Ubuntu Podman
Podman (Pod Manager) is a daemonless container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI (Open Container Initiative) containers on Linux systems, including Ubuntu. As a modern alternative to Docker, Podman allows you to run containers without requiring root privileges, making it more secure and flexible for development environments.
In this guide, we'll explore how to set up Podman on Ubuntu, understand its core concepts, and learn how to use it effectively for your containerization needs. Whether you're new to containers or transitioning from other container technologies, this tutorial will provide you with the knowledge to get started with Podman on Ubuntu.
Why Podman?
Before diving into installation and commands, let's understand why Podman is gaining popularity:
- Daemonless architecture: Unlike Docker, Podman doesn't require a running daemon process
- Rootless containers: Run containers without root privileges
- Docker compatibility: Most Docker commands work with Podman
- Pod support: Native Kubernetes-like pod management
- Security-focused: Improved isolation and reduced attack surface
Installing Podman on Ubuntu
Podman is available in the Ubuntu repositories starting from Ubuntu 20.04. Let's install it:
# Update your system repositories
sudo apt update
# Install Podman
sudo apt install -y podman
After installation, verify that Podman is correctly installed:
podman --version
Expected output (version may vary):
podman version 3.4.4
Basic Podman Commands
Let's get familiar with basic Podman commands. If you've used Docker before, you'll notice similarities.
Pulling Images
Pull an image from a registry:
podman pull ubuntu:22.04
Expected output:
Trying to pull ubuntu:22.04...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob e5bccf219b16 done
Copying blob 4b75288346d4 done
Copying blob 1a40cb2669a8 done
Copying config d4c2ef5a1e done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
Listing Images
View downloaded images:
podman images
Expected output:
docker.io/library/ubuntu 22.04 d4c2ef5a1ea7 2 weeks ago 77.8 MB
Running Containers
Run a container from an image:
podman run -it ubuntu:22.04 bash
This command starts an interactive Ubuntu container with bash shell access.
Listing Containers
List running containers:
podman ps
List all containers (including stopped ones):
podman ps -a
Stopping and Removing Containers
Stop a running container:
podman stop <container_id>
Remove a container:
podman rm <container_id>
Rootless Containers
One of Podman's key features is the ability to run containers without root privileges. This is called "rootless mode."
By default, when you install Podman on Ubuntu, you can run containers as a non-root user:
# As a regular user (not using sudo)
podman run -it ubuntu:22.04 bash
This enhances security by limiting container privileges to your user account.
Working with Podman Containers
Running a Web Server
Let's run a simple web server using Podman:
podman run -d -p 8080:80 --name web-server nginx
This command:
: Runs the container in detached mode (background)-p 8080:80
: Maps port 8080 on your host to port 80 in the container--name web-server
: Names the container "web-server"nginx
: Uses the Nginx web server image
Verify the running container:
podman ps
Expected output:
3a7c37f5f7e9 docker.io/library/nginx:latest nginx -g daemon o... 5 seconds ago Up 5 seconds ago>80/tcp web-server
Access the web server by opening your browser and navigating to http://localhost:8080
Creating a Custom Container
Let's create a custom container using a Containerfile (Podman's equivalent to a Dockerfile):
- Create a directory for your project:
mkdir ~/podman-demo
cd ~/podman-demo
- Create a file named
with the following content:
FROM ubuntu:22.04
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
- Build the container image:
podman build -t my-nginx .
- Run your custom container:
podman run -d -p 8080:80 --name custom-web my-nginx
Managing Container Lifecycle
Inspecting Containers
Get detailed information about a container:
podman inspect <container_id>
Viewing Container Logs
Check container logs:
podman logs <container_id>
Follow logs in real-time:
podman logs -f <container_id>
Executing Commands in Running Containers
Run commands inside a running container:
podman exec -it <container_id> bash
Working with Pods
Podman supports pods, which are groups of containers that share resources. This concept is similar to Kubernetes pods.
Creating a Pod
Create a pod:
podman pod create --name my-pod -p 8080:80
Adding Containers to a Pod
Add a container to the pod:
podman run -d --pod my-pod --name web-container nginx
Add another container to the same pod:
podman run -d --pod my-pod --name app-container ubuntu sleep infinity
Managing Pods
List pods:
podman pod list
Stop a pod (stops all containers in the pod):
podman pod stop my-pod
Remove a pod:
podman pod rm my-pod
Podman vs Docker: Key Differences
Here's a comparison of Podman and Docker architecture:
Key differences:
- Docker requires a daemon running with root privileges
- Podman is daemonless and can run without root privileges
- Podman uses the same OCI container format as Docker
- Podman supports Kubernetes-style pods
Volume Management
Creating Volumes
Create a named volume:
podman volume create my-data
List volumes:
podman volume ls
Using Volumes with Containers
Mount a volume to a container:
podman run -d -v my-data:/var/www/html --name web-with-data nginx
Mount a host directory to a container:
podman run -d -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container --name web-with-host-data nginx
Networking in Podman
Listing Networks
View available networks:
podman network ls
Creating Custom Networks
Create a custom network:
podman network create my-network
Run a container on the custom network:
podman run -d --network my-network --name networked-container nginx
Container Resource Management
Limit container resources:
podman run --memory="512m" --cpu-shares=512 -d --name limited-container nginx
Persisting Containers with Systemd
Podman can generate systemd unit files to automatically start containers at boot:
- Generate a systemd service file:
podman generate systemd --name web-server --new > web-server.service
- Install the service file:
mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user/
cp web-server.service ~/.config/systemd/user/
- Enable and start the service:
systemctl --user enable web-server.service
systemctl --user start web-server.service
Migrating from Docker to Podman
If you're coming from Docker, Podman makes the transition easy:
- Set up a Podman alias for Docker:
alias docker=podman
- Most Docker commands will work unchanged with Podman
- Dockerfile syntax is compatible with Containerfile
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Permission Denied
If you encounter permission issues:
podman unshare chown -R <your-username>:<your-group> ~/.local/share/containers
Network Connectivity Issues
Reset Podman's network:
podman network rm podman
podman network create podman
In this guide, we've explored Podman on Ubuntu as a powerful and secure alternative to Docker. We've covered:
- Installing and configuring Podman
- Basic container operations
- Working with rootless containers
- Managing images, volumes, and networks
- Creating pods for multi-container applications
- Comparing Podman with Docker
- Troubleshooting common issues
Podman provides a seamless transition for Docker users while offering enhanced security through its daemonless, rootless architecture. As container technology evolves, Podman represents an important tool in the Ubuntu virtualization ecosystem.
Further Learning
To continue your Podman journey:
- Explore more complex containerization scenarios
- Learn about container orchestration with Kubernetes
- Build CI/CD pipelines using Podman
- Investigate container security best practices
Practice Exercises
- Create a Podman container running a database server
- Set up a multi-container application using pods
- Create a custom image for a Python web application
- Configure persistent storage for a stateful application
- Experiment with Podman's resource constraints for performance tuning
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)