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MongoDB $pull Operator


When working with arrays in MongoDB documents, there are times when you need to remove specific elements that match certain conditions. This is where the $pull operator comes in handy. The $pull operator removes all array elements that match a specified query from an existing array.

As part of MongoDB's update operators family, $pull is specifically designed for array manipulation, allowing you to selectively remove elements based on:

  • Exact matches
  • Query operators
  • Complex conditions

This makes it a powerful tool for maintaining and cleaning up array data in your documents.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for using the $pull operator is:

{ <query> },
{ $pull: { <field>: <value or condition> } }


  • <query>: Selects which document(s) to update
  • <field>: Specifies the array field from which to remove elements
  • <value or condition>: Specifies the criteria to match elements for removal

Basic Examples

Example 1: Remove Elements by Exact Match

Let's say we have a users collection with a document containing a hobbies array:

// Initial document
_id: 1,
name: "John Doe",
hobbies: ["reading", "swimming", "running", "cooking"]

To remove "swimming" from the hobbies array:

{ _id: 1 },
{ $pull: { hobbies: "swimming" } }

After this operation, the document becomes:

// Result
_id: 1,
name: "John Doe",
hobbies: ["reading", "running", "cooking"]

Example 2: Remove Multiple Matching Elements

The $pull operator removes all instances that match the specified value. If we have:

// Initial document
_id: 2,
name: "Jane Smith",
scores: [85, 92, 78, 92, 88, 92]

Let's remove all instances of the score 92:

{ _id: 2 },
{ $pull: { scores: 92 } }

After the update:

// Result
_id: 2,
name: "Jane Smith",
scores: [85, 78, 88]

Notice that all occurrences of the value 92 were removed from the array.

Using $pull with Query Conditions

The $pull operator becomes even more powerful when combined with query conditions. This allows you to remove array elements that match specific criteria rather than just exact values.

Example 3: Remove Elements Using Comparison Operators

Let's remove all scores less than 80:

// Initial document
_id: 3,
name: "Mike Johnson",
scores: [75, 82, 95, 67, 89]

Using the $lt (less than) operator:

{ _id: 3 },
{ $pull: { scores: { $lt: 80 } } }


// Result
_id: 3,
name: "Mike Johnson",
scores: [82, 95, 89]

Example 4: Remove Elements Using Multiple Conditions

You can use multiple conditions to match elements. Let's remove scores that are either less than 70 or greater than 90:

// Initial document
_id: 4,
name: "Sarah Williams",
scores: [65, 72, 88, 95, 76, 92]

Using the $or operator within $pull:

{ _id: 4 },
{ $pull: { scores: { $lt: 70, $gt: 90 } } }


// Result
_id: 4,
name: "Sarah Williams",
scores: [72, 88, 76]

Working with Arrays of Objects

The $pull operator is particularly useful for arrays containing objects, where you need to remove elements based on field values within those objects.

Example 5: Remove Objects from an Array

Consider a products document with a reviews array containing review objects:

// Initial document
_id: 101,
name: "Wireless Headphones",
reviews: [
{ user: "user1", rating: 5, comment: "Great quality!" },
{ user: "user2", rating: 2, comment: "Poor battery life" },
{ user: "user3", rating: 3, comment: "Good but expensive" },
{ user: "user4", rating: 2, comment: "Not comfortable" }

To remove all reviews with a rating of 2:

{ _id: 101 },
{ $pull: { reviews: { rating: 2 } } }

After the update:

// Result
_id: 101,
name: "Wireless Headphones",
reviews: [
{ user: "user1", rating: 5, comment: "Great quality!" },
{ user: "user3", rating: 3, comment: "Good but expensive" }

Example 6: Remove Objects Using Multiple Field Conditions

You can match objects based on multiple field conditions:

// Initial document
_id: 102,
name: "Smart Watch",
inventory: [
{ store: "Downtown", qty: 5, price: 199 },
{ store: "Eastside", qty: 0, price: 189 },
{ store: "Westside", qty: 3, price: 199 },
{ store: "Northside", qty: 0, price: 195 }

To remove all inventory entries with zero quantity or price higher than 195:

{ _id: 102 },
{ $pull: { inventory: { $or: [ { qty: 0 }, { price: { $gt: 195 } } ] } } }


// Result
_id: 102,
name: "Smart Watch",
inventory: [
{ store: "Westside", qty: 3, price: 199 }

Real-World Applications

User Profile Management

When users want to remove specific interests or preferences from their profiles:

// Remove a specific skill from a user's profile
{ username: "developer_jane" },
{ $pull: { skills: "PHP" } }

// Remove all low-priority tasks
{ username: "developer_jane" },
{ $pull: { tasks: { priority: "low" } } }

Shopping Cart Management

When users want to remove items from their shopping cart:

// Remove a specific product from cart
{ userId: "user123" },
{ $pull: { items: { productId: "prod456" } } }

// Remove all out-of-stock items
{ userId: "user123" },
{ $pull: { items: { inStock: false } } }

Comment Moderation

When moderating content and removing inappropriate comments:

// Remove all flagged comments
{ _id: ObjectId("60a2b7e4b42c1d3e45f6a7b8") },
{ $pull: { comments: { flagged: true } } }

// Remove comments from blocked users
{ _id: ObjectId("60a2b7e4b42c1d3e45f6a7b8") },
{ $pull: { comments: { userId: { $in: blockedUserIds } } } }

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Removing Too Many Elements: Be careful with your query conditions to avoid accidentally removing more elements than intended.

  2. Nested Array Issues: The standard $pull doesn't work directly with nested arrays. For those cases, you'll need to use $[<identifier>] array filters with updateMany().

  3. Performance Impact: On large collections, frequent use of $pull on large arrays can impact performance.

Best Practices

  1. Use Specific Queries: Make your selection queries as specific as possible to target only the documents that need updating.

  2. Consider Indexing: If you frequently query by the array field before updating with $pull, consider indexing that field.

  3. Consider Array Size: For very large arrays, consider alternative data modeling approaches.

  4. Bulk Operations: For multiple updates, use bulkWrite() operations instead of individual updates.

Using pullwithpull with elemMatch

When working with arrays of objects, you can use $elemMatch within $pull to specify complex matching conditions:

// Initial document
_id: 201,
name: "Online Course",
students: [
{ name: "Alice", attendance: [true, true, false, true], grade: "A" },
{ name: "Bob", attendance: [false, false, true, false], grade: "C" },
{ name: "Charlie", attendance: [true, true, true, true], grade: "B" }

To remove students who have more than two absences:

{ _id: 201 },
$pull: {
students: {
attendance: {
$elemMatch: { $eq: false }
grade: "C"

This will remove Bob's entry from the students array since he has absences (false values in attendance) and a grade of "C".


The $pull operator is a powerful tool in MongoDB's arsenal for array manipulation, allowing you to remove elements from arrays based on various criteria:

  • Basic Usage: Remove elements by exact match
  • Conditional Removal: Use query operators to remove elements matching certain conditions
  • Object Filtering: Remove objects from arrays based on their properties
  • Complex Queries: Combine multiple conditions for more precise filtering

By mastering the $pull operator, you can efficiently manage array data in your MongoDB documents, keeping your data clean and relevant without having to replace entire arrays.


  1. Given a user document with a contactNumbers array, write a query to remove all numbers with the area code "212".

  2. Given a product document with a reviews array containing objects with user and rating fields, write a query to remove all reviews with a rating less than 3.

  3. Given a blog post document with a tags array, write a query to remove both "outdated" and "deprecated" tags in one operation.

  4. Given a classroom document with a students array containing student objects with grades sub-arrays, write a query to remove students who have any grade below 60.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)