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Django Admin Filters


When working with Django's admin interface, you'll often need to navigate through large sets of data. Django Admin Filters provide a powerful way to narrow down displayed records based on specific criteria, making data management significantly easier.

Filters appear in the right sidebar of your list views in the Django Admin interface and allow administrators to quickly find relevant data without writing custom queries. Whether you're managing thousands of user accounts, products, or any other data, filters can dramatically improve your productivity.

In this tutorial, we'll explore:

  • Built-in filter types Django provides
  • How to implement these filters in your admin classes
  • Creating custom filters for more complex filtering needs
  • Best practices for filter implementation

Basic Filter Implementation

Django provides several built-in filter types that are easy to add to your admin interface. Let's start with the basics.

Adding Filters to the Admin

To add filters to your Django admin, use the list_filter attribute in your ModelAdmin class:

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Product

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'category', 'price', 'in_stock', 'created_at')
list_filter = ('category', 'in_stock', 'created_at'), ProductAdmin)

With this implementation, Django will automatically create filters in the right sidebar for the fields 'category', 'in_stock', and 'created_at'.

Built-in Filter Types

Django offers several filter types out of the box, which are automatically selected based on the field type:

  1. BooleanField: Creates "Yes/No" filter options
  2. DateField/DateTimeField: Creates a date hierarchy filter with options like "Today", "Past 7 days", etc.
  3. ForeignKey: Creates a dropdown with all related objects
  4. CharField/TextField with choices: Creates a filter with all possible choices

Let's look at a more complete example with different field types:

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Article

class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'is_published', 'category', 'publication_date')
list_filter = (
'is_published', # BooleanField filter
'publication_date', # DateField filter
'author', # ForeignKey filter
'category', # CharField with choices filter
), ArticleAdmin)

Advanced Filtering Techniques

Using SimpleListFilter for Custom Filters

Sometimes the built-in filters aren't sufficient. For example, you might want to filter products by price ranges rather than exact prices. Django allows you to create custom filters by subclassing SimpleListFilter:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .models import Product

class PriceRangeFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = _('price range')
parameter_name = 'price_range'

def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
return (
('low', _('Under $10')),
('medium', _('$10 - $50')),
('high', _('Over $50')),

def queryset(self, request, queryset):
if self.value() == 'low':
return queryset.filter(price__lt=10)
if self.value() == 'medium':
return queryset.filter(price__gte=10, price__lte=50)
if self.value() == 'high':
return queryset.filter(price__gt=50)

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'category', 'price', 'in_stock')
list_filter = ('category', 'in_stock', PriceRangeFilter), ProductAdmin)

In this example, we've created a custom filter called PriceRangeFilter that groups products into three price ranges. The lookups method defines the filter options that appear in the admin interface, while the queryset method determines how each selection filters the queryset.

You can also filter by related fields using double-underscore notation:

class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', 'customer', 'total', 'created_at')
list_filter = ('created_at', 'customer__country', 'customer__status')

This allows filtering orders by the country or status of the customer, which are fields on the related Customer model.

Real-World Examples

Example 1: Content Management System

Let's create a more complex example for a blog or CMS system:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .models import Article

class PublicationStatusFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = _('publication status')
parameter_name = 'pub_status'

def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
return (
('published', _('Published')),
('draft', _('Draft')),
('scheduled', _('Scheduled for future')),
('archived', _('Archived')),

def queryset(self, request, queryset):
now =
if self.value() == 'published':
return queryset.filter(is_published=True, publication_date__lte=now)
if self.value() == 'draft':
return queryset.filter(is_published=False)
if self.value() == 'scheduled':
return queryset.filter(is_published=True, publication_date__gt=now)
if self.value() == 'archived':
return queryset.filter(is_archived=True)

class PopularArticleFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = _('popularity')
parameter_name = 'popularity'

def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
return (
('high', _('High (1000+ views)')),
('medium', _('Medium (100-1000 views)')),
('low', _('Low (<100 views)')),

def queryset(self, request, queryset):
if self.value() == 'high':
return queryset.filter(view_count__gte=1000)
if self.value() == 'medium':
return queryset.filter(view_count__gte=100, view_count__lt=1000)
if self.value() == 'low':
return queryset.filter(view_count__lt=100)

class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author', 'publication_date', 'view_count', 'is_published')
list_filter = (
), ArticleAdmin)

In this example, we've created two custom filters that help content editors manage articles based on their publication status and popularity.

Example 2: E-commerce Product Management

Let's create filters for an e-commerce product catalog:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from .models import Product

class StockStatusFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = _('stock status')
parameter_name = 'stock_status'

def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
return (
('in_stock', _('In Stock')),
('low_stock', _('Low Stock (< 10)')),
('out_of_stock', _('Out of Stock')),
('backorder', _('On Backorder')),

def queryset(self, request, queryset):
if self.value() == 'in_stock':
return queryset.filter(stock_quantity__gt=10)
if self.value() == 'low_stock':
return queryset.filter(stock_quantity__gt=0, stock_quantity__lte=10)
if self.value() == 'out_of_stock':
return queryset.filter(stock_quantity=0, backorder=False)
if self.value() == 'backorder':
return queryset.filter(backorder=True)

class ProductPerformanceFilter(admin.SimpleListFilter):
title = _('sales performance')
parameter_name = 'performance'

def lookups(self, request, model_admin):
return (
('best_seller', _('Best Sellers (100+ monthly)')),
('good', _('Good Performers (20-99 monthly)')),
('poor', _('Poor Performers (<20 monthly)')),
('no_sales', _('No Recent Sales')),

def queryset(self, request, queryset):
if self.value() == 'best_seller':
return queryset.filter(monthly_sales__gte=100)
if self.value() == 'good':
return queryset.filter(monthly_sales__gte=20, monthly_sales__lt=100)
if self.value() == 'poor':
return queryset.filter(monthly_sales__gt=0, monthly_sales__lt=20)
if self.value() == 'no_sales':
return queryset.filter(monthly_sales=0)

class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'category', 'price', 'stock_quantity', 'monthly_sales')
list_filter = (
), ProductAdmin)

This example shows how to use custom filters to help e-commerce managers quickly find products with specific inventory conditions or sales performance levels.

Filter Customization Tips

Date Hierarchies

For time-based data, Django provides the date_hierarchy attribute which creates a drilldown navigation by date:

class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', 'customer', 'total', 'created_at')
list_filter = ('status', 'payment_method')
date_hierarchy = 'created_at' # Adds a date navigation

The output will show a navigable date hierarchy above the list, allowing users to drill down by year, month, and day.

Filter Horizontal and Vertical

For many-to-many relationships, you can use filter_horizontal or filter_vertical to improve the user interface for selecting multiple related objects:

class ArticleAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('title', 'author')
list_filter = ('author', 'is_published')
filter_horizontal = ('categories', 'tags') # Improved M2M selection UI

Combining with Search Fields

Filters work great when combined with search functionality:

class CustomerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('name', 'email', 'country', 'membership_level')
list_filter = ('country', 'membership_level', 'is_active')
search_fields = ('name', 'email') # Allow searching by name or email

Best Practices

  1. Choose fields carefully: Only add filters for fields that make sense for your data model and will help administrators find what they're looking for.

  2. Limit the number of filters: Too many filters can overwhelm users. Focus on the most important attributes.

  3. Use custom filters for complex logic: When simple field filtering isn't enough, create custom filters to handle complex business logic.

  4. Consider performance: Some filters may be expensive to compute, especially on large datasets. Test with realistic data volumes.

  5. Use list_select_related: When filtering by related models, use list_select_related to optimize database queries:

class OrderAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ('id', 'customer', 'total')
list_filter = ('status', 'customer__country')
list_select_related = ('customer',) # Optimizes related field queries


Django Admin Filters provide a powerful way to navigate and manage your data effectively. We've covered:

  • Adding basic field filters with list_filter
  • Understanding Django's built-in filter types
  • Creating custom filters with SimpleListFilter
  • Real-world use cases for filtering in CMS and e-commerce applications
  • Best practices for implementing filters

With these tools and techniques, you can significantly enhance the usability of your Django admin interface, making data management tasks more efficient.

Additional Resources

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a custom filter for a User model that groups users by their last login date (e.g., "Active", "Inactive for 30+ days", "Never logged in").

  2. Implement a filter for an Event model that allows filtering events by whether they are upcoming, ongoing, or past.

  3. Create a filter for a Product model that groups products by whether they're on sale, featured, new arrivals, or regular items.

  4. Build a custom filter for a financial Transaction model that categorizes transactions by their amount into different spending tiers.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)