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Ansible Compliance Automation


In today's rapidly evolving IT landscape, maintaining compliance with security standards and regulatory requirements is a critical challenge for organizations. Manual compliance checks are time-consuming, error-prone, and difficult to scale across large infrastructures. This is where Ansible Compliance Automation comes into play.

Ansible Compliance Automation leverages Ansible's infrastructure-as-code approach to systematically verify and enforce compliance requirements across your entire environment. By automating compliance processes, you can consistently apply security standards, quickly identify and remediate issues, and generate evidence for auditing purposes—all while reducing the operational burden on your team.

Why Automate Compliance with Ansible?

Ansible offers several advantages for compliance automation:

  • Idempotent execution: Run checks repeatedly without changing system state unnecessarily
  • Agentless architecture: No need to install additional software on target systems
  • Declarative language: Define the desired state rather than specific commands
  • Extensive module library: Ready-made modules for common compliance tasks
  • Playbook reusability: Create compliance checks once and apply them consistently

Getting Started with Ansible Compliance Automation

Let's explore how to implement compliance automation using Ansible through practical examples and explanations.


Before diving into compliance automation, ensure you have:

  1. Ansible installed (version 2.9+)
  2. SSH access to target systems
  3. Basic understanding of YAML syntax
  4. Familiarity with compliance requirements applicable to your environment

Basic Compliance Playbook Structure

A compliance automation playbook typically consists of three main components:

  1. Check tasks: Verify if systems meet compliance requirements
  2. Remediation tasks: Fix non-compliant configurations
  3. Reporting tasks: Document compliance status and actions taken

Let's visualize this workflow:

Building Your First Compliance Playbook

Let's create a simple playbook that checks and enforces password policies on Linux systems:

- name: Password Policy Compliance
hosts: all
become: true
min_password_length: 12
password_max_days: 90

# Check current password policy
- name: Check password minimum length
command: grep "^PASS_MIN_LEN" /etc/login.defs
register: min_len_check
changed_when: false
failed_when: false

- name: Check password expiration policy
command: grep "^PASS_MAX_DAYS" /etc/login.defs
register: max_days_check
changed_when: false
failed_when: false

# Set compliance status
- name: Set compliance status facts
min_length_compliant: "{{ min_len_check.stdout.split()[1]|int >= min_password_length if min_len_check.rc == 0 else false }}"
max_days_compliant: "{{ max_days_check.stdout.split()[1]|int <= password_max_days if max_days_check.rc == 0 else false }}"

# Remediation tasks
- name: Remediate minimum password length
path: /etc/login.defs
regexp: '^PASS_MIN_LEN'
line: "PASS_MIN_LEN {{ min_password_length }}"
when: not min_length_compliant

- name: Remediate password expiration policy
path: /etc/login.defs
regexp: '^PASS_MAX_DAYS'
line: "PASS_MAX_DAYS {{ password_max_days }}"
when: not max_days_compliant

# Reporting
- name: Report compliance status
- "Password minimum length: {{ 'COMPLIANT' if min_length_compliant else 'NON-COMPLIANT - Remediated' }}"
- "Password expiration: {{ 'COMPLIANT' if max_days_compliant else 'NON-COMPLIANT - Remediated' }}"

Running Your Compliance Playbook

To execute the playbook against your infrastructure:

ansible-playbook password_compliance.yml -i inventory.ini

Sample Output:

PLAY [Password Policy Compliance] ***********************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **********************************************
ok: []

TASK [Check password minimum length] ********************************
ok: []

TASK [Check password expiration policy] *****************************
ok: []

TASK [Set compliance status facts] **********************************
ok: []

TASK [Remediate minimum password length] ****************************
changed: []

TASK [Remediate password expiration policy] *************************
ok: []

TASK [Report compliance status] *************************************
ok: [] => {
"msg": [
"Password minimum length: NON-COMPLIANT - Remediated",
"Password expiration: COMPLIANT"

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************** : ok=7 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

Advanced Compliance Automation Techniques

As you become more comfortable with basic compliance automation, you can implement more sophisticated techniques:

Compliance Roles for Reusability

Instead of monolithic playbooks, organize compliance checks into reusable roles:

├── compliance/
│ ├── ssh-security/
│ │ ├── tasks/
│ │ │ ├── main.yml
│ │ │ ├── check.yml
│ │ │ └── remediate.yml
│ │ └── vars/
│ │ └── main.yml
│ ├── password-policy/
│ │ └── ...
│ └── file-permissions/
│ └── ...

Then use a main playbook to include the relevant roles:

- name: System Compliance Check
hosts: all
become: true

- role: compliance/ssh-security
tags: [security, ssh]
- role: compliance/password-policy
tags: [security, passwords]
- role: compliance/file-permissions
tags: [security, files]

Conditional Remediation

Provide options for check-only mode versus automated remediation:

- name: File Permissions Compliance
hosts: all
become: true
remediate: false # Set to true to apply fixes

- name: Check permissions on sensitive files
path: "{{ item }}"
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/shadow
- /etc/ssh/sshd_config
register: file_perms

- name: Identify non-compliant permissions
noncompliant_files: "{{ noncompliant_files|default([]) + [item.item] }}"
loop: "{{ file_perms.results }}"
when: item.stat.mode != '0600' and item.item == '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' or
item.stat.mode != '0644' and item.item == '/etc/passwd' or
item.stat.mode != '0400' and item.item == '/etc/shadow'

- name: Fix permissions on /etc/passwd
path: /etc/passwd
mode: '0644'
when: remediate and '/etc/passwd' in noncompliant_files

- name: Fix permissions on /etc/shadow
path: /etc/shadow
mode: '0400'
when: remediate and '/etc/shadow' in noncompliant_files

- name: Fix permissions on /etc/ssh/sshd_config
path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
mode: '0600'
when: remediate and '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' in noncompliant_files

Generating Compliance Reports

Compliance automation becomes even more valuable when it produces evidence for audits:

- name: Generate Compliance Reports
hosts: all
become: true
report_dir: /var/log/compliance

- name: Ensure report directory exists
path: "{{ report_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0750'
delegate_to: localhost
become: false

- name: Collect compliance data
name: compliance/collect-data

- name: Generate JSON report
src: templates/compliance_report.json.j2
dest: "{{ report_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-compliance-{{ }}.json"
delegate_to: localhost
become: false

- name: Convert JSON to HTML report
command: "python3 scripts/ {{ report_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}-compliance-{{ }}.json"
delegate_to: localhost
become: false

Real-World Example: CIS Benchmark Automation

Let's look at a practical example of implementing a subset of Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks for Linux servers:

- name: CIS Benchmark Compliance
hosts: linux_servers
become: true
cis_level: 1 # Level 1 or 2

# 1.1.1 Ensure mounting of cramfs filesystems is disabled
- name: 1.1.1 Check if cramfs is loaded
command: lsmod | grep cramfs
register: cramfs_loaded
changed_when: false
failed_when: false

- name: 1.1.1 Disable cramfs in modprobe
path: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf
line: "install cramfs /bin/true"
create: true
mode: '0644'
when: cramfs_loaded.rc == 0

# 1.1.2 Ensure mounting of freevxfs filesystems is disabled
- name: 1.1.2 Check if freevxfs is loaded
command: lsmod | grep freevxfs
register: freevxfs_loaded
changed_when: false
failed_when: false

- name: 1.1.2 Disable freevxfs in modprobe
path: /etc/modprobe.d/CIS.conf
line: "install freevxfs /bin/true"
create: true
mode: '0644'
when: freevxfs_loaded.rc == 0

# 5.2.1 Ensure SSH Protocol is set to 2
- name: 5.2.1 Check SSH Protocol setting
command: grep "^Protocol" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
register: ssh_protocol
changed_when: false
failed_when: false

- name: 5.2.1 Set SSH Protocol to 2
path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
regexp: '^Protocol'
line: 'Protocol 2'
when: ssh_protocol.rc != 0 or 'Protocol 2' not in ssh_protocol.stdout
notify: Restart SSH

- name: Restart SSH
name: "{{ 'sshd' if ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' else 'ssh' }}"
state: restarted

To run only specific checks, use tags:

ansible-playbook cis_benchmarks.yml --tags="ssh,filesystem"

Integrating with Compliance Tools

Ansible can integrate with specialized compliance tools for enhanced capabilities:

OpenSCAP Integration

The Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) is a standardized approach for maintaining system security. Ansible can automate OpenSCAP scans:

- name: Run OpenSCAP Compliance Scan
hosts: all
become: true
profile: xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_pci-dss

- name: Ensure OpenSCAP scanner is installed
- openscap-scanner
- scap-security-guide
state: present

- name: Run OpenSCAP scan
command: >
oscap xccdf eval
--profile {{ profile }}
--results /tmp/scap-results.xml
--report /tmp/scap-report.html
when: ansible_distribution == 'RedHat' and ansible_distribution_major_version == '7'
register: oscap_results
changed_when: false

- name: Fetch SCAP results
src: /tmp/scap-report.html
dest: "reports/{{ inventory_hostname }}-scap-report.html"
flat: yes

InSpec Integration

Chef InSpec is a compliance as code framework. You can trigger InSpec scans from Ansible:

- name: Run InSpec Compliance Profiles
hosts: all
inspec_profile: linux-baseline

- name: Ensure InSpec is installed
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
name: inspec
state: present
user_install: true

- name: Run InSpec compliance profile
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
command: >
inspec exec {{ inspec_profile }}
-t ssh://{{ ansible_user }}@{{ inventory_hostname }}
--key-files {{ ansible_ssh_private_key_file }}
--reporter json:/tmp/inspec-{{ inventory_hostname }}.json html:/tmp/inspec-{{ inventory_hostname }}.html
register: inspec_results
changed_when: false

Implementing Continuous Compliance

For ongoing compliance assurance, integrate Ansible compliance automation into your CI/CD pipeline or schedule regular runs:

Example Scheduled Compliance Check with Ansible Tower/AWX

In Ansible Tower or AWX, create a template for your compliance playbook and set up a schedule:

  1. Navigate to Templates > Add Template
  2. Select your compliance playbook
  3. Under Schedules, add a new schedule (e.g., daily at 2 AM)
  4. Configure notifications to alert on failures

Example CI/CD Integration with GitLab CI

# .gitlab-ci.yml
- compliance

stage: compliance
- ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml compliance_checks.yml --check
- schedules
- reports/
expire_in: 30 days

Best Practices for Ansible Compliance Automation

To maximize the effectiveness of your compliance automation efforts:

  1. Version control your playbooks: Track changes to compliance requirements and implementations
  2. Use check mode first: Run with --check to identify issues without making changes
  3. Tag compliance tasks: Organize by compliance standard or system component for selective runs
  4. Separate checks from remediation: Allow for assessment-only runs when needed
  5. Generate detailed reports: Create evidence for audits and historical tracking
  6. Implement idempotent remediation: Ensure tasks can run repeatedly without unintended changes
  7. Test in development environments: Validate compliance automation before production deployment
  8. Document compliance mapping: Maintain clear mapping between automation tasks and compliance requirements


Ansible Compliance Automation provides a powerful framework for ensuring your infrastructure adheres to security standards and regulatory requirements consistently and efficiently. By leveraging Ansible's declarative approach and extensive module library, you can:

  • Automatically verify compliance across your entire infrastructure
  • Remediate non-compliant configurations consistently
  • Generate evidence for audits and compliance reporting
  • Integrate with specialized compliance tools for enhanced capabilities
  • Implement continuous compliance through scheduling and CI/CD integration

As security and compliance requirements continue to evolve, Ansible offers a flexible and scalable approach to meeting these challenges while reducing manual effort and human error.

Additional Resources and Exercises



  1. Basic Password Policy Compliance

    • Create a playbook that checks and enforces password complexity requirements
    • Add checks for account lockout policy and password reuse restrictions
  2. File Integrity Monitoring

    • Develop a playbook that identifies unauthorized changes to critical system files
    • Implement automated remediation for file permission and ownership issues
  3. Firewall Rule Compliance

    • Build automation to validate that firewall rules match your security policy
    • Create reports highlighting deviations from approved configurations
  4. Custom Compliance Profile

    • Combine multiple compliance checks into a comprehensive profile for your organization
    • Implement different levels of compliance based on system roles or environment types

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)