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MongoDB deleteMany

MongoDB's deleteMany() method is a powerful operation that allows you to remove multiple documents from a collection that match specific filter criteria. This is particularly useful when you need to clean up or update your database by removing sets of related documents at once.


In any database system, deleting data is as important as creating or updating it. Whether you're cleaning up outdated records, removing test data, or implementing a data retention policy, MongoDB's deleteMany() operation provides an efficient way to remove multiple documents simultaneously.

Unlike the deleteOne() method which removes only the first matching document, deleteMany() removes all documents that match the specified filter. This makes it both powerful and potentially dangerous if used without proper filtering conditions.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for the deleteMany() operation is:

db.collection.deleteMany(filter, options)


  • filter: A document that specifies the selection criteria for the documents to delete.
  • options: Optional. Additional options for the delete operation.

Return Value

The deleteMany() method returns a document containing:

  • acknowledged: boolean indicating if the operation was acknowledged by the server
  • deletedCount: the number of documents that were deleted

Basic Usage

Let's see how to use the deleteMany() method with some simple examples.

Example 1: Delete All Documents in a Collection

To remove all documents from a collection:



{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 35 }

This command is very powerful (and potentially dangerous) as it deletes all documents in the collection. It's equivalent to truncating a table in SQL databases but preserves the collection structure and indexes.

Example 2: Delete Documents with Specific Criteria

Let's delete all products that are out of stock:

db.products.deleteMany({ stock: 0 })


{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 7 }

This removes all products where the stock field equals 0.

Advanced Filtering

One of MongoDB's strengths is its expressive query language. The deleteMany() method supports the same query operators that you use with find() and other query methods.

Example 3: Delete with Comparison Operators

Delete all products with a price less than $10:

db.products.deleteMany({ price: { $lt: 10 } })


{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 15 }

Example 4: Delete with Logical Operators

Delete products that are either discontinued OR have a price above $100:

$or: [
{ discontinued: true },
{ price: { $gt: 100 } }


{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 8 }

Example 5: Delete with Multiple Conditions

Delete products in the "Electronics" category with less than 5 items in stock:

category: "Electronics",
stock: { $lt: 5 }


{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 3 }

Working with Options

The deleteMany() method also accepts an optional options parameter to modify the behavior of the deletion operation.

Example 6: Using Write Concern

When working in production environments, you might want to ensure the delete operation propagates to a certain number of replica set members:

{ discontinued: true },
{ writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 } }

This ensures the delete operation is acknowledged by a majority of replica set members within 5 seconds.

Real-World Applications

Let's explore some practical scenarios where deleteMany() is particularly useful:

Data Cleanup Jobs

In a log management system, you might want to delete logs older than a certain date:

const thirtyDaysAgo = new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 30));

timestamp: { $lt: thirtyDaysAgo }


{ "acknowledged" : true, "deletedCount" : 13542 }

User Data Management

In a user management system, when handling GDPR "right to be forgotten" requests:

db.users.deleteMany({ accountStatus: "deleted_requested" })

// Then also clean up related data
db.userPreferences.deleteMany({ userId: { $in: deletedUserIds } })
db.userPosts.deleteMany({ authorId: { $in: deletedUserIds } })

Batch Processing

When processing batches of e-commerce orders, you might want to remove all canceled orders:

status: "canceled",
orderDate: { $lt: new Date("2023-01-01") }

Best Practices and Considerations

When using deleteMany(), keep these important considerations in mind:

  1. Always include a filter: Unless you truly want to delete all documents, never use an empty filter object {}.

  2. Test your filter first: Run a find() query with the same filter to preview which documents will be deleted.

    // First check what would be deleted
    db.products.find({ category: "Obsolete" }).toArray()

    // Then perform the deletion if the results match expectations
    db.products.deleteMany({ category: "Obsolete" })
  3. Consider performance impact: Deleting a large number of documents can cause performance issues. For very large deletions, consider batching:

    // Find IDs to delete
    const idsToDelete = db.largeCollection.find(
    { needsRemoval: true },
    { _id: 1 }
    ).limit(1000).map(doc => doc._id);

    // Delete in batches
    db.largeCollection.deleteMany({ _id: { $in: idsToDelete } })
  4. Use indexes: Ensure your filter criteria uses indexed fields for better performance.

  5. Consider soft deletes: In some cases, adding a "deleted" flag to documents might be preferable to actually removing them.

Error Handling

When using deleteMany() in application code, it's important to handle potential errors:

try {
const result = await db.collection('products').deleteMany({
category: "Discontinued"
console.log(`${result.deletedCount} documents were deleted`);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error occurred during deletion: ${err.message}`);
// Handle the error appropriately

MongoDB deleteMany vs Other Delete Operations

Let's compare MongoDB's different delete methods:

MethodPurposeReturn ValueUse When
deleteOne()Delete a single documentDeletion confirmationYou need to delete just one specific document
deleteMany()Delete multiple documentsDeletion confirmation with countYou need to remove multiple documents at once
findOneAndDelete()Delete and return a documentThe deleted documentYou need the document content before it's deleted


MongoDB's deleteMany() method is a powerful tool for removing multiple documents from a collection based on specified criteria. Here's what we've covered:

  • Basic syntax and parameters of deleteMany()
  • How to delete all documents or filter by specific criteria
  • Using comparison and logical operators for complex filtering
  • Real-world applications like data cleanup and user management
  • Best practices for safe and efficient deletions
  • Error handling considerations

The deleteMany() operation is particularly useful for batch processing, data cleanup jobs, and implementing data retention policies. Always remember to test your filter criteria before executing a deletion to avoid unintended data loss.


To practice your new knowledge of deleteMany(), try these exercises:

  1. Create a collection called practice and insert 10 documents with varying category and value fields.
  2. Delete all documents with value greater than 50.
  3. Delete documents that belong to either "category1" or "category3".
  4. Delete documents where active is false AND lastUpdated is more than 30 days ago.
  5. Add error handling to your delete operations.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)