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Ansible Templates


Ansible Templates are a powerful feature that allows you to create dynamic configuration files based on variables and conditions. Instead of maintaining multiple versions of similar configuration files for different environments or servers, you can create a single template file and let Ansible generate the appropriate configuration based on the target system's facts and variables.

Ansible uses the Jinja2 templating engine to render these templates. Jinja2 provides a rich set of features including variables, conditionals, loops, and filters that make your configuration management flexible and powerful.

Understanding Jinja2 Templates

Jinja2 templates look like regular text files but contain placeholders and expressions that get replaced with values when the template is rendered. These placeholders and expressions are enclosed in specific delimiters:

  • {{ variable }} - For expressions and variables
  • {% statement %} - For control statements like loops and conditionals
  • {# comment #} - For comments that aren't included in the rendered output

Basic Template Usage

Let's start with a basic example. Suppose you want to create a configuration file for a web server that needs different settings based on the environment (development, staging, production).

First, create a template file with a .j2 extension (which indicates it's a Jinja2 template):

# server.conf.j2
server {
listen {{ server_port }};
server_name {{ server_name }};

{% if environment == "production" %}
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log warn;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log main;
{% else %}
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log debug;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
{% endif %}

root {{ document_root }};

Then, in your Ansible playbook, you can use the template module to apply this template:

- name: Configure web server
src: server.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/server.conf
owner: root
group: root
mode: '0644'
server_port: 80
server_name: ""
environment: "production"
document_root: "/var/www/html"

When Ansible runs this task, it will process the Jinja2 template with the provided variables and create a configuration file on the target server.

Using Variables in Templates

You can use variables from various sources in your templates:

  1. Variables defined in the playbook
  2. Variables defined in inventory
  3. Variables defined in group_vars or host_vars
  4. Facts gathered from the target system

Here's an example showing different sources of variables:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: webservers
app_name: "my_application"
- name: Generate app configuration
src: app_config.j2
dest: "/opt/{{ app_name }}/config.ini"
# app_config.j2
hostname={{ ansible_hostname }}
ipaddress={{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}
app_name={{ app_name }}

db_host={{ hostvars['db_server']['ansible_hostname'] }}
db_port={{ db_port | default(5432) }}

Conditionals in Templates

Jinja2 templates support conditionals that allow you to include or exclude sections based on certain conditions:

# sshd_config.j2
# SSH Server Configuration

Port {{ ssh_port | default(22) }}

{% if ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" %}
# Ubuntu specific settings
UsePAM yes
PasswordAuthentication no
{% elif ansible_distribution == "CentOS" %}
# CentOS specific settings
UsePAM yes
PasswordAuthentication yes
{% else %}
# Default settings
UsePAM no
PasswordAuthentication yes
{% endif %}

# Common settings for all distributions
PermitRootLogin no
X11Forwarding no

Loops in Templates

You can use loops to generate repetitive sections in your configuration:

# virtual_hosts.conf.j2
# Apache Virtual Hosts Configuration

{% for vhost in virtual_hosts %}
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName {{ vhost.domain }}
{% if vhost.alias is defined %}
ServerAlias {{ vhost.alias }}
{% endif %}
DocumentRoot {{ vhost.document_root }}

<Directory {{ vhost.document_root }}>
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/{{ vhost.domain }}-error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/{{ vhost.domain }}-access.log combined
{% endfor %}

In your playbook:

- name: Configure Apache virtual hosts
src: virtual_hosts.conf.j2
dest: /etc/apache2/sites-available/virtual_hosts.conf
- domain:
document_root: /var/www/example
- domain:
document_root: /var/www/blog

Filters in Templates

Jinja2 provides filters that allow you to transform data in your templates. Ansible extends these with additional useful filters:

# user_configuration.j2
# User Access Configuration

admin_password: {{ admin_password | password_hash('sha512') }}

# List of authorized users
{% for user in users %}
- name: {{ | lower }}
role: {{ user.role | default('user') | upper }}
last_login: {{ user.last_login | default('never') }}
{% endfor %}

# System paths
logs: {{ log_path | default('/var/log') | regex_replace('^/', '') }}
data: {{ data_path | default('/opt/data') | basename }}

Common filters include:

  • default: Provides a default value if the variable is undefined
  • upper/lower: Converts text to uppercase or lowercase
  • basename: Gets the filename from a path
  • to_yaml/to_json: Converts data to YAML or JSON format
  • regex_replace: Performs text substitution using regular expressions

Template Inheritance and Includes

Jinja2 supports template inheritance and includes, which can help you organize and reuse template code:

{# base.j2 #}
# Configuration File
# Generated by Ansible on {{ }}

{% block general_settings %}
application={{ app_name }}
environment={{ environment }}
{% endblock %}

{% block custom_settings %}
# Custom settings go here
{% endblock %}
{# app_config.j2 #}
{% extends "base.j2" %}

{% block custom_settings %}
log_level={{ log_level | default('info') }}
max_connections={{ max_connections | default(100) }}
timeout={{ timeout | default(30) }}
{% endblock %}

You can also include other templates:

{# main_config.j2 #}
# Main Configuration File

{% include 'header.j2' %}

# Database Settings
{% include 'db_settings.j2' %}

# Cache Settings
{% include 'cache_settings.j2' %}

Practical Example: Creating a Complete Application Configuration

Let's look at a comprehensive example that brings together multiple template concepts. Consider a scenario where you're deploying a web application that needs different configurations for different environments:

# playbook.yml
- hosts: app_servers
app_name: "my_webapp"
app_version: "1.2.3"
- name: Gather database credentials from vault
file: "vault/{{ environment }}_db_credentials.yml"

- name: Generate application configuration
src: app_config.j2
dest: "/opt/{{ app_name }}/config.yml"
owner: app
group: app
mode: '0640'
notify: restart application
# app_config.j2
# {{ app_name }} Configuration
# Environment: {{ environment }}
# Generated by Ansible on {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}

name: {{ app_name }}
version: {{ app_version }}
environment: {{ environment }}
debug: {{ 'true' if environment == 'development' else 'false' }}

host: {{ ansible_fqdn }}
port: {{ app_port | default(8080) }}
workers: {{ ansible_processor_vcpus * 2 }}
max_requests: {{ max_requests | default(1000) }}

host: {{ db_host }}
port: {{ db_port | default(5432) }}
name: {{ db_name }}
user: {{ db_user }}
password: {{ db_password }}

level: {{ 'DEBUG' if environment == 'development' else 'INFO' }}
file: {{ log_file | default('/var/log/' + app_name + '.log') }}

{% if cache_enabled | default(true) %}
backend: {{ cache_backend | default('redis') }}
host: {{ cache_host | default('localhost') }}
port: {{ cache_port | default(6379) }}
ttl: {{ cache_ttl | default(300) }}
{% endif %}

{% for host in allowed_hosts | default(['localhost']) %}
- {{ host }}
{% endfor %}

{% for feature, enabled in features.items() | default({}) %}
{{ feature }}: {{ enabled | bool | lower }}
{% endfor %}

Best Practices for Ansible Templates

  1. Use meaningful variable names: Make your templates more readable with descriptive variable names.

  2. Provide default values: Use the default filter to provide fallback values for optional variables.

timeout={{ timeout | default(30) }}
  1. Comment your templates: Add comments to explain complex logic or configurations.
{# This section configures the database connection pool #}
  1. Validate templates: Use ansible-playbook --syntax-check and template validation to catch errors before deployment.

  2. Use template directories: Organize templates in subdirectories to keep your project structure clean.

  3. Handle sensitive data carefully: Be careful with sensitive data in templates. Consider using Ansible Vault or external secret management.

  4. Add template headers: Include headers with metadata about the template, such as when it was generated and by whom.

# {{ filename }}
# Generated by Ansible on {{ }}
  1. Error handling: Use conditional checks to provide graceful fallbacks for missing data.
{% if database is defined %}
# Database configuration
{% else %}
# No database configuration provided
{% endif %}

Template Debugging

When working with complex templates, debugging can be challenging. Here are some tips:

  1. Debug variables with debug task:
- name: Debug variables
var: some_variable
  1. Use verbose output with -v flag when running playbooks.

  2. Create a debug template that outputs the variables:

# debug.j2
# Debug Template
{% for key, value in vars.items() %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}
{% endfor %}
- name: Generate debug output
src: debug.j2
dest: /tmp/ansible_debug.yml
delegate_to: localhost

Template Flow Control Diagram

Here's a diagram illustrating the template processing flow in Ansible:


Ansible Templates with Jinja2 provide a powerful way to manage configuration files across different environments and servers. They allow you to:

  • Create dynamic configurations based on variables and facts
  • Use conditionals to adapt configurations to different circumstances
  • Implement loops to handle repetitive configurations
  • Transform data using filters
  • Organize and reuse template code through inheritance and includes

By mastering templates, you can significantly reduce duplication in your configuration management and make your Ansible workflows more efficient and maintainable.

Additional Resources and Exercises



  1. Basic Template: Create a template for an NGINX configuration file that sets different worker processes based on the server's CPU count.

  2. Conditional Template: Write a template for an SSH configuration that applies different security settings based on whether the server is public-facing or internal.

  3. Loop-based Template: Create a template that generates a hosts file with entries for all servers in your inventory, grouped by their role.

  4. Advanced Template: Develop a template for a complex application that includes database connections, cache settings, and environment-specific configurations.

  5. Template Inheritance: Implement a base template with common settings and extend it for different application environments (development, staging, production).

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)