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MongoDB mongorestore


mongorestore is a powerful utility tool provided by MongoDB that allows you to restore databases and collections from BSON dump files. These dump files are typically created using the complementary tool mongodump. Understanding how to effectively use mongorestore is essential for database administrators and developers who need to perform data migrations, create backups, or set up development environments with production-like data.

In this guide, we'll explore:

  • What is mongorestore and why it's useful
  • Basic syntax and command options
  • How to restore entire databases or specific collections
  • Advanced features for handling various restoration scenarios
  • Best practices for optimal use

What is mongorestore?

mongorestore is a command-line utility that imports content from BSON dump files created by mongodump. It's part of the MongoDB Database Tools package and functions as the counterpart to mongodump.

Key characteristics:

  • Recreates data previously backed up by mongodump
  • Can restore entire databases or selected collections
  • Supports both local and remote MongoDB instances
  • Provides various options for controlling the restoration process

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for the mongorestore command is:

mongorestore [options] [directory or file to restore]

If you specify a directory, mongorestore will attempt to restore all BSON files in that directory. If you specify a file, it will restore only that file.

Connection Options

To connect to a MongoDB instance:

mongorestore --host <hostname> --port <port> --username <username> --password <password> --authenticationDatabase <auth_db> <dump_directory>

For example:

mongorestore --host localhost --port 27017 --username admin --password secret --authenticationDatabase admin ./dump

Common Usage Examples

Restoring an Entire Database

To restore an entire database:

mongorestore --db myDatabase ./dump/myDatabase

This command will restore all collections found in the ./dump/myDatabase directory into the myDatabase database.

Example Output:

2023-07-15T14:25:30.123+0000    preparing collections to restore from
2023-07-15T14:25:30.135+0000 restoring myDatabase.users from dump/myDatabase/users.bson
2023-07-15T14:25:30.240+0000 restoring myDatabase.products from dump/myDatabase/products.bson
2023-07-15T14:25:30.349+0000 finished restoring myDatabase.users (1000 documents, 0 failures)
2023-07-15T14:25:30.455+0000 finished restoring myDatabase.products (500 documents, 0 failures)
2023-07-15T14:25:30.456+0000 2 collections restored successfully. 0 failures.

Restoring a Specific Collection

To restore a single collection:

mongorestore --db myDatabase --collection users ./dump/myDatabase/users.bson

This command will only restore the users collection to the myDatabase database.

Restoring to a Different Database

You can restore data to a database with a different name:

mongorestore --nsFrom="originalDB.*" --nsTo="newDB.*" ./dump/originalDB

This will restore all collections from originalDB to newDB.

Advanced Options

Drop Option

The --drop option drops the collection before restoring it, ensuring a clean slate:

mongorestore --drop --db myDatabase ./dump/myDatabase

Restoring with Different Indexes

By default, mongorestore will attempt to restore indexes defined in the metadata files. To skip index restoration:

mongorestore --noIndexRestore --db myDatabase ./dump/myDatabase

Controlling Insertion Speed

For large restorations, you can control the number of insertion workers:

mongorestore --numInsertionWorkersPerCollection=4 ./dump/myDatabase

Dry Run

To see what would be restored without actually restoring:

mongorestore --dryRun ./dump

Real-World Application Examples

Example 1: Database Migration

When migrating a database between environments (e.g., from development to staging):

# Step 1: Create a dump of the development database
mongodump --db devApp --out ./migration_backup

# Step 2: Restore to the staging environment
mongorestore --host staging-server --port 27017 --username stageuser --password stagepwd --db stageApp --drop ./migration_backup/devApp

Example 2: Point-in-Time Recovery

Restoring a database to a specific point in time using oplog:

mongorestore --oplogReplay --oplogLimit "1627432800:0" ./dump

This restores the database and replays operations from the oplog up to July 28, 2021 (Unix timestamp 1627432800).

Example 3: Selective Collection Restore with Transformation

Let's say you need to restore only specific collections and rename them:

# Restore users collection as archived_users
mongorestore --nsFrom="production.users" --nsTo="production.archived_users" ./dump/production/users.bson

# Restore only documents matching a query (MongoDB 4.4+)
mongorestore --nsInclude="production.orders" --queryFile filter.json ./dump

Where filter.json might contain:

{ "orderDate": { "$gt": { "$date": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" } } }

Handling Large Datasets

When working with large datasets, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Use compression: Enable compression to reduce network load

    mongorestore --gzip ./compressed_dump
  2. Adjust batch size: Control how many documents are inserted in each batch

    mongorestore --batchSize 100 ./dump
  3. Monitor system resources: Large restores can be resource-intensive, so keep an eye on CPU, memory, and disk I/O


Here's a visual representation of how mongorestore fits into a typical MongoDB backup and restoration workflow:

Common Errors and Solutions

Error: Failed to connect to host

Failed to connect to localhost:27017, reason: errno:111 Connection refused

Solution: Ensure MongoDB is running, check the hostname and port.

Error: Not authorized

not authorized on admin to execute command { listDatabases: 1 }

Solution: Provide correct authentication credentials.

mongorestore --username <username> --password <password> --authenticationDatabase admin ./dump

Error: Duplicate key error

E11000 duplicate key error collection: myDB.users index: _id_ dup key

Solution: Use the --drop option to drop the collection first, or use --stopOnError=false to continue despite errors.

Best Practices

  1. Create clean backups: Ensure your source dump files are complete and not corrupted.
  2. Test restores regularly: Don't wait for an emergency to test your restore process.
  3. Use the --drop option with caution: It deletes existing data before restoration.
  4. Document your restore procedures: Keep records of commands used for future reference.
  5. Monitor storage space: Ensure you have enough disk space for both the dump files and the restored database.
  6. Consider using --dryRun: To test restoration without making actual changes.


mongorestore is a versatile tool for importing MongoDB data from BSON dump files. It supports various scenarios from simple database restoration to complex migration tasks with transformations.

Key points to remember:

  • mongorestore works with BSON files created by mongodump
  • You can restore entire databases or specific collections
  • Advanced options provide fine control over the restoration process
  • Always exercise caution when using destructive options like --drop

Learning how to effectively use mongorestore is essential for MongoDB database management and ensures you can recover your data when needed.

Additional Resources

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a simple MongoDB database with a few collections, dump it using mongodump, then restore it to a different database name.
  2. Practice restoring only specific collections from a dump.
  3. Experiment with the --drop option to see how it affects existing data.
  4. Try to restore data with and without index restoration and observe the difference in performance.
  5. Create a script that automates the backup and restore process for a sample database.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)