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MongoDB Role-Based Access Control

In MongoDB, securing your data isn't just about protecting it from external threats; it's also about controlling who within your organization can access what data and what operations they can perform. This is where Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) comes in. RBAC allows you to define specific roles with specific permissions and assign these roles to users, giving you fine-grained control over database access.

Introduction to RBAC in MongoDB

Role-Based Access Control is a security approach that restricts system access to authorized users based on their role within an organization. MongoDB's RBAC implementation allows administrators to:

  • Define roles with specific privileges
  • Assign roles to users
  • Control access to databases, collections, and operations
  • Implement the principle of least privilege, ensuring users have only the permissions they need

Let's dive into how MongoDB implements this crucial security feature.

Enabling Authentication in MongoDB

Before using RBAC, you need to enable authentication in MongoDB. By default, a fresh MongoDB installation has no access control enabled.

Step 1: Start MongoDB with Access Control

Create an admin user first by starting MongoDB without access control:

// Connect to MongoDB

Then create your admin user:

use admin
user: "adminUser",
pwd: "securePassword",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]

Restart MongoDB with access control enabled:

mongod --auth

Now authentication is required for all connections.

Understanding MongoDB Roles

MongoDB has built-in roles that provide different levels of access to resources. These roles can be categorized into:

Database User Roles

  • read: Read data from all non-system collections
  • readWrite: Read and modify data in all non-system collections

Database Administration Roles

  • dbAdmin: Perform administrative operations
  • userAdmin: Create and modify users and roles
  • dbOwner: Perform any administrative action on the database

Cluster Administration Roles

  • clusterAdmin: Provides greatest administrative access
  • clusterManager: Management and monitoring operations
  • clusterMonitor: Read-only monitoring operations
  • hostManager: To monitor and manage servers

Backup and Restoration Roles

  • backup: Sufficient privileges to back up data
  • restore: Privileges to restore data from backups

Creating Custom Roles

While built-in roles cover many common scenarios, you often need to create custom roles for specific requirements.

Step-by-Step Custom Role Creation

Let's create a custom role that allows a user to read from specific collections but write only to designated collections:

use admin
role: "readWriteSpecificCollections",
privileges: [
resource: { db: "inventory", collection: "products" },
actions: [ "find" ]
resource: { db: "inventory", collection: "orders" },
actions: [ "find", "insert", "update" ]
roles: []

This custom role grants:

  • Read-only access to the products collection
  • Read and write access to the orders collection
  • Both collections are in the inventory database

Creating Users with Specific Roles

Now let's create users and assign roles to them:

Creating a Read-Only User

use admin
user: "readOnlyUser",
pwd: "password123",
roles: [
{ role: "read", db: "inventory" }

Creating a User with Custom Role

use admin
user: "orderProcessor",
pwd: "securePassword456",
roles: [
{ role: "readWriteSpecificCollections", db: "admin" }

Creating an Admin User

use admin
user: "dbAdmin",
pwd: "adminPass789",
roles: [
{ role: "userAdmin", db: "inventory" },
{ role: "dbAdmin", db: "inventory" }

Managing Roles and Users

Once you've created roles and users, you'll need to know how to manage them effectively.

Viewing Existing Roles

use admin
db.getRoles({ showPrivileges: true })

To view a specific role:

use admin
db.getRole("readWriteSpecificCollections", { showPrivileges: true })

Viewing Existing Users

use admin

To view a specific user:

use admin

Modifying User Roles

To add a role to an existing user:

use admin
[{ role: "read", db: "reporting" }]

To remove a role:

use admin
[{ role: "read", db: "reporting" }]

Updating User Password

use admin
db.changeUserPassword("orderProcessor", "newSecurePassword")

Removing a User

use admin

Real-World RBAC Implementation Example

Let's implement a comprehensive RBAC system for an e-commerce application. This example demonstrates how roles would be structured in a production environment.

E-commerce Application Roles

First, let's create database-specific roles:

// Create product catalog role
use admin
role: "catalogManager",
privileges: [
resource: { db: "ecommerce", collection: "products" },
actions: [ "find", "insert", "update" ]
resource: { db: "ecommerce", collection: "categories" },
actions: [ "find", "insert", "update" ]
roles: []

// Create order processing role
role: "orderProcessor",
privileges: [
resource: { db: "ecommerce", collection: "orders" },
actions: [ "find", "insert", "update" ]
resource: { db: "ecommerce", collection: "customers" },
actions: [ "find" ]
roles: []

// Create customer support role
role: "customerSupport",
privileges: [
resource: { db: "ecommerce", collection: "customers" },
actions: [ "find", "update" ]
resource: { db: "ecommerce", collection: "orders" },
actions: [ "find" ]
roles: []

Now, let's create users for different departments:

// Product team member
use admin
user: "productManager",
pwd: "pm@secure123",
roles: [
{ role: "catalogManager", db: "admin" }

// Order fulfillment team member
user: "orderClerk",
pwd: "oc@secure456",
roles: [
{ role: "orderProcessor", db: "admin" }

// Customer service representative
user: "supportRep",
pwd: "sr@secure789",
roles: [
{ role: "customerSupport", db: "admin" }

// Database administrator
user: "databaseAdmin",
pwd: "da@secure000",
roles: [
{ role: "dbAdmin", db: "ecommerce" },
{ role: "userAdmin", db: "ecommerce" }

Testing Access Control

Let's verify our RBAC implementation by connecting with different users:

Product Manager connection:

mongosh -u productManager -p pm@secure123 --authenticationDatabase admin

// This should work
use ecommerce
db.products.insertOne({name: "New Product", price: 29.99})

// This should fail
db.orders.find() // Unauthorized

Order Clerk connection:

mongosh -u orderClerk -p oc@secure456 --authenticationDatabase admin

// This should work
use ecommerce
db.customers.find({email: "[email protected]"}) // Read-only

// This should fail
{_id: ObjectId("60d5ec9af682fbd12a694b32")},
{$set: {name: "Updated Name"}}
) // Unauthorized

Best Practices for MongoDB RBAC

  1. Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

    Always assign the minimum permissions necessary for users to perform their duties.

  2. Use Built-in Roles When Possible

    MongoDB's built-in roles cover most common use cases and are well-tested.

  3. Separate Administrative Responsibilities

    Divide database administration responsibilities among multiple roles.

  4. Regularly Audit Roles and Permissions

    Periodically review and clean up user roles and permissions.

  5. Use Role Inheritance Wisely

    Build complex roles by inheriting from simpler roles to maintain consistency.

  6. Document Your RBAC Structure

    Keep clear documentation of your role hierarchy and the privileges each role has.

  7. Rotate Credentials Regularly

    Change passwords for database users on a regular schedule.

RBAC Workflow Visualization

Here's a diagram showing the RBAC workflow in MongoDB:

Troubleshooting RBAC Issues

Common Issues and Solutions

  1. Authentication Failed

    Error: Authentication failed

    Solution: Verify username, password, and authentication database.

  2. Authorization Failed

    Error: not authorized on [database] to execute command

    Solution: Check if the user has the appropriate role for the operation.

  3. Unable to Create Role

    Solution: Ensure you're authenticated as a user with userAdmin role on the target database.

  4. Role Not Taking Effect

    Solution: Roles are evaluated at login time. Log out and log back in after role changes.


MongoDB's Role-Based Access Control provides a powerful way to secure your database by ensuring that users have access only to the data and operations they need. By implementing RBAC correctly, you can:

  • Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access
  • Separate duties according to user roles
  • Reduce the risk of accidental or malicious data modifications
  • Comply with security regulations and standards

RBAC is a fundamental part of a comprehensive MongoDB security strategy, working alongside other security measures like network isolation, encryption, and auditing to provide defense in depth for your MongoDB deployments.

Additional Resources and Exercises


  1. Basic Role Creation

    Create a role that allows read access to a products collection and read/write access to a reviews collection.

  2. User Management

    Create three users with different roles and test their access to various collections.

  3. Role Hierarchy

    Design a role hierarchy for a social media application with users, posts, comments, and admin functionality.

Further Learning Resources

Remember that proper security configuration is critical for production MongoDB deployments. Always test your RBAC implementation thoroughly and seek expert guidance for complex security requirements.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)