Ubuntu Terminal Basics
The terminal is one of the most powerful tools in Ubuntu, providing direct access to the underlying system through a text-based interface. While graphical interfaces make many tasks accessible, mastering the terminal unlocks greater efficiency, automation capabilities, and deeper control over your Ubuntu system.
In this guide, we'll explore the fundamental terminal commands and concepts that every Ubuntu user should know. Whether you're completely new to Linux or looking to strengthen your foundation, these basics will set you on the path to terminal proficiency.
What is the Terminal?
The terminal (also called the command line or shell) is a text-based interface where you type commands to interact with your computer. In Ubuntu, the default terminal application runs a shell program called Bash (Bourne Again SHell), though other shells like Zsh or Fish are also available.
Opening the Terminal
There are several ways to open a terminal in Ubuntu:
- Press
Ctrl + Alt + T
(keyboard shortcut) - Search for "Terminal" in the applications menu
- Right-click on the desktop and select "Open Terminal" (if this option is enabled)
Understanding the Terminal Prompt
When you open the terminal, you'll see a prompt that typically looks like this:
This prompt tells you:
- Your username
- The hostname of your computer
- Your current directory (
represents your home directory) - The
symbol indicates you're logged in as a regular user (a#
would indicate root user)
Basic Navigation Commands
1. pwd
- Print Working Directory
Shows your current location in the file system.
$ pwd
2. ls
- List Files and Directories
Displays the contents of the current directory.
$ ls
Documents Downloads Music Pictures Videos
Common options:
ls -l
- Long format showing permissions, size, etc.ls -a
- Shows all files including hidden ones (starting with .)ls -h
- Human-readable file sizes
$ ls -la
total 112
drwxr-xr-x 16 username username 4096 Mar 10 14:22 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 15 10:45 ..
-rw------- 1 username username 9320 Mar 10 14:20 .bash_history
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Mar 8 09:12 Documents
drwxr-xr-x 3 username username 4096 Mar 9 17:45 Downloads
3. cd
- Change Directory
Navigates between directories.
$ cd Documents
$ pwd
Special directory references:
cd ~
- Go to your home directorycd ..
- Go up one directory levelcd -
- Go to previous directory
File and Directory Operations
1. mkdir
- Make Directory
Creates a new directory.
$ mkdir Projects
$ ls
Documents Downloads Music Pictures Projects Videos
Create nested directories with the -p
$ mkdir -p Projects/WebDev/HTML
2. touch
- Create Empty Files
Creates a new empty file or updates the timestamp of an existing file.
$ touch notes.txt
$ ls
Documents Downloads Music notes.txt Pictures Projects Videos
3. cp
- Copy Files or Directories
Copies files or directories from one location to another.
$ cp notes.txt Documents/
$ ls Documents/
Copy directories with the -r
(recursive) option:
$ cp -r Projects/ Documents/
4. mv
- Move or Rename Files
Moves files or directories, also used for renaming.
Move a file:
$ mv notes.txt Documents/
Rename a file:
$ mv notes.txt todo.txt
5. rm
- Remove Files or Directories
Deletes files or directories.
$ rm todo.txt
Remove directories with -r
(recursive) option:
$ rm -r Projects/
Warning: Be careful with rm
, especially when combined with wildcards or the -rf
flag, as deleted files cannot be easily recovered!
Viewing and Editing Files
1. cat
- Concatenate and Display Files
Displays the contents of a file.
$ cat notes.txt
This is my notes file.
It contains important information.
2. less
- View Files with Pagination
Views file contents with scrolling capability.
$ less large_file.txt
Navigation in less
- Forward one pageb
- Back one page/pattern
- Search for textq
- Quit
3. head
and tail
- View Beginning or End of Files
shows the first 10 lines of a file:
$ head large_file.txt
# Shows first 10 lines
shows the last 10 lines:
$ tail large_file.txt
# Shows last 10 lines
You can specify the number of lines:
$ head -n 5 large_file.txt
# Shows first 5 lines
4. Text Editors
Several text editors are available in the terminal:
- Beginner-friendly editorbash$ nano filename.txt
- More powerful but has a steeper learning curvebash$ vim filename.txt
Finding Files and Content
1. find
- Search for Files
Searches for files in a directory hierarchy.
$ find . -name "*.txt"
Find by type:
$ find . -type d -name "Project*"
2. grep
- Search Within Files
Searches for patterns in files.
$ grep "important" notes.txt
This file contains important information.
Recursive search in directories:
$ grep -r "Ubuntu" Documents/
Documents/notes.txt:Ubuntu is a Linux distribution.
Documents/tutorial.txt:Ubuntu terminal basics are essential.
Working with Permissions
1. Understanding Permissions
File permissions are displayed with ls -l
$ ls -l notes.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 username groupname 45 Mar 10 14:30 notes.txt
The permission string -rw-r--r--
- First character: File type (
for regular file,d
for directory) - Next three characters: Owner permissions (
= read, write, no execute) - Next three characters: Group permissions (
= read, no write, no execute) - Last three characters: Others permissions (
= read, no write, no execute)
2. chmod
- Change Permissions
Changes file or directory permissions.
$ chmod u+x script.sh
$ ls -l script.sh
-rwxr--r-- 1 username groupname 80 Mar 10 14:35 script.sh
Common patterns:
chmod u+x
- Add execute permission for the ownerchmod 755
- Set rwx for owner, rx for group and otherschmod 644
- Set rw for owner, r for group and others
Command Execution and Redirection
1. Command History
Access previously used commands:
- Use
arrow keys to navigate history history
command shows the command history list
$ history
1 pwd
2 ls -la
3 cd Documents
Execute a command from history:
$ !3
cd Documents
2. Input/Output Redirection
Redirect output to a file:
$ ls -la > file_list.txt
Append output to an existing file:
$ echo "New line" >> notes.txt
Redirect input from a file:
$ sort < unsorted.txt
3. Pipes
Connect the output of one command to the input of another:
$ ls -la | grep "Documents"
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Mar 8 09:12 Documents
Chain multiple commands:
$ cat large_file.txt | grep "important" | sort > important_lines.txt
Process Management
1. ps
- List Running Processes
Shows currently running processes.
$ ps
1234 pts/0 00:00:00 bash
5678 pts/0 00:00:00 ps
For more detailed information:
$ ps aux
2. kill
- Terminate Processes
Terminates a process by PID (Process ID).
$ kill 1234
Force kill a stubborn process:
$ kill -9 1234
3. Background Processes
Run a command in the background by adding &
$ long_running_command &
[1] 1234
Suspend a running process with Ctrl+Z
, then:
- Continue the process in the backgroundfg
- Bring the process to the foreground
Terminal Shortcuts
Some helpful keyboard shortcuts to improve efficiency:
- Cancel the current commandCtrl+L
- Clear the screen (alternative toclear
- Move cursor to beginning of lineCtrl+E
- Move cursor to end of lineCtrl+W
- Delete the word before the cursorCtrl+U
- Delete from cursor to beginning of lineTab
- Auto-complete commands and filenames
Package Management Basics
Ubuntu uses apt
(Advanced Package Tool) for package management.
Update package lists:
$ sudo apt update
Upgrade installed packages:
$ sudo apt upgrade
Install a package:
$ sudo apt install package-name
Remove a package:
$ sudo apt remove package-name
Search for packages:
$ apt search keyword
Getting Help
When you're unsure about a command, there are several ways to get help:
1. man
- Manual Pages
Detailed documentation for commands.
$ man ls
Navigate with the same keys as less
(Space, b, q, etc.).
2. --help
Most commands provide basic help with the --help
$ ls --help
3. info
- More Detailed Documentation
Some commands have more extensive documentation in the info system.
$ info ls
Practical Examples
Let's look at some real-world tasks you might perform with the terminal:
Example 1: Finding Large Files
$ find /home -type f -size +100M -exec ls -lh {} \; | sort -k5,5hr
This command finds files larger than 100MB in the /home directory and lists them with their sizes in human-readable format, sorted by size.
Example 2: Batch Renaming Files
$ for f in *.jpg; do mv "$f" "vacation_$(date +%Y%m%d)_$f"; done
This renames all .jpg files by adding "vacation_" and the current date as a prefix.
Example 3: Creating a Backup
$ tar -czvf backup_$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz Documents/
This creates a compressed backup of the Documents directory with the current date in the filename.
Example 4: System Monitoring
$ watch -n 1 'free -m; echo ""; df -h'
This displays memory and disk usage, updating every second.
The Ubuntu terminal provides a powerful interface for interacting with your system. In this guide, we've covered:
- Basic navigation with
, andcd
- File operations with
, andrm
- Viewing and editing files
- Finding files and content with
- Working with permissions
- Command execution, redirection, and pipes
- Process management
- Package management with
- Getting help with
While it may seem intimidating at first, regular practice with these commands will build your confidence and efficiency. The terminal is an essential tool for any Ubuntu user, especially those interested in programming or system administration.
Additional Resources
For further practice and learning:
- Practice these commands regularly
- Explore online terminal games like "Terminus" or "Over The Wire: Bandit"
- Create your own shell scripts to automate common tasks
- Try to use the terminal for daily tasks instead of the GUI when possible
- Create a directory structure for a hypothetical project with subdirectories for source code, documentation, and resources.
- Write a command to find all .txt files in your home directory that contain the word "important".
- Create a simple shell script that displays the current date, disk usage, and memory usage.
- Use redirection to combine the contents of multiple text files into a single file.
- Find the five largest files in your Documents directory.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)