based on the customer's shopping history and current location.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)