Ansible Vault Best Practices
Ansible Vault is a powerful feature that allows you to encrypt and secure sensitive data within your Ansible projects. When working with infrastructure as code, you'll inevitably need to handle sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, and certificates. Ansible Vault provides a way to encrypt this data while still making it accessible to your Ansible playbooks and roles.
In this guide, we'll explore best practices for using Ansible Vault effectively and securely. These practices will help you maintain security while keeping your automation workflows smooth and manageable.
Understanding Ansible Vault Basics
Before diving into best practices, let's quickly review what Ansible Vault does:
- Encryption at Rest: Vault encrypts sensitive files so they can be safely stored in version control
- Seamless Integration: Encrypted files can be used directly in playbooks and roles
- Password Protection: Access to encrypted content requires a password or key file
Best Practice 1: Use Different Vault Passwords for Different Environments
One of the most important practices is to use different vault passwords for different environments (development, staging, production).
Example Implementation
Create a vault password file for each environment:
# Create password files (don't commit these to version control!)
echo "dev-vault-password" > ~/.ansible/vault_pass_dev.txt
echo "prod-vault-password" > ~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt
# Set restrictive permissions
chmod 600 ~/.ansible/vault_pass_*.txt
Configure your ansible.cfg
to use different password files based on environment:
# This can be overridden at runtime with --vault-password-file
vault_password_file = ~/.ansible/vault_pass_dev.txt
When running playbooks, specify the appropriate password file:
# For development
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
# For production
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-password-file=~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt
Best Practice 2: Organize Encrypted Variables Effectively
Rather than encrypting entire files, consider encrypting only specific variables that contain sensitive data.
Approach 1: Individual Encrypted Variables
# group_vars/all/vars.yml
regular_var: "Not sensitive data"
# group_vars/all/vault.yml (encrypted)
db_password: "supersecretpassword123"
api_key: "kd82jdiq9284hdk38"
Then in your playbook, you can use these variables normally:
- name: Connect to database
login_user: "{{ db_user }}"
login_password: "{{ db_password }}"
name: "{{ db_name }}"
Approach 2: Encrypted Strings in Regular Files
You can also encrypt individual values within a regular YAML file:
# Create an encrypted string
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'secretpassword' --name 'db_password'
Add the encrypted string to your variables file:
# group_vars/all/vars.yml
regular_var: "Not sensitive data"
db_password: !vault |
Best Practice 3: Use Vault IDs for Multiple Vault Passwords
If you need to manage multiple vaults within the same project, Vault IDs (introduced in Ansible 2.4) provide a cleaner approach.
# Creating encrypted content with specific vault IDs
ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id dev@~/.ansible/vault_pass_dev.txt 'dev_db_pass' --name 'db_password'
ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id prod@~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt 'prod_db_pass' --name 'db_password'
Using these in a playbook with environment-specific variable files:
# group_vars/development/vault.yml
db_password: !vault |
# group_vars/production/vault.yml
db_password: !vault |
When running your playbook:
# For development
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-id dev@~/.ansible/vault_pass_dev.txt
# For production
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-id prod@~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt
Best Practice 4: Keep Vault Password Files Secure
Never commit vault password files to your version control system. Instead:
- Store them in a secure location outside your project directory
- Set appropriate file permissions (
chmod 600
) - Consider using a password manager or secure secret sharing system for team access
For CI/CD pipelines, use secure environment variables:
# Example GitHub Actions workflow
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Run Ansible playbook
run: |
echo "${{ secrets.VAULT_PASSWORD }}" > .vault_pass
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-password-file=.vault_pass
rm .vault_pass
Best Practice 5: Use .gitignore to Prevent Accidents
Add vault password files and any unencrypted sensitive files to your .gitignore
# .gitignore
Best Practice 6: Establish Clear Workflows for Secret Rotation
Create documented workflows for rotating secrets:
Best Practice 7: Prefer Vault Files over Command-Line Secrets
Avoid passing secrets via command line which might be visible in process lists or history:
# DON'T do this
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --extra-vars="db_password=supersecret"
# DO this instead
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-password-file=~/.vault_pass
Best Practice 8: Use Vault for All Sensitive Data Types
Encrypt all types of sensitive data, not just passwords:
- SSH private keys
- SSL certificates
- API tokens
- Database credentials
- Customer data
- Configuration with sensitive details
Best Practice 9: Implementing a Vault Pre-Commit Hook
Create a pre-commit hook to check for unencrypted sensitive files:
# .git/hooks/pre-commit
# Regular expressions for patterns that might indicate unencrypted secrets
patterns=("password:" "apikey:" "secret:" "BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY")
# Files to check (excluding encrypted vault files)
files=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep -v "\.vault\." | grep -E '\.ya?ml$|\.json$')
for file in $files; do
for pattern in "${patterns[@]}"; do
if grep -q "$pattern" "$file"; then
echo "WARNING: Potential unencrypted secret in $file"
echo "File contains pattern: $pattern"
echo "Consider encrypting this file with ansible-vault"
exit 1
exit 0
Make it executable:
chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit
Best Practice 10: Document Vault Usage for Your Team
Create a clear documentation file explaining your team's Vault practices:
# Ansible Vault Usage Guide
## How to access vault passwords
- Development: Contact team lead
- Production: Use secure password manager entry "Ansible Prod Vault"
## Adding new secrets
1. Encrypt using: `ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id=dev@prompt 'your-secret' --name 'secret_name'`
2. Add to appropriate vars file
3. Document in our secrets registry
## Rotating secrets
Follow the rotation procedure in our team wiki
Practical Example: Complete Workflow
Here's a complete example putting these practices together:
- Project structure:
├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory/
│ ├── development
│ └── production
├── group_vars/
│ ├── all/
│ │ ├── vars.yml
│ │ └── vault.yml # Encrypted with vault
│ ├── development/
│ │ ├── vars.yml
│ │ └── vault.yml # Encrypted with dev vault id
│ └── production/
│ ├── vars.yml
│ └── vault.yml # Encrypted with prod vault id
├── playbooks/
│ └── deploy.yml
└── roles/
└── application/
└── ...
- Encrypting a new production secret:
# Create a new encrypted variable
ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id prod@~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt 'super-secure-value' --name 'api_secret'
# Add it to group_vars/production/vault.yml
- Running the playbook:
# For development environment
ansible-playbook -i inventory/development playbooks/deploy.yml --vault-id dev@~/.ansible/vault_pass_dev.txt
# For production environment
ansible-playbook -i inventory/production playbooks/deploy.yml --vault-id prod@~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt
- Viewing encrypted content:
# View the encrypted file
ansible-vault view group_vars/production/vault.yml --vault-id prod@~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt
- Editing encrypted content:
# Edit the encrypted file
ansible-vault edit group_vars/production/vault.yml --vault-id prod@~/.ansible/vault_pass_prod.txt
Common Vault Command Reference
Here's a quick reference for common Ansible Vault commands:
# Create a new encrypted file
ansible-vault create secret.yml
# Encrypt an existing file
ansible-vault encrypt secret.yml
# View an encrypted file
ansible-vault view secret.yml
# Edit an encrypted file
ansible-vault edit secret.yml
# Decrypt a file (be careful with this!)
ansible-vault decrypt secret.yml
# Change the password of an encrypted file
ansible-vault rekey secret.yml
# Encrypt a string to insert into a YAML file
ansible-vault encrypt_string 'secret_value' --name 'variable_name'
Ansible Vault is an essential tool for securing sensitive data in your Ansible projects. By following these best practices, you can ensure your secrets remain safe while maintaining a smooth workflow:
- Use different vault passwords for different environments
- Organize encrypted variables effectively
- Utilize Vault IDs for multiple vault passwords
- Keep vault password files secure
- Use .gitignore to prevent accidental commits of sensitive data
- Establish clear workflows for secret rotation
- Prefer vault files over command-line secrets
- Use vault for all sensitive data types
- Implement pre-commit hooks
- Document vault usage for your team
By implementing these practices, you'll create a more secure and maintainable infrastructure automation workflow.
Additional Resources
- Create a simple Ansible project that uses vault to store database credentials and deploy a simple application
- Set up separate vault passwords for development and production environments
- Write a pre-commit hook to detect potentially unencrypted secrets
- Create a documentation guide for your team's vault usage
- Practice rotating a secret across development and production environments
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)