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Debian LXC Containers


Linux Containers (LXC) represent a lightweight virtualization technology that allows you to run multiple isolated Linux systems (containers) on a single host. Unlike traditional virtual machines that emulate entire hardware stacks, LXC containers share the host's kernel while maintaining separate userspace environments. This makes them significantly more efficient in terms of system resources.

Debian provides excellent support for LXC, making it an ideal platform for learning about and implementing container-based solutions. In this guide, we'll explore how to set up, configure, and manage LXC containers on Debian systems, providing you with practical skills to leverage this powerful technology.

What Are LXC Containers?

LXC (Linux Containers) is an operating-system-level virtualization method that allows you to run multiple isolated Linux systems on a single host without the overhead of full virtual machines.

Key Advantages of LXC Containers:

  • Resource Efficiency: Containers share the host's kernel, consuming fewer resources than full VMs
  • Fast Startup: Containers can start in seconds
  • Near-Native Performance: Applications run with minimal overhead
  • Isolation: Each container has its own filesystem, network interfaces, and process space
  • Ease of Management: Simple tools for creating, starting, stopping, and managing containers

Installing LXC on Debian

Let's begin by installing the necessary packages on your Debian system:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install lxc lxc-templates bridge-utils uidmap

These packages provide:

  • lxc: The core container management tools
  • lxc-templates: Templates for creating various Linux distributions in containers
  • bridge-utils: Tools for configuring network bridges
  • uidmap: Tools for user namespace mapping (allows unprivileged containers)

After installation, verify that LXC is working properly:

sudo systemctl status lxc

Expected output:

● lxc.service - LXC Container Initialization and Autoboot Code
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/lxc.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Wed 2023-07-05 14:22:36 UTC; 10s ago
Docs: man:lxc-autostart
Process: 1234 ExecStart=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lxc/lxc-init start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 1234 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Network Configuration for LXC

Before creating containers, it's important to configure networking. By default, LXC uses a bridge interface (lxcbr0) to provide network connectivity to containers.

Check if the bridge interface exists:

ip addr show lxcbr0

If it doesn't exist, you can manually create it by editing /etc/lxc/default.conf:

sudo nano /etc/lxc/default.conf

Add or modify these lines: = veth = lxcbr0 = up = 00:16:3e:xx:xx:xx

Then create a bridge configuration in /etc/network/interfaces.d/lxcbr0:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces.d/lxcbr0

With content:

auto lxcbr0
iface lxcbr0 inet static
bridge_ports none
bridge_fd 0
bridge_maxwait 0

Create a dnsmasq configuration for DHCP service to containers:

sudo nano /etc/lxc/dnsmasq.conf

With content:


Finally, enable IP forwarding and restart networking:

echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
sudo systemctl restart networking

Creating Your First LXC Container

Now that we have LXC installed and configured, let's create our first container:

sudo lxc-create -n my-debian-container -t debian -- -r bullseye

This command:

  • -n my-debian-container: Names the container "my-debian-container"
  • -t debian: Uses the Debian template
  • -- -r bullseye: Passes the Debian release name to the template

Expected output:

Checking cache download in /var/cache/lxc/debian/rootfs-bullseye-amd64 ... 
Cache found. Extracting...
Downloading debian minimal ...
Downloading Debian release bullseye...
Current default time zone: 'Etc/UTC'
Root password is 'root', please change!

Starting and Accessing Your Container

Let's start the container we just created:

sudo lxc-start -n my-debian-container

Verify that it's running:

sudo lxc-ls --fancy

Expected output:

NAME                STATE   AUTOSTART GROUPS IPV4       IPV6 
my-debian-container RUNNING 0 - -

Access the container's shell:

sudo lxc-attach -n my-debian-container

You'll now have a shell inside the container. To exit, simply type exit.

Managing LXC Containers

Here are some essential commands for managing your LXC containers:

Container Lifecycle

# Stop a running container
sudo lxc-stop -n my-debian-container

# Start a stopped container
sudo lxc-start -n my-debian-container

# Restart a container
sudo lxc-restart -n my-debian-container

# Freeze a container (pause execution)
sudo lxc-freeze -n my-debian-container

# Unfreeze a frozen container
sudo lxc-unfreeze -n my-debian-container

# Destroy (delete) a container
sudo lxc-destroy -n my-debian-container

Monitoring Containers

# List all containers with status
sudo lxc-ls --fancy

# Show detailed container information
sudo lxc-info -n my-debian-container

# Monitor container resource usage
sudo lxc-monitor -n my-debian-container

# View container logs
sudo lxc-info -n my-debian-container -l DEBUG

Container Configuration

Each container has a configuration file located at /var/lib/lxc/container-name/config. You can edit this file to customize various aspects of your container.

For example, to limit a container's resources:

sudo nano /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/config

Add these lines to limit CPU and memory:

# Limit to 2 CPUs
lxc.cgroup2.cpuset.cpus = 0-1

# Limit memory to 1GB
lxc.cgroup2.memory.max = 1G

# Limit swap to 256MB
lxc.cgroup2.memory.swap.max = 256M

After editing, restart the container for changes to take effect:

sudo lxc-restart -n my-debian-container

Creating an Autostarting Container

To make a container start automatically when the host boots:

sudo nano /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/config

Add this line: = 1

You can also set a delay and priority: = 1
lxc.start.delay = 5
lxc.start.order = 100

Practical Examples

Example 1: Web Server Container

Let's create a dedicated container for hosting a web server:

# Create a container
sudo lxc-create -n web-server -t debian -- -r bullseye

# Start the container
sudo lxc-start -n web-server

# Access the container
sudo lxc-attach -n web-server

# Inside the container, install Nginx
apt update
apt install -y nginx

# Enable and start Nginx
systemctl enable nginx
systemctl start nginx

# Exit the container

To make the web server accessible from outside, we need to set up port forwarding on the host:

# Install iptables
sudo apt install -y iptables-persistent

# Get the container's IP
CONTAINER_IP=$(sudo lxc-info -n web-server -iH)

# Forward host port 8080 to container port 80
sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 8080 -j DNAT --to-destination ${CONTAINER_IP}:80
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o lxcbr0 -j MASQUERADE

# Save iptables rules
sudo netfilter-persistent save

Now you can access the web server by navigating to http://host-ip:8080 in a web browser.

Example 2: Database Container

Let's create a separate container for a database server:

# Create a container
sudo lxc-create -n db-server -t debian -- -r bullseye

# Start the container
sudo lxc-start -n db-server

# Access the container
sudo lxc-attach -n db-server

# Inside the container, install PostgreSQL
apt update
apt install -y postgresql

# Enable and start PostgreSQL
systemctl enable postgresql
systemctl start postgresql

# Configure PostgreSQL (basic setup)
su - postgres -c "createuser --interactive --pwprompt webuser"
su - postgres -c "createdb -O webuser webdb"

# Exit the container

Example 3: Networking Containers Together

Let's connect our web and database containers:

# Get the database container's IP
DB_IP=$(sudo lxc-info -n db-server -iH)

# Access the web container
sudo lxc-attach -n web-server

# Install PostgreSQL client
apt update
apt install -y postgresql-client

# Test connection to the database container
psql -h ${DB_IP} -U webuser -d webdb

# Exit the container

This demonstrates how containers can communicate with each other over the network, allowing you to build multi-tier applications with each component isolated in its own container.

Snapshots and Backups

LXC allows you to create snapshots of containers:

# Create a snapshot
sudo lxc-snapshot -n my-debian-container

# List snapshots
sudo lxc-snapshot -n my-debian-container -L

# Restore a snapshot
sudo lxc-snapshot -n my-debian-container -r snap0

For more comprehensive backups, you can export a container to a file:

sudo lxc-stop -n my-debian-container
sudo tar --numeric-owner -czf my-debian-container-backup.tar.gz -C /var/lib/lxc my-debian-container
sudo lxc-start -n my-debian-container

To restore from this backup:

sudo lxc-destroy -n my-debian-container
sudo tar --numeric-owner -xzf my-debian-container-backup.tar.gz -C /var/lib/lxc
sudo lxc-start -n my-debian-container

Security Considerations

When using LXC containers, keep these security best practices in mind:

  1. Keep the host system updated:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Use unprivileged containers when possible:

    # Add this to /etc/lxc/default.conf
    lxc.idmap = u 0 100000 65536
    lxc.idmap = g 0 100000 65536
  3. Limit container capabilities:

    # Add to container config
    lxc.cap.drop = mac_admin mac_override sys_time sys_module sys_rawio
  4. Set resource limits to prevent DoS attacks:

    # Add to container config
    lxc.cgroup2.memory.max = 1G
    lxc.cgroup2.cpu.max = 50000 100000
  5. Isolate container networks when possible:

    # For containers that don't need network access = empty

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Container Fails to Start

# Check logs
sudo lxc-start -n my-debian-container -F

# Verify configuration
sudo lxc-checkconfig

Network Connectivity Issues

# Check bridge interface
ip addr show lxcbr0

# Verify iptables rules
sudo iptables -L -t nat

# Check container's network configuration
sudo cat /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/config | grep

Container Cannot Access Internet

# Ensure IP forwarding is enabled
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward

# Check NAT configuration
sudo iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING

# If missing, add NAT rule
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s ! -d -j MASQUERADE

Advanced LXC Features

Container Hooks

You can automate tasks when containers start or stop using hooks:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/hooks

Create a start hook:

sudo nano /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/hooks/start

Add script content:

echo "Container started at $(date)" >> /var/log/lxc-start.log

Make it executable:

sudo chmod +x /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/hooks/start

Add it to the container config:

lxc.hook.start = /var/lib/lxc/my-debian-container/hooks/start

Custom Container Templates

You can create custom container templates for your specific needs:

# Create a container to serve as template
sudo lxc-create -n template-container -t debian -- -r bullseye

# Start and customize it
sudo lxc-start -n template-container
sudo lxc-attach -n template-container

# Inside: install common packages, configure settings, etc.
apt update
apt install -y nginx postgresql

# Exit and stop
sudo lxc-stop -n template-container

# Create a snapshot to use as template
sudo lxc-snapshot -n template-container

Now you can clone from this template:

sudo lxc-copy -n template-container -N new-container -s snap0
sudo lxc-start -n new-container


In this guide, we've explored LXC containers on Debian systems, covering:

  • The basic concepts and advantages of LXC containers
  • Installation and network configuration
  • Creating and managing containers
  • Practical examples with web servers and databases
  • Snapshots, backups, and security considerations
  • Troubleshooting and advanced features

LXC containers provide a powerful way to isolate applications and services while maintaining high performance and efficient resource usage. They're an excellent choice for development environments, testing, and even production deployments for many use cases.


  1. Create a container running Debian Bullseye and install a different web server (e.g., Apache) inside it.
  2. Set up port forwarding to access the web server from outside the host.
  3. Create a container with limited resources (1 CPU and 512MB RAM) and observe how it performs under load.
  4. Create a backup of a container and restore it with a different name.
  5. Create a container running a different distribution (e.g., Ubuntu) and explore the differences.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)