Ubuntu Serverless Functions
Serverless computing has revolutionized how developers build and deploy applications by eliminating the need to manage infrastructure. Ubuntu Serverless Functions provide a powerful way to deploy code in the cloud without worrying about the underlying server management, scaling, or maintenance.
In this guide, we'll explore how to leverage Ubuntu's ecosystem to create, deploy, and manage serverless functions. These functions are event-driven, short-lived pieces of code that perform specific tasks and automatically scale based on demand.
What Are Serverless Functions?
Serverless functions (also known as Functions as a Service or FaaS) are single-purpose, stateless bits of code that run in response to events. Despite the name "serverless," servers still exist—they're just abstracted away from the developer.
Key characteristics of serverless functions include:
- Event-driven execution: Functions run in response to specific triggers
- Automatic scaling: The platform handles scaling without developer intervention
- Pay-per-use: You only pay for the compute time used during execution
- No server management: The underlying infrastructure is fully managed
Setting Up Your Environment
Before we dive into creating serverless functions on Ubuntu, let's set up our development environment.
- Ubuntu 20.04 or newer
- Node.js (version 14+)
- npm or yarn
- An Ubuntu SSO account
Installing Required Tools
First, let's install the necessary tools:
# Update package list
sudo apt update
# Install Node.js and npm
sudo apt install -y nodejs npm
# Verify installation
node --version
npm --version
# Install the Ubuntu Serverless CLI tool
npm install -g ubuntu-serverless-cli
Creating Your First Serverless Function
Let's create a simple "Hello World" function to understand the basics.
1. Initialize a New Project
# Create a new directory and navigate into it
mkdir hello-serverless
cd hello-serverless
# Initialize a new serverless project
ubs init
This will generate a basic project structure:
├── functions/
│ └── hello.js
├── package.json
└── ubs.yaml
2. Examine the Function Code
Open functions/hello.js
to see the default function:
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
// Parse the incoming request data
const data = event.body ? JSON.parse(event.body) : {};
// Process the request
const name = data.name || 'World';
// Return a response
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
message: `Hello, ${name}!`,
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
3. Test Locally
Let's test our function locally before deploying:
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Start the local development server
ubs local
Now you can test your function by sending a request:
# In a new terminal window
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/hello -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Ubuntu"}'
Expected output:
"message": "Hello, Ubuntu!",
"timestamp": "2025-03-13T10:15:30.123Z"
Understanding the Configuration
The ubs.yaml
file defines how your functions are configured:
service: hello-serverless
name: ubuntu
runtime: nodejs14
region: eu-west-1
handler: functions/hello.handler
- http:
path: hello
method: post
Key components:
: Your project nameprovider
: Configuration for the serverless providerfunctions
: Definition of your functions with their handlers and triggers
Deploying to Ubuntu Cloud
Now that we've tested our function locally, let's deploy it to the Ubuntu Cloud.
1. Authenticate with Ubuntu Cloud
# Login to Ubuntu Cloud
ubs login
Follow the prompts to authenticate with your Ubuntu SSO account.
2. Deploy Your Function
# Deploy to the cloud
ubs deploy
The deployment process will:
- Package your code and dependencies
- Upload the bundle to Ubuntu Cloud
- Configure the necessary infrastructure
- Provide you with endpoints to access your functions
Example output:
Deploying hello-serverless to Ubuntu Cloud...
✓ Functions packaged successfully
✓ Deployment completed
Service Information
service: hello-serverless
stage: dev
region: eu-west-1
hello: https://api.ubuntu-cloud.io/dev/hello-serverless/hello
3. Test Your Deployed Function
Let's test our deployed function:
curl -X POST https://api.ubuntu-cloud.io/dev/hello-serverless/hello \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name":"Ubuntu Cloud"}'
Expected output:
"message": "Hello, Ubuntu Cloud!",
"timestamp": "2025-03-13T10:20:45.678Z"
Creating a More Complex Function
Let's create a more practical function that processes image metadata.
1. Create a New Function
Create a new file functions/image-metadata.js
const sharp = require('sharp');
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
try {
// Expect base64-encoded image in the request
const imageData = event.body ? JSON.parse(event.body).image : null;
if (!imageData) {
return {
statusCode: 400,
body: JSON.stringify({ error: 'No image provided' })
// Decode the base64 image
const buffer = Buffer.from(imageData, 'base64');
// Process the image to extract metadata
const metadata = await sharp(buffer).metadata();
// Return the metadata
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
format: metadata.format,
width: metadata.width,
height: metadata.height,
space: metadata.space,
channels: metadata.channels,
depth: metadata.depth,
hasAlpha: metadata.hasAlpha,
size: `${(buffer.length / 1024).toFixed(2)} KB`
} catch (error) {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: JSON.stringify({ error: error.message })
2. Install Dependencies
We need to install the Sharp library for image processing:
npm install sharp
3. Update Configuration
Add the new function to your ubs.yaml
service: hello-serverless
name: ubuntu
runtime: nodejs14
region: eu-west-1
handler: functions/hello.handler
- http:
path: hello
method: post
handler: functions/image-metadata.handler
- http:
path: metadata
method: post
4. Deploy the Updated Service
ubs deploy
Function Triggers and Events
Ubuntu Serverless Functions can be triggered by various events:
HTTP Triggers
HTTP triggers are the most common, allowing your function to respond to HTTP requests:
handler: functions/api.handler
- http:
path: users
method: get
Scheduled Events
You can run functions on a schedule:
handler: functions/cleanup.handler
- schedule: 'cron(0 0 * * *)' # Run daily at midnight
Storage Events
Functions can respond to storage events like file uploads:
handler: functions/process.handler
- storage:
bucket: my-uploads
event: create
Advanced Configuration
Environment Variables
You can define environment variables for your functions:
name: ubuntu
runtime: nodejs14
GLOBAL_VAR: "Available to all functions"
handler: functions/hello.handler
FUNCTION_SPECIFIC: "Only for this function"
Access these variables in your code:
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
const globalVar = process.env.GLOBAL_VAR;
const functionVar = process.env.FUNCTION_SPECIFIC;
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({ globalVar, functionVar })
Resource Allocation
You can customize CPU and memory allocation:
handler: functions/heavy.handler
memorySize: 1024 # MB
timeout: 30 # seconds
VPC Configuration
For functions that need to access resources in a VPC:
handler: functions/db.handler
- sg-12345678
- subnet-12345678
- subnet-87654321
Monitoring and Logging
Viewing Logs
You can view function logs using the CLI:
# View logs for a specific function
ubs logs -f hello
Example output:
2025-03-13T10:25:30.123Z START RequestId: aa11bb22-cc33-dd44-ee55-ff6677889900
2025-03-13T10:25:30.125Z INFO Processing request with name: Ubuntu
2025-03-13T10:25:30.130Z END RequestId: aa11bb22-cc33-dd44-ee55-ff6677889900
2025-03-13T10:25:30.132Z REPORT RequestId: aa11bb22-cc33-dd44-ee55-ff6677889900 Duration: 9.43 ms Billed Duration: 10 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 45 MB
Metrics Dashboard
Ubuntu Cloud provides a metrics dashboard where you can monitor:
- Invocation count
- Error rate
- Duration statistics
- Memory usage
Access it through:
ubs dashboard
Best Practices for Ubuntu Serverless Functions
- Keep functions focused: Each function should do one thing well
- Minimize cold starts:
- Keep dependencies lean
- Use language runtimes with fast startup times
- Handle errors gracefully: Always include error handling
- Use environment variables for configuration
- Set appropriate timeouts based on expected execution time
- Implement proper logging for debugging and monitoring
- Design for statelessness: Don't assume function state persists
- Optimize package size: Include only necessary dependencies
- Use connection pooling for database operations
- Consider security implications of event triggers
Real-World Use Cases
API Backend
const db = require('./db-connector');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
const userId = event.pathParameters.id;
try {
const user = await db.getUser(userId);
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(user)
} catch (error) {
return {
statusCode: error.code || 500,
body: JSON.stringify({ error: error.message })
Data Processing Pipeline
const processor = require('./data-processor');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
// Get the data from the event
const rawData = JSON.parse(event.body);
// Process the data
const processedData = await processor.transform(rawData);
// Store the results
await processor.storeResults(processedData);
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify({
status: 'success',
itemsProcessed: processedData.length
Scheduled Report Generation
const reporter = require('./report-generator');
const mailer = require('./email-service');
exports.handler = async (event) => {
// Generate the weekly report
const report = await reporter.generateWeeklyReport();
// Send the report to subscribers
const recipients = await reporter.getSubscribers();
await mailer.sendBulk({
to: recipients,
subject: 'Weekly Performance Report',
body: report.summary,
attachments: [report.pdf]
return { status: 'Report sent to ' + recipients.length + ' subscribers' };
Cleaning Up
When you're done with your serverless project, you can remove it from Ubuntu Cloud:
# Remove all deployed functions and resources
ubs remove
Ubuntu Serverless Functions provide a powerful, scalable approach to cloud computing without the overhead of managing servers. In this guide, we've covered:
- The basics of serverless architecture
- Setting up your environment for Ubuntu Serverless development
- Creating, testing, and deploying functions
- Configuring function triggers and events
- Advanced configuration options
- Monitoring and logging
- Best practices and real-world use cases
By leveraging Ubuntu Serverless Functions, you can focus on writing code that delivers value rather than managing infrastructure, leading to faster development cycles and more efficient resource utilization.
Additional Resources
- Practice creating functions with different triggers
- Build a complete serverless API
- Implement authentication for your functions
- Create a data processing pipeline
- Integrate with Ubuntu's other cloud services
- Modify the "Hello World" function to accept and return additional parameters
- Create a function that generates a PDF report from JSON data
- Implement a function that sends email notifications
- Build a serverless API with multiple endpoints
- Create a function triggered by file uploads to process images
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)