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Ansible Includes


When working with Ansible playbooks, you'll often find yourself writing similar tasks for different scenarios. Rather than duplicating code, Ansible provides powerful mechanisms to organize and reuse your code through includes and imports. These features help keep your playbooks DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), maintainable, and modular.

In this guide, we'll explore how to effectively use Ansible's include and import statements to organize your automation code.

Understanding Includes vs Imports

Before diving into examples, let's clarify the difference between includes and imports in Ansible:

Processing timeDynamic (at runtime)Static (during playbook parsing)
VariablesCan use variables defined laterMust use variables defined before the import
LoopsCan be used with loopsCannot be used with loops
ConditionalsApply to each included taskApply to all imported tasks
TagsOnly applied to specifically tagged tasksAutomatically applied to all imported tasks

Including Tasks

Including tasks allows you to break down complex playbooks into smaller, reusable components.

Basic Task Include

Let's start with a simple example of including tasks:

# main.yml
- name: Web server configuration
hosts: webservers
- name: Include common setup tasks
include_tasks: common_setup.yml

- name: Include web server specific tasks
include_tasks: webserver_setup.yml
# common_setup.yml
- name: Install essential packages
- curl
- vim
- htop
state: present
update_cache: yes

- name: Configure firewall
rule: allow
port: "22"
state: enabled
# webserver_setup.yml
- name: Install web server packages
- nginx
- apache2-utils
state: present

- name: Start and enable nginx
name: nginx
state: started
enabled: yes

Dynamic Includes with Variables

One of the powerful features of include_tasks is the ability to use variables to dynamically determine which file to include:

# main.yml
- name: Configure server based on role
hosts: all
server_role: "{{ ansible_facts['hostname'] | regex_search('web|db|cache') }}"
- name: Include role-specific configuration
include_tasks: "{{ server_role }}_config.yml"

In this example, the playbook will include different task files based on the hostname of the server, looking for patterns like "web", "db", or "cache".

Including Playbooks

In addition to including tasks, you can include entire playbooks using import_playbook:

# site.yml
- import_playbook: webservers.yml
- import_playbook: dbservers.yml
- import_playbook: monitoring.yml

This approach is useful for organizing large infrastructure codebases, allowing you to run specific portions as needed.

Task Imports

Unlike includes which are processed at runtime, imports are processed during the initial parsing of the playbook:

# main.yml
- name: Server setup
hosts: all
- name: Import common tasks
import_tasks: common.yml

- name: Run local tasks
# Additional tasks here

When to Use Import vs Include

  • Use import_tasks when:

    • You need variables, tags, and conditionals to apply to all imported tasks
    • Your playbook structure is static and doesn't need to change during runtime
  • Use include_tasks when:

    • You need to dynamically decide what to include based on variables
    • You want to use loops with includes
    • You need more granular control over tags and conditionals

Role Includes and Imports

The include/import concept also applies to roles, giving you the ability to reuse entire roles:

# main.yml
- name: Server configuration
hosts: webservers
- name: Include web role
name: web

- name: Import database client role
name: db_client

The difference between include_role and import_role follows the same pattern as tasks: include is dynamic, import is static.

Practical Examples

Let's explore some real-world applications of includes and imports.

Example 1: Environment-Specific Configuration

# deploy_app.yml
- name: Deploy Application
hosts: app_servers
environment: production
- name: Include environment variables
include_vars: "{{ environment }}.yml"

- name: Setup application prerequisites
import_tasks: app_prereq.yml

- name: Deploy application
include_tasks: deploy/{{ environment }}.yml

This playbook selects different variable files and deployment tasks based on the environment.

Example 2: Breaking Down Complex Deployments

# deploy_microservices.yml
- name: Deploy Microservices Architecture
hosts: all
- name: Get service list
shell: cat /etc/ansible/services.json
register: services_output
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true

- name: Set services fact
services: "{{ services_output.stdout | from_json }}"

- name: Deploy each service
include_tasks: deploy_service.yml
loop: "{{ services }}"
service_name: "{{ }}"
service_version: "{{ item.version }}"
# deploy_service.yml
- name: Deploy {{ service_name }}
msg: "Deploying {{ service_name }} version {{ service_version }}"

- name: Install service dependencies
name: "{{ service_name }}-dependencies"
state: present

- name: Deploy service
include_tasks: "services/{{ service_name }}/deploy.yml"

This example shows how to deploy multiple microservices, each with their own deployment tasks.

Using Tags with Includes and Imports

Tags work differently with includes and imports, which is important to understand for efficient playbook organization:

# main.yml
- name: Configure system
hosts: all
- import_tasks: security.yml
tags: security

- include_tasks: optional.yml
tags: optional

With import_tasks, the "security" tag applies to all tasks in security.yml. With include_tasks, you would need to tag individual tasks within optional.yml.

Using Conditionals

Conditionals also behave differently with includes and imports:

# main.yml
- name: Setup servers
hosts: all
- import_tasks: debian.yml
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"

- include_tasks: redhat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"

With import_tasks, the condition is evaluated at playbook parsing time. With include_tasks, it's evaluated at runtime.

Best Practices

  1. Structured Directory Layout: Organize your includes in a logical directory structure

    ├── main.yml
    ├── tasks/
    │ ├── setup/
    │ │ ├── users.yml
    │ │ └── packages.yml
    │ └── deploy/
    │ ├── app.yml
    │ └── db.yml
    ├── vars/
    │ ├── production.yml
    │ └── development.yml
  2. Naming Conventions: Use consistent and descriptive names for included files

  3. Documentation: Add comments at the top of each included file to explain its purpose

  4. Granularity: Keep included tasks focused on a specific function or purpose

  5. Avoid Deep Nesting: Try to limit includes to one or two levels deep to maintain readability

Visualizing Includes Flow

Here's a diagram that illustrates how includes work in an Ansible playbook:


Ansible includes and imports are powerful features that help you write more maintainable, reusable, and organized automation code. Remember these key points:

  • Includes are processed at runtime and are dynamic
  • Imports are processed during playbook parsing and are static
  • Use includes when you need dynamic behavior, loops, or runtime decisions
  • Use imports when you want tags and conditionals to apply to all tasks
  • Both approaches help you organize code in a DRY, modular way

By mastering includes and imports, you'll be able to create elegant, maintainable Ansible playbooks that scale with your infrastructure.

Additional Resources

  • Try creating a playbook that uses both includes and imports
  • Practice refactoring a complex playbook by breaking it down with includes
  • Experiment with conditional includes based on host facts


  1. Create a playbook that includes different task files based on the operating system family
  2. Build a deployment playbook that imports common tasks and includes environment-specific tasks
  3. Create a role that uses includes to organize its internal structure

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)