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MongoDB Bitwise Update Operators


MongoDB provides a set of specialized update operators that allow you to perform bit-level operations directly on integer values stored in your documents. These bitwise operators are particularly useful when you need to manipulate individual bits within numeric fields without having to read, modify, and write the entire value.

Bitwise operations are commonly used in:

  • Flag management (enabling/disabling specific features)
  • Permission systems
  • Optimization of storage for boolean values
  • Certain algorithms requiring bit-level manipulation

In this tutorial, we'll explore all of MongoDB's bitwise update operators, understand their syntax, and see practical examples of how they can be applied in real-world scenarios.

Available Bitwise Update Operators

MongoDB provides four bitwise update operators:

  1. $bit: The primary operator for performing bitwise operations
    • $bit with and: Performs a bitwise AND operation
    • $bit with or: Performs a bitwise OR operation
    • $bit with xor: Performs a bitwise XOR operation

Understanding Bitwise Operations

Before diving into the MongoDB operators, let's briefly understand the basic bitwise operations:

Bitwise AND (&)

  • Returns 1 only if both bits are 1
  • Truth table:
    • 0 & 0 = 0
    • 0 & 1 = 0
    • 1 & 0 = 0
    • 1 & 1 = 1

Bitwise OR (|)

  • Returns 1 if at least one bit is 1
  • Truth table:
    • 0 | 0 = 0
    • 0 | 1 = 1
    • 1 | 0 = 1
    • 1 | 1 = 1

Bitwise XOR (^)

  • Returns 1 only if exactly one bit is 1
  • Truth table:
    • 0 ^ 0 = 0
    • 0 ^ 1 = 1
    • 1 ^ 0 = 1
    • 1 ^ 1 = 0

Using the $bit Operator

The $bit operator is the main bitwise operator in MongoDB, and it accepts one of three sub-operators: and, or, or xor.

Basic Syntax

{ <query> },
$bit: {
<field>: { <operation>: <integer> }


  • <field>: The field to update
  • <operation>: One of and, or, or xor
  • <integer>: The integer value to apply the bitwise operation with

Examples of Bitwise Update Operators

Let's create a collection to demonstrate bitwise operations:

_id: 1,
username: "user123",
permissions: 5 // In binary: 101 (read and delete permissions)

In this example, we're using bits to represent permissions:

  • Bit 0 (value 1): Read permission
  • Bit 1 (value 2): Write permission
  • Bit 2 (value 4): Delete permission

So our user with permission value 5 (101 in binary) has read and delete permissions, but not write permission.

Example 1: Using $bit with and

To remove a permission (e.g., delete permission), we can use the and operation with a bitmask:

{ username: "user123" },
$bit: {
permissions: { and: 3 } // Binary: 011 (keep read and write, remove delete)

After this operation:

  • Initial value: 5 (binary: 101)
  • AND with: 3 (binary: 011)
  • Result: 1 (binary: 001) - user now only has read permission

Let's check the result:

db.permissions.findOne({ username: "user123" });


"_id": 1,
"username": "user123",
"permissions": 1

Example 2: Using $bit with or

To add a permission (e.g., write permission), we can use the or operation:

{ username: "user123" },
$bit: {
permissions: { or: 2 } // Binary: 010 (add write permission)

After this operation:

  • Initial value: 1 (binary: 001)
  • OR with: 2 (binary: 010)
  • Result: 3 (binary: 011) - user now has read and write permissions

Let's check the result:

db.permissions.findOne({ username: "user123" });


"_id": 1,
"username": "user123",
"permissions": 3

Example 3: Using $bit with xor

The XOR operation can be used to toggle a permission (turn it on if off, or off if on):

{ username: "user123" },
$bit: {
permissions: { xor: 2 } // Binary: 010 (toggle write permission)

After this operation:

  • Initial value: 3 (binary: 011)
  • XOR with: 2 (binary: 010)
  • Result: 1 (binary: 001) - write permission toggled off, keeping read permission

Let's check the result:

db.permissions.findOne({ username: "user123" });


"_id": 1,
"username": "user123",
"permissions": 1

Practical Application: Feature Flag System

Let's build a simple feature flag system where different features can be enabled or disabled for users:

// Create a user with specific features enabled
_id: "user456",
name: "Jane Smith",
featureFlags: 6 // Binary: 0110 (features 1 and 2 are enabled)

In this system:

  • Bit 0 (value 1): Dark Theme
  • Bit 1 (value 2): Advanced Search
  • Bit 2 (value 4): Beta Features
  • Bit 3 (value 8): Premium Content

Enable Dark Theme (set bit 0)

{ _id: "user456" },
$bit: {
featureFlags: { or: 1 } // Binary: 0001

Disable Beta Features (clear bit 2)

{ _id: "user456" },
$bit: {
featureFlags: { and: ~4 } // Binary: ~0100 = 1011

Toggle Premium Content (toggle bit 3)

{ _id: "user456" },
$bit: {
featureFlags: { xor: 8 } // Binary: 1000

Check User's Features

db.users.findOne({ _id: "user456" });


"_id": "user456",
"name": "Jane Smith",
"featureFlags": 11 // Binary: 1011 (dark theme, advanced search, and premium content enabled)

Best Practices for Using Bitwise Operators

  1. Document Your Bit Meanings: Always maintain clear documentation on what each bit position represents.

  2. Use Helper Functions: In your application code, create helper functions to abstract bitwise operations:

// Example helper functions in JavaScript
function hasPermission(permValue, permBit) {
return (permValue & permBit) === permBit;

function grantPermission(permValue, permBit) {
return permValue | permBit;

function revokePermission(permValue, permBit) {
return permValue & ~permBit;

function togglePermission(permValue, permBit) {
return permValue ^ permBit;
  1. Consider Bit Position Limits: Remember that JavaScript numbers are 64-bit, but for maximum compatibility, stay within 32-bit integers.

  2. Use Meaningful Named Constants: Define constants for your bit flags:

READ: 1, // 001
WRITE: 2, // 010
DELETE: 4, // 100
ADMIN: 7 // 111 (all permissions)


  • Bitwise operators only work on integer fields
  • They cannot be used on floating-point values or non-numeric types
  • Maximum number of bits is limited by MongoDB's integer representation (32-bit or 64-bit depending on the platform)


MongoDB's bitwise update operators provide a powerful way to perform bit-level operations directly within the database. This is particularly useful for:

  • Permission systems and access control
  • Feature flag management
  • Efficiently storing multiple boolean values in a single integer
  • Any scenario requiring bit manipulation without reading and writing entire documents

By understanding and leveraging these operators, you can implement more efficient storage patterns and perform complex bit-level operations directly at the database level.

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a collection of users with a settings field that uses bits to represent user preferences (e.g., email notifications, SMS alerts, dark mode, etc.).

  2. Write MongoDB updates to:

    • Enable email notifications for a specific user
    • Disable SMS alerts for all users
    • Toggle dark mode for users who have email notifications enabled
  3. Advanced: Implement a role-based access control system using bitwise operators where each bit represents permission for a specific resource.

Additional Resources

Happy coding with MongoDB bitwise operators!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)