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Django Admin Configuration

The Django admin interface is one of Django's most powerful features, offering a ready-to-use interface for managing your application's data. While it works great out of the box, customizing and configuring the admin interface can significantly enhance its functionality and make it better suited to your specific project requirements.

Introduction to Django Admin Configuration

Django's admin site is essentially a Django app that provides a user interface for managing your application's data. It automatically generates admin interfaces based on your models, but its true power lies in how easily it can be customized.

In this tutorial, we'll explore various ways to configure and customize the Django admin interface to:

  • Improve the display and organization of data
  • Enhance the user experience for administrators
  • Control access and permissions
  • Add custom functionality specific to your application's needs

Basic Admin Configuration

Registering Models

Before you can use the admin interface to manage your models, you need to register them. The simplest way is to use the method:

# myapp/
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Book

When you visit the admin site, you'll see your Book model listed and can perform basic CRUD operations.

Creating a Custom ModelAdmin Class

To customize how a model is displayed and interacted with in the admin, create a custom ModelAdmin class:

# myapp/
from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Book

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'publication_date', 'price')
list_filter = ('author', 'publication_date')
search_fields = ('title', 'author')
date_hierarchy = 'publication_date'
ordering = ('-publication_date',), BookAdmin)

In this example, we've customized:

  • list_display: Fields displayed in the list view
  • list_filter: Fields that can be used to filter the list
  • search_fields: Fields that can be searched
  • date_hierarchy: Adds date-based navigation
  • ordering: Default ordering of records

Customizing List Views

List Display Options

The list_display attribute is powerful and can be extended beyond just field names:

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'publication_date', 'is_bestseller', 'get_price_with_tax')

def is_bestseller(self, obj):
return obj.copies_sold > 10000

is_bestseller.boolean = True
is_bestseller.short_description = 'Bestseller'

def get_price_with_tax(self, obj):
return f"${obj.price * 1.1:.2f}"

get_price_with_tax.short_description = 'Price (with tax)'

In this example, we've added:

  • A custom method is_bestseller with a boolean display
  • A custom method get_price_with_tax with a formatted output
  • Custom descriptions for both methods

List Editing and Actions

You can enable in-line editing with list_editable and add custom actions:

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'price', 'in_stock')
list_editable = ('price', 'in_stock')
actions = ['mark_as_bestsellers', 'apply_discount']

def mark_as_bestsellers(self, request, queryset):
mark_as_bestsellers.short_description = "Mark selected books as bestsellers"

def apply_discount(self, request, queryset):
for book in queryset:
book.price *= 0.9 # 10% discount
apply_discount.short_description = "Apply 10% discount"

Customizing Form Views


The fieldsets attribute helps organize fields in the edit form:

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
fieldsets = (
('Basic Information', {
'fields': ('title', 'author', 'description')
('Publishing Details', {
'fields': ('publication_date', 'publisher', 'isbn'),
'classes': ('collapse',),
('Sales Information', {
'fields': ('price', 'in_stock', 'copies_sold'),
'description': 'Data related to sales and inventory'

This groups fields into logical sections, with the 'Publishing Details' section being collapsible.

Custom Form Validation

You can add custom validation to your admin forms:

from django import forms

class BookAdminForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Book
fields = '__all__'

def clean(self):
cleaned_data = super().clean()
price = cleaned_data.get('price')

if price and price < 0:
raise forms.ValidationError("Price cannot be negative")

return cleaned_data

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
form = BookAdminForm
# other configurations...

Inline Editing

You can edit related models directly in the parent model's form using inlines:

from .models import Book, Chapter

class ChapterInline(admin.TabularInline): # or admin.StackedInline
model = Chapter
extra = 1 # Number of empty forms to display

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = [ChapterInline]
# other configurations...

Now when editing a book, you can also add or edit its chapters.

Many-to-Many Relationships

For many-to-many relationships, you can customize the display using filter_horizontal or filter_vertical:

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
filter_horizontal = ('genres',) # assuming Book has a many-to-many with Genre

Admin Site Customization

Customizing the Admin Site Header and Title

You can customize the admin site's header, title, and index title:

# myproject/
from django.contrib import admin = "BookStore Administration" = "BookStore Admin Portal" = "Welcome to BookStore Admin Portal"

Custom Admin Templates

For more extensive customization, you can override the default admin templates:

  1. Create a directory structure for your templates:
  1. Update your to include this templates directory:
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [BASE_DIR / 'templates'],
# other settings...
  1. Create your custom template by extending the default:
{% extends "admin/base_site.html" %}
{% load static %}

{% block title %}{{ title }} | {{ site_title }}{% endblock %}

{% block branding %}
<h1 id="site-name">
<a href="{% url 'admin:index' %}">
<img src="{% static 'img/logo.png' %}" height="40px" />
{{ site_header }}
{% endblock %}

{% block extrastyle %}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{% static 'css/admin-custom.css' %}">
{% endblock %}

Practical Examples

Let's create a comprehensive admin setup for a blog system with posts, categories, and comments:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.html import format_html
from .models import Post, Category, Comment

class CommentInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Comment
extra = 0
readonly_fields = ('created_at',)
fields = ('author', 'content', 'created_at', 'is_approved')

class PostAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'published_date', 'status', 'category_list', 'comment_count')
list_filter = ('status', 'categories', 'published_date')
search_fields = ('title', 'content', 'author__username')
prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title',)}
date_hierarchy = 'published_date'
filter_horizontal = ('categories',)
inlines = [CommentInline]

fieldsets = (
(None, {
'fields': ('title', 'slug', 'author', 'content')
('Publishing', {
'fields': ('status', 'published_date', 'categories', 'featured_image')
('SEO', {
'fields': ('meta_description', 'keywords'),
'classes': ('collapse',),

def category_list(self, obj):
return ", ".join([ for c in obj.categories.all()])

def comment_count(self, obj):
count = obj.comment_set.count()
return format_html('<a href="?post__id__exact={}">{} comment{}</a>',, count, 's' if count != 1 else '')

comment_count.short_description = 'Comments'

class CategoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'slug', 'post_count')
prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('name',)}

def post_count(self, obj):
return obj.post_set.count()

post_count.short_description = 'Posts'

class CommentAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('author', 'post', 'created_at', 'is_approved')
list_filter = ('is_approved', 'created_at')
list_editable = ('is_approved',)
actions = ['approve_comments']

def approve_comments(self, request, queryset):

approve_comments.short_description = "Approve selected comments", PostAdmin), CategoryAdmin), CommentAdmin)

Example 2: E-commerce Product Management

Here's an example for managing products in an e-commerce system:

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Product, Category, ProductImage, Variant

class ProductImageInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = ProductImage
extra = 1

class VariantInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Variant
extra = 0

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'sku', 'price', 'discount_price', 'category', 'stock_status', 'is_active')
list_filter = ('category', 'is_active', 'created_at')
list_editable = ('price', 'discount_price', 'is_active')
search_fields = ('name', 'sku', 'description')
readonly_fields = ('created_at', 'updated_at')
inlines = [ProductImageInline, VariantInline]

def stock_status(self, obj):
if obj.stock > 10:
return format_html('<span style="color: green;">In Stock</span>')
elif obj.stock > 0:
return format_html('<span style="color: orange;">Low Stock</span>')
return format_html('<span style="color: red;">Out of Stock</span>')

stock_status.short_description = 'Stock Status'

actions = ['mark_as_featured', 'apply_10_percent_discount']

def mark_as_featured(self, request, queryset):

def apply_10_percent_discount(self, request, queryset):
for product in queryset:
product.discount_price = product.price * 0.9, ProductAdmin)

Security and Permissions

User Permissions

Django's admin site uses Django's authentication system. You can control what users can do by:

  1. Creating user groups with specific permissions
  2. Assigning permissions to individual users
  3. Customizing permissions through your ModelAdmin classes
class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def has_add_permission(self, request):
# Only superusers can add books
return request.user.is_superuser

def has_change_permission(self, request, obj=None):
# Content editors and superusers can edit books
return request.user.groups.filter(name='Content Editors').exists() or request.user.is_superuser

def has_delete_permission(self, request, obj=None):
# Only superusers can delete books
return request.user.is_superuser

Admin Actions Permissions

You can also control who can use specific admin actions:

class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
actions = ['mark_as_bestseller']

def get_actions(self, request):
actions = super().get_actions(request)
if not request.user.has_perm('books.can_mark_bestseller'):
if 'mark_as_bestseller' in actions:
del actions['mark_as_bestseller']
return actions


Django's admin interface is incredibly flexible and can be customized to meet the specific needs of your project. In this tutorial, we've covered:

  • Basic admin configuration with ModelAdmin classes
  • Customizing list views with filters, search, and custom displays
  • Form customization with fieldsets and validation
  • Working with related models using inlines
  • Site-wide customization of headers, titles, and templates
  • Real-world examples for blog and e-commerce applications
  • Security and permission management

By leveraging these customization options, you can transform the Django admin from a simple data management tool into a powerful application-specific administration interface.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a custom admin interface for a library management system with books, authors, and borrowing records.
  2. Add a custom admin action that generates a CSV export of selected model instances.
  3. Create a dashboard in the admin index page showing statistics about your application's data.
  4. Implement row-level permissions where users can only edit content they created.
  5. Add custom CSS to style your admin interface with your company's branding.

With these customizations, your Django admin interface will be both more useful and more user-friendly for your site administrators!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)