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Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard shortcuts are combinations of two or more keys that, when pressed simultaneously or in sequence, perform a specific task that would typically require a mouse or other input device. In Ubuntu, these shortcuts can significantly boost your productivity by reducing the time spent navigating through menus and performing common actions.

Ubuntu, like other Linux distributions, offers a rich set of keyboard shortcuts that can help you navigate the desktop environment, manage windows, launch applications, and perform system operations efficiently. Whether you're a beginner just starting with Ubuntu or looking to enhance your productivity, mastering these keyboard shortcuts will make your Ubuntu experience smoother and more efficient.

Essential Ubuntu Keyboard Shortcuts

Desktop Navigation

These shortcuts help you navigate around the Ubuntu desktop environment:

Super (Windows key)Open Activities overview
Super + AShow the applications menu
Super + TabSwitch between applications
Super + PageUp/PageDownSwitch between workspaces
Super + HomeSwitch to the first workspace
Super + EndSwitch to the last workspace
Alt + TabSwitch between windows
Alt + EscapeCycle windows directly (without the popup)
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keysNavigate between workspaces

Window Management

These shortcuts allow you to control and manipulate windows:

Alt + F4Close the current window
Alt + F7Move the current window
Alt + F8Resize the current window
Alt + F10Toggle maximize/restore window
Super + Left arrowSnap window to the left half of the screen
Super + Right arrowSnap window to the right half of the screen
Super + Up arrowMaximize window
Super + Down arrowRestore/minimize window
Super + HMinimize window
Super + MToggle notification tray

System Shortcuts

These shortcuts control system-level operations:

Ctrl + Alt + TOpen terminal
Ctrl + Alt + DeleteShow the power off/restart dialog
Ctrl + Alt + LLock the screen
Super + LLock the screen (alternative)
PrtScnTake a screenshot of the entire screen
Alt + PrtScnTake a screenshot of the current window
Shift + PrtScnTake a screenshot of a selected area

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the powerful features of Ubuntu is the ability to customize keyboard shortcuts to suit your workflow. Here's how to customize your shortcuts:

Viewing and Modifying Default Shortcuts

  1. Open the Settings application either from the applications menu or by pressing Super and typing "Settings".
  2. Navigate to "Keyboard" or "Keyboard Shortcuts".
  3. Here you'll find a list of all available shortcuts categorized by their functions.

Adding Custom Shortcuts

Let's create a custom shortcut to open Firefox:

  1. In the Keyboard Shortcuts settings, scroll down to find the "Custom Shortcuts" section.
  2. Click on the "+" button to add a new shortcut.
  3. Give your shortcut a name (e.g., "Open Firefox").
  4. Enter the command to execute (e.g., firefox).
  5. Click "Add".
  6. Click on "Disabled" or "Set Shortcut" next to your new entry.
  7. Press the key combination you want to use (e.g., Ctrl+Alt+F).
# Command to open Firefox

Example: Creating a Shortcut for Taking Screenshots with Delay

Let's create a more advanced custom shortcut that takes a screenshot with a 5-second delay:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 from above.
  2. Enter "Delayed Screenshot" as the name.
  3. Enter this command: gnome-screenshot --delay=5
  4. Set a shortcut like Ctrl+Shift+PrtScn.
# Command for delayed screenshot
gnome-screenshot --delay=5

Terminal Shortcuts

The terminal is a powerful tool in Ubuntu, and knowing these shortcuts can make your command-line experience much more efficient:

Ctrl + CInterrupt/kill the current process
Ctrl + ZSuspend the current process
Ctrl + DLog out of the current terminal
Ctrl + LClear the terminal screen
Ctrl + AMove cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + EMove cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl + UDelete from cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + KDelete from cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl + WDelete the word before the cursor
Ctrl + RSearch command history
Up/Down arrowsNavigate through command history
TabAuto-complete commands, filenames, and directories

Working with Multiple Workspaces

Workspaces in Ubuntu are virtual desktops that help you organize your open applications and windows. Here's how to use them effectively:

  1. Press Super + PageUp/PageDown to navigate between workspaces.
  2. To move a window to another workspace, press Shift + Super + PageUp/PageDown.
  3. You can also create a dynamic workspace by dragging a window to the right edge of the screen in the Activities overview (press Super to open).

Text Editing Shortcuts

These shortcuts work in most text editors and text fields across Ubuntu:

Ctrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + VPaste text from clipboard
Ctrl + ZUndo last action
Ctrl + Shift + Z or Ctrl + YRedo last undone action
Ctrl + ASelect all content
Shift + Arrow keysSelect text character by character
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keysSelect text word by word
HomeMove cursor to beginning of line
EndMove cursor to end of line

Real-World Examples

Example 1: Efficient Multitasking

Scenario: You're working on a web development project with multiple applications open:

  • A text editor with your code
  • Firefox with documentation
  • Terminal for executing commands
  • File manager for organizing project files

Here's how to efficiently navigate between these:

  1. Press Alt + Tab to quickly switch between applications.
  2. Use Super + Left and Super + Right to arrange Firefox and your text editor side by side.
  3. Use Ctrl + Alt + T to quickly open terminal when needed.
  4. Use Super + PageDown to move to a new workspace for file management.
  5. Use Shift + Super + PageUp to move windows between workspaces as needed.

Example 2: Taking and Editing Screenshots for Documentation

Scenario: You need to capture and annotate screenshots for a tutorial:

  1. Use Shift + PrtScn to select a specific area of the screen.
  2. The screenshot is automatically saved to your Pictures folder.
  3. Use Alt + Tab to switch to an image editor.
  4. Use Ctrl + O to open the screenshot.
  5. After editing, use Ctrl + S to save it.

Visualizing Workspace Navigation

Here's a diagram showing how workspaces are organized in Ubuntu:


Mastering keyboard shortcuts in Ubuntu can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency. They allow you to perform tasks quickly without having to navigate through menus or use the mouse, saving you valuable time during your work.

We've covered essential shortcuts for desktop navigation, window management, system operations, terminal usage, and text editing. Remember that practice is key to internalizing these shortcuts - start with a few that you find most useful and gradually expand your repertoire.

Additional Resources

  • Ubuntu Documentation: The official Ubuntu documentation provides comprehensive information about keyboard shortcuts and customization.
  • Keyboard Shortcut Manager: Explore more advanced customization with tools like dconf-editor.
  • GNOME Tweaks: Install the GNOME Tweaks tool for additional customization options:
    sudo apt install gnome-tweaks

Practice Exercises

  1. Time yourself: Try performing common tasks first with the mouse, then with keyboard shortcuts, and compare the time difference.
  2. Create custom shortcuts: Set up at least three custom shortcuts for applications you use frequently.
  3. Workspace challenge: Practice organizing your applications across multiple workspaces, using only keyboard shortcuts to navigate.
  4. Terminal mastery: Open a terminal and practice using the terminal shortcuts to navigate command history and edit command lines.
  5. Window arrangement: Practice snapping windows to different parts of the screen using keyboard shortcuts to create an efficient workspace layout.

By regularly using these shortcuts, they'll become second nature, making your Ubuntu experience more efficient and enjoyable.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)