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Docker Volumes


When working with Docker containers, one of the first challenges you'll encounter is managing data. By default, any data created within a container is lost when that container is removed. This is because containers are designed to be ephemeral and stateless by nature.

Docker volumes solve this problem by providing a way to persist data generated by and used by Docker containers. In this guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about Docker volumes - from basic concepts to practical implementations.

What Are Docker Volumes?

Docker volumes are the preferred mechanism for persisting data generated by and used by Docker containers. While Docker containers are ephemeral (temporary), volumes allow you to store data outside the container lifecycle.

Key Benefits of Docker Volumes

  • Data Persistence: Data remains even after containers are removed
  • Data Sharing: Multiple containers can mount the same volume
  • Performance: Volumes are more efficient than bind mounts
  • Portability: Volumes work the same across different operating systems
  • Manageability: Docker provides commands to manage volumes directly

Types of Docker Volumes

Docker offers several types of volumes to fit different use cases:

1. Named Volumes

Named volumes are the most convenient type of volume. Docker manages where they are stored on disk, and you only need to remember the name.

# Create a named volume
docker volume create my_data

# Run a container with the named volume
docker run -v my_data:/app/data nginx

2. Anonymous Volumes

Anonymous volumes are similar to named volumes, but Docker assigns a random name. They're useful for temporary storage that should outlive a container.

# Docker creates and manages an anonymous volume
docker run -v /app/data nginx

3. Host Bind Mounts

Bind mounts map a specific path on the host to a path in the container. These provide more control but are less portable.

# Mount a specific host directory to the container
docker run -v /host/path:/container/path nginx

Creating and Managing Volumes

Let's look at how to work with Docker volumes in practice.

Creating Volumes

You can create a volume explicitly before using it:

docker volume create my_volume



To list all volumes:

docker volume ls


local my_volume

Using Volumes with Containers

Here's how to start a container with a volume:

docker run -d \
--name my_container \
-v my_volume:/app/data \

This mounts the my_volume volume to the /app/data directory in the container.

Inspecting Volumes

To see detailed information about a volume:

docker volume inspect my_volume


"CreatedAt": "2023-04-12T09:12:36Z",
"Driver": "local",
"Labels": {},
"Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/my_volume/_data",
"Name": "my_volume",
"Options": {},
"Scope": "local"

Removing Volumes

To remove a volume:

docker volume rm my_volume

To remove all unused volumes:

docker volume prune

Practical Examples

Let's explore some common use cases for Docker volumes.

Example 1: Persistent Database Storage

When running a database in a container, you'll want to persist the data:

# Create a volume for database files
docker volume create postgres_data

# Run PostgreSQL with the volume
docker run -d \
--name my_postgres \
-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
-v postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \

Now, even if you remove and recreate the PostgreSQL container, your data will be preserved in the postgres_data volume.

Example 2: Sharing Data Between Containers

You can mount the same volume in multiple containers:

# Container 1 writes to the shared volume
docker run -d \
--name writer \
-v shared_data:/shared \
ubuntu bash -c "echo 'Hello from container 1' > /shared/file.txt && tail -f /dev/null"

# Container 2 reads from the shared volume
docker run -it \
--name reader \
-v shared_data:/shared \
ubuntu cat /shared/file.txt

Output from the second container:

Hello from container 1

Example 3: Development Environment

Volumes are perfect for development environments where you want to see code changes in real-time:

# Mount local code directory into a Node.js container
docker run -d \
--name node_app \
-v $(pwd):/app \
-w /app \
-p 3000:3000 \
node:16 npm start

Any changes you make to your local code will immediately be available in the container.

Volume Drivers

Docker supports various volume drivers that extend functionality:

  • local: The default driver for local storage
  • nfs: For mounting NFS shares
  • cifs: For mounting CIFS/SMB shares
  • Third-party plugins: For cloud storage, distributed storage, etc.

To use a specific driver:

docker volume create --driver=nfs \
--opt o=addr=,rw \
--opt device=:/path/to/dir \

Best Practices for Docker Volumes

  1. Use named volumes for better readability and management
  2. Create volumes explicitly before using them in containers
  3. Set appropriate permissions for volume mount points
  4. Use volume labels to organize and categorize volumes
  5. Regularly backup important volumes
  6. Clean up unused volumes with docker volume prune

Data Backup and Restore

Backing Up a Volume

To backup a volume:

docker run --rm \
-v my_volume:/source \
-v $(pwd):/backup \
alpine tar czvf /backup/my_volume_backup.tar.gz -C /source .

Restoring a Volume

To restore from a backup:

docker run --rm \
-v my_volume:/target \
-v $(pwd):/backup \
alpine sh -c "tar xzvf /backup/my_volume_backup.tar.gz -C /target"

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

Permissions Problems

If your container can't write to a volume, it might be a permissions issue:

# Fix permissions by running a temporary container
docker run --rm \
-v my_volume:/data \
alpine chown -R 1000:1000 /data

Volume Not Mounting Correctly

Check if the volume exists and is properly configured:

docker volume inspect my_volume

Also verify the container configuration:

docker inspect my_container | grep -A 10 Mounts


Docker volumes provide a powerful way to manage persistent data in Docker containers. They solve the ephemeral nature of containers by allowing data to exist independently of container lifecycles.

In this guide, we covered:

  • The concept and importance of Docker volumes
  • Different types of volumes (named, anonymous, bind mounts)
  • Creating and managing volumes
  • Practical examples for real-world applications
  • Volume drivers for extended functionality
  • Best practices and troubleshooting tips

By mastering Docker volumes, you've taken a significant step toward building more robust and maintainable containerized applications.


  1. Create a named volume and mount it to an Nginx container. Place an HTML file in the volume and verify it's being served.
  2. Set up a MySQL container with a volume for data persistence. Add some data, then destroy and recreate the container to verify the data persists.
  3. Create two containers that share the same volume. Experiment with having one container write data and the other read it.
  4. Try using different volume drivers if available in your environment.
  5. Implement a backup and restore process for a volume containing important data.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)