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Ansible Vault Encryption


When working with Ansible playbooks and roles, you'll often need to handle sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, or certificates. Storing this sensitive data in plain text within your playbooks or variable files poses a significant security risk, especially when your Ansible code is stored in version control systems like Git.

Ansible Vault solves this problem by providing built-in encryption capabilities that allow you to securely store and manage sensitive data within your Ansible projects. Ansible Vault uses AES256 encryption to protect your data while making it seamlessly available to your playbooks during execution.

Understanding Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault is a feature that encrypts YAML files so you can protect sensitive content. It allows you to:

  1. Create new encrypted files
  2. Encrypt existing files
  3. View encrypted files
  4. Edit encrypted files
  5. Use encrypted files in playbooks

Getting Started with Ansible Vault

Let's explore how to use Ansible Vault to secure your sensitive data.

Creating Encrypted Files

To create a new encrypted file, use the ansible-vault create command:

ansible-vault create secret_vars.yml

This command will:

  1. Prompt you to enter and confirm a password
  2. Open your default text editor
  3. Allow you to add content to the file
  4. Automatically encrypt the file when you save and exit



$ ansible-vault create secret_vars.yml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:

After entering your password, your editor opens. You might add content like:

# Database credentials
db_user: admin
db_password: supersecretpassword
db_name: production_db

# API credentials
api_key: abcd1234efgh5678ijkl
api_secret: verysecretapikey123!

Once saved, the file content will be encrypted and look similar to this:


Encrypting Existing Files

If you already have files with sensitive data, you can encrypt them using the ansible-vault encrypt command:

ansible-vault encrypt existing_vars.yml


Let's say you have an existing file database_credentials.yml with:

mysql_user: dbadmin
mysql_password: p@ssw0rd
mysql_port: 3306

To encrypt it:

$ ansible-vault encrypt database_credentials.yml
New Vault password:
Confirm New Vault password:
Encryption successful

Viewing Encrypted Files

To view the contents of an encrypted file without editing it:

ansible-vault view secret_vars.yml

You'll be prompted for the password, and then the decrypted content will be displayed in your terminal.

Editing Encrypted Files

To edit an already encrypted file:

ansible-vault edit secret_vars.yml

This will:

  1. Ask for your vault password
  2. Decrypt the file temporarily
  3. Open it in your editor
  4. Re-encrypt it when you save and exit

Decrypting Files

If you need to permanently decrypt a file:

ansible-vault decrypt secret_vars.yml

Warning: This removes encryption protection, so be careful!

Using Encrypted Files in Playbooks

Ansible automatically detects encrypted files and attempts to decrypt them when running playbooks. You need to provide the vault password when executing your playbook.

Basic Usage

ansible-playbook deploy.yml --ask-vault-pass

This will prompt you for the vault password before running the playbook.

Using a Password File

For automation, you can store your vault password in a file (which should be properly secured and not committed to version control):

echo "my_vault_password" > ~/.vault_pass.txt
chmod 600 ~/.vault_pass.txt

Then reference it when running playbooks:

ansible-playbook deploy.yml --vault-password-file=~/.vault_pass.txt

You can also configure this in your ansible.cfg file:

vault_password_file = ~/.vault_pass.txt

Real-World Example: Deploying a Web Application

Let's see a complete example of using Ansible Vault in a real-world scenario where we're deploying a web application that requires database credentials.

Step 1: Create an encrypted variable file

ansible-vault create group_vars/production/vault.yml

Add the following sensitive variables:

# Database credentials
db_user: webapp_user
db_password: super_secret_production_pw
db_name: webapp_production

# SSL Certificate Password
ssl_key_password: certificate_key_passphrase

Step 2: Create a regular variables file that references encrypted variables

In group_vars/production/vars.yml:

# Application settings
app_name: MyWebApp
app_environment: production
app_port: 8080

# Database connection string (using encrypted variables)
database_url: "postgresql://{{ db_user }}:{{ db_password }}{{ db_name }}"

# Deployment paths
app_path: /var/www/mywebapp
config_path: "{{ app_path }}/config"

Step 3: Create the deployment playbook

In deploy_webapp.yml:

- name: Deploy Web Application
hosts: web_servers
become: true

- name: Install required packages
- nginx
- postgresql-client
- python3-psycopg2
state: present
update_cache: yes

- name: Create application directory
path: "{{ app_path }}"
state: directory
owner: www-data
group: www-data
mode: '0755'

- name: Generate application configuration
src: templates/config.j2
dest: "{{ config_path }}/config.json"
owner: www-data
group: www-data
mode: '0640'
notify: restart application

- name: Configure SSL certificate
content: |
echo "{{ ssl_key_password }}" | openssl pkcs12 -in /etc/ssl/private/cert.p12 -nocerts -out /etc/ssl/private/key.pem
dest: /usr/local/bin/
mode: '0700'
notify: extract ssl key

- name: restart application
name: mywebapp
state: restarted

- name: extract ssl key
command: /usr/local/bin/
notify: restart nginx

- name: restart nginx
name: nginx
state: restarted

Step 4: Create the config template

In templates/config.j2:

"appName": "{{ app_name }}",
"environment": "{{ app_environment }}",
"port": {{ app_port }},
"database": {
"connectionString": "{{ database_url }}"
"logging": {
"level": "info",
"path": "/var/log/{{ app_name }}"

Step 5: Run the playbook with vault password

ansible-playbook deploy_webapp.yml --ask-vault-pass

This example demonstrates how Ansible Vault keeps sensitive data secure while still making it available during playbook execution.

Multiple Vault Passwords

For more complex environments, you might need different vault passwords for different roles or environments.

Using Vault IDs

Ansible supports vault IDs to work with multiple vault passwords:

# Create a production vault
ansible-vault create --vault-id=prod@prompt group_vars/production/vault.yml

# Create a development vault with different password
ansible-vault create --vault-id=dev@prompt group_vars/development/vault.yml

When running your playbook, you can specify which vault IDs to use:

ansible-playbook site.yml --vault-id prod@prompt --vault-id dev@prompt

You can also use password files with IDs:

ansible-playbook site.yml --vault-id prod@~/.vault_pass_prod --vault-id dev@~/.vault_pass_dev

Best Practices

  1. Never commit vault passwords to version control
  2. Use different vault passwords for different environments
  3. Encrypt only what needs to be encrypted - don't encrypt your entire playbook or all variables
  4. Rotate vault passwords periodically
  5. Consider using a secrets management tool like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager for larger deployments
  6. Store vault password files outside of your project directory
  7. Set restrictive permissions on password files (chmod 600)
  8. Use vault IDs to organize multiple passwords


Common Issues and Solutions

  1. "Decryption failed"

    • Ensure you're using the correct password
    • Check if the file was encrypted with a different vault ID
  2. "ERROR! Vault password file not found"

    • Verify the path to your password file
    • Check permissions on the password file
  3. "ERROR! The vault password must be specified"

    • You need to provide --ask-vault-pass or --vault-password-file
    • Or configure vault_password_file in ansible.cfg
  4. Playbook runs but variables are missing

    • Ensure variables are properly referenced
    • Check that encrypted files are being loaded correctly


Ansible Vault provides a straightforward way to encrypt sensitive data within your Ansible projects:

  • Create encrypted files with ansible-vault create
  • Encrypt existing files with ansible-vault encrypt
  • View files with ansible-vault view
  • Edit files with ansible-vault edit
  • Run playbooks with --ask-vault-pass or --vault-password-file

By properly implementing Ansible Vault, you can maintain security best practices while still enjoying the automation benefits of Ansible. Sensitive information like passwords, API keys, and certificates can be securely stored alongside your code without exposing them to unauthorized users.

Additional Resources


  1. Create an encrypted file containing database credentials and use it in a playbook that sets up a database connection.
  2. Experiment with vault IDs by creating multiple encrypted files for different environments (dev, staging, production).
  3. Set up a CI/CD pipeline that uses a vault password file to decrypt secrets during deployment.
  4. Create a playbook that rotates passwords stored in vault files.
  5. Implement a solution where different team members have access to different vault-encrypted files.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)