Docker Volume Sharing
When working with Docker containers, one of the most important concepts to understand is how data is stored and shared. By default, any data created within a container is isolated and temporary - when the container is removed, so is the data. This is where Docker volumes come in, allowing you to persist data and share it between:
- The host system and containers
- Multiple containers
- Across container restarts
Volume sharing is essential for developing applications in containers, managing databases, and creating efficient Docker workflows. In this guide, we'll explore how to effectively share data using Docker volumes.
Understanding Docker Volume Basics
Before diving into sharing, let's understand the core volume concepts:
Docker provides three main ways to manage data:
- Volumes: Docker-managed data storage in the host filesystem
- Bind mounts: Direct mapping between host and container directories
- tmpfs mounts: Memory-only storage (not covered in this guide)
Creating and Sharing Volumes Between Containers
Creating a Named Volume
The first step is to create a named volume that can be shared:
docker volume create shared-data
You can verify it was created with:
docker volume ls
local shared-data
Attaching a Volume to Multiple Containers
Now let's create two containers that share the same volume:
# Start the first container with the volume
docker run -d --name container1 --volume shared-data:/app/data alpine sh -c "while true; do sleep 1000; done"
# Start the second container with the same volume
docker run -d --name container2 --volume shared-data:/app/data alpine sh -c "while true; do sleep 1000; done"
Testing the Shared Volume
Let's write data from one container and read it from another:
# Write data from container1
docker exec container1 sh -c "echo 'Hello from container1' > /app/data/test.txt"
# Read data from container2
docker exec container2 cat /app/data/test.txt
Hello from container1
This demonstrates that both containers can access the same file, proving the volume is shared between them.
Sharing Data Between Host and Container
Using Bind Mounts
Bind mounts allow you to directly mount a host directory into a container:
# Create a directory on host
mkdir -p ~/docker-host-data
# Write some data to the host directory
echo "This data comes from the host" > ~/docker-host-data/host-file.txt
# Mount the host directory to a container
docker run -it --rm -v ~/docker-host-data:/container-data alpine sh
Inside the container, you can access the host file:
# Inside the container
cat /container-data/host-file.txt
This data comes from the host
You can also create files from within the container that will persist on the host:
# Inside the container
echo "Created inside the container" > /container-data/container-file.txt
After exiting, check the host directory:
cat ~/docker-host-data/container-file.txt
Created inside the container
Volume Sharing in Docker Compose
For multi-container applications, Docker Compose makes volume sharing simpler:
version: '3'
image: nginx:alpine
- web-data:/usr/share/nginx/html
- "8080:80"
image: alpine
- web-data:/backup/data
command: sh -c "while true; do cp -r /backup/data /backup/$(date +%Y%m%d); sleep 86400; done"
In this example:
- The
volume is defined once - Both the
services share the same volume - The
service mounts it to serve content - The
service accesses the same data for backups
Common Use Cases for Volume Sharing
1. Database Data Persistence
When running databases in Docker, persistent storage is critical:
docker run -d \
--name postgres-db \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
-v postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
2. Development Environment
Share your code with a container for live development:
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd):/app \
-w /app \
node:16 \
npm run dev
3. Web Server Content
Share content between a content management container and web server:
# Create a shared volume
docker volume create website-content
# Run a CMS container with the volume
docker run -d --name cms -v website-content:/content my-cms-image
# Run the web server with the same volume
docker run -d --name webserver -v website-content:/usr/share/nginx/html -p 80:80 nginx
Volume Sharing Permissions and Ownership
When sharing volumes, permission issues can arise because:
- The user inside the container may be different from the host user
- Different containers may have different user IDs
Fixing Permission Issues
You can address this by:
- Setting specific user/group in your Dockerfile:
FROM alpine:latest
RUN addgroup -g 1000 appgroup && adduser -u 1000 -G appgroup -D appuser
USER appuser
# Rest of your Dockerfile
- Using the
flag when running containers:
docker run -it --rm --user "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v $(pwd):/app alpine sh
Best Practices for Volume Sharing
Use named volumes for persistent data Named volumes are easier to manage than anonymous volumes.
Use bind mounts for development During development, bind mounting your code directory enables real-time changes.
Consider volume drivers for production In production, consider using volume drivers that support backups, encryption, etc.
Be careful with ownership and permissions Understand how user IDs map between containers and hosts.
Document volume usage Clearly document which volumes your containers use and why.
Use read-only mounts when possible If a container only needs to read data, mount volumes as read-only:
docker run -v shared-data:/data:ro alpine
Advanced Volume Sharing Techniques
Cross-Host Volume Sharing
For sharing volumes across multiple Docker hosts, you can use volume plugins like:
- Docker Volume Plugin for NFS
- REX-Ray
- Portworx
Example using NFS volume driver:
# Install the plugin
docker plugin install trajano/nfs-volume-plugin
# Create a volume using the driver
docker volume create --driver trajano/nfs-volume-plugin \
--opt \
# Use the volume
docker run -v nfs-volume:/data alpine
Volume Encryption
For sensitive data, you can use encrypted volumes:
# Using a third-party encrypted volume driver
docker volume create --driver crypt \
--opt key=mysecretkey \
docker run -v encrypted-vol:/secure-data alpine
Troubleshooting Volume Sharing Issues
1. Volume Not Showing Updated Content
If changes from one container aren't visible in another, ensure both containers are mounting the same volume path:
# Check volume mounts
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' container1
docker inspect -f '{{ .Mounts }}' container2
2. Permission Denied Errors
If you see permission errors when accessing volume data:
# Fix permissions on the volume
docker run --rm -v shared-data:/data alpine chmod -R 777 /data
3. Volume Not Persisting After Container Removal
Make sure you're using named volumes, not anonymous volumes:
# This creates an anonymous volume (data will be lost)
docker run -v /app/data alpine
# This uses a named volume (data will persist)
docker run -v named-volume:/app/data alpine
Docker volume sharing is a powerful feature that allows you to:
- Share data between multiple containers
- Persist data beyond the lifecycle of containers
- Share files between your host and containers
- Create more flexible and maintainable container deployments
Understanding how to effectively use volumes is essential for production Docker deployments, especially for stateful applications like databases, content management systems, and applications that need to store user uploads or configuration.
Additional Resources
Create a setup with three containers sharing the same volume, and demonstrate data written from any container is accessible by all.
Set up a development environment for a web application where code is on your host but runs in a Docker container.
Create a backup system using volumes that automatically backs up a database container's data to the host system daily.
Configure a scenario with the correct permissions where a non-root user in a container can write to a shared volume.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)