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MongoDB insertOne


In MongoDB, adding data to a collection is one of the most fundamental operations you'll perform. The insertOne() method is the primary way to add a single document to a MongoDB collection. Whether you're building a user registration system, a product catalog, or a blog platform, understanding how to properly insert documents is essential.

In this guide, we'll explore how to use the insertOne() method, its options, handling potential errors, and see practical examples that demonstrate how to implement it in real applications.

What is insertOne()?

The insertOne() method is used to add a new document to a MongoDB collection. It takes a JSON-like document as an argument and inserts it into the specified collection.

Basic Syntax

writeConcern: <document>,
ordered: <boolean>


  • <document> is the document you want to insert
  • writeConcern (optional) defines the level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for the write operation
  • ordered (optional) specifies whether to perform an ordered or unordered insert operation

Using insertOne() - Basic Example

Let's start with a simple example of adding a user to a users collection:

name: "John Doe",
email: "[email protected]",
age: 30,
active: true,
created: new Date()


"acknowledged": true,
"insertedId": ObjectId("60a2e2c67c865a5a8511fb82")

This output tells us:

  • The operation was acknowledged by the MongoDB server
  • MongoDB generated a unique _id field (an ObjectId) for the document

Understanding the Result

When you execute an insertOne() operation, MongoDB returns a document containing:

  1. acknowledged: A boolean indicating if the operation was acknowledged by the server
  2. insertedId: The _id value of the inserted document

If you don't specify an _id field in your document, MongoDB will automatically generate a unique ObjectId for you.

Document Structure and Data Types

MongoDB documents are essentially JSON-like objects. You can insert different data types, including:

name: "Laptop",
price: 999.99, // Number (floating point)
quantity: 50, // Number (integer)
available: true, // Boolean
categories: ["electronics", "computers"], // Array
specs: { // Nested document
cpu: "Intel i7",
ram: "16GB",
storage: "512GB SSD"
lastUpdated: new Date(), // Date object
manufacturer_id: ObjectId("60a2e2c67c865a5a8511fb83") // ObjectId reference

Handling Errors and Validation

When inserting documents, you may encounter errors. Common issues include:

  1. Duplicate Key Error: When trying to insert a document with an _id that already exists
// This will succeed
db.inventory.insertOne({ _id: 123, item: "Pencil", qty: 500 });

// This will fail with a duplicate key error
db.inventory.insertOne({ _id: 123, item: "Pen", qty: 300 });
  1. Schema Validation Errors: If your collection has validation rules

To handle potential errors, you can use try-catch blocks in your application code:

try {
db.inventory.insertOne({ _id: 123, item: "Pencil", qty: 500 });
console.log("Document inserted successfully");
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error during insertion:", e.message);

InsertOne() Options

Write Concern

Write concern determines the level of acknowledgment requested from MongoDB for write operations:

{ name: "Jane Smith", email: "[email protected]" },
{ writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 } }

This ensures that the write operation has been applied to a majority of the replica set members within 5 seconds.

Bypassing Document Validation

If you have document validation rules but need to insert a document that doesn't meet those rules:

{ value: "invalid_value" },
{ bypassDocumentValidation: true }

Practical Examples

Example 1: User Registration System

function registerUser(userData) {
// Add default values and process data
const user = {
verified: false,
createdAt: new Date(),
lastLogin: new Date(),
roles: ["user"]

try {
const result = db.users.insertOne(user);
return {
success: true,
userId: result.insertedId,
message: "User registered successfully"
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 11000) { // Duplicate key error
return {
success: false,
message: "Email address already in use"
return {
success: false,
message: "Error during registration"

Example 2: E-commerce Product Addition

function addProduct(productData) {
// Generate SKU and add metadata
const product = {
sku: generateSKU(productData.category,,
addedOn: new Date(),
lastModified: new Date(),
views: 0,
sales: 0

const result = db.products.insertOne(product);

// If insertion successful, update inventory
if (result.acknowledged) {
product_id: result.insertedId,
warehouse: "MAIN",
quantity: productData.initialStock,
lowStockAlert: productData.initialStock < 10

return {
success: true,
productId: result.insertedId

return { success: false };

Example 3: Logging System

function logSystemEvent(eventType, details) {
const event = {
type: eventType,
details: details,
timestamp: new Date(),
severity: getSeverityLevel(eventType)

try {

// If it's a critical event, also store in separate collection
if (event.severity === "CRITICAL") {
acknowledged: false,
notificationSent: false

return true;
} catch (error) {
// Fallback logging if database insert fails
console.error("Failed to log event to database:", eventType, details);
return false;

MongoDB insertOne() vs Other Insert Methods

MongoDB provides several methods for inserting documents:

  • insertOne(): Inserts a single document
  • insertMany(): Inserts multiple documents in one operation
  • insert(): Legacy method that can insert either one document or an array of documents

Performance Considerations

When using insertOne(), keep these performance tips in mind:

  1. Batching: If you need to insert multiple documents, use insertMany() instead of multiple insertOne() calls
  2. Indexes: Be aware that inserting into collections with many indexes will be slower
  3. Write Concern: Higher write concern levels (like {w: "majority"}) provide more durability but may impact performance
  4. Document Size: MongoDB has a 16MB document size limit


The insertOne() method is a fundamental MongoDB operation for adding new documents to collections. In this guide, we've covered:

  • Basic syntax and usage of insertOne()
  • Understanding the result object
  • Handling different data types in documents
  • Error handling strategies
  • Configuration options like write concerns
  • Practical examples in real-world applications

By mastering insertOne(), you've taken an important step in your MongoDB journey. This operation forms the foundation for creating data in your MongoDB collections.


  1. Create a collection named books and insert a document representing your favorite book with fields for title, author, publication year, and genre.
  2. Write a function that takes user input (like name, email, age) and inserts it into a contacts collection with error handling for duplicate emails.
  3. Insert a document with a custom _id field rather than letting MongoDB generate one automatically.
  4. Create a blog post document with nested arrays of comments, each containing the commenter's name and the comment text.
  5. Try inserting a document with the insertOne() method and a write concern that ensures the write is acknowledged by a majority of replica set members.

Additional Resources

Happy coding with MongoDB!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)