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Spring MVC ModelAndView


In Spring MVC, the ModelAndView class is a fundamental component that plays a crucial role in the request-response cycle. It combines two essential parts of the MVC pattern:

  1. Model: Contains the data to be displayed on the view
  2. View: Specifies which view should render the response

ModelAndView provides a convenient way to pass both data and view information from a controller method back to the DispatcherServlet, which then processes the view and sends the response to the client.

Understanding ModelAndView Basics

What is ModelAndView?

ModelAndView is a holder class that contains both model data and view information. It acts as a container that the Spring MVC framework uses to pass information between controllers and views.

The class serves two purposes:

  • It specifies which view should render the response
  • It provides the data that the view needs to display

Key Components

  1. View Name/Object: Identifies which view should render the response
  2. Model Attributes: Key-value pairs representing the data to be displayed
  3. Status Code: Optional HTTP status for the response

Creating and Using ModelAndView

Let's look at how to create and use a ModelAndView object in a Spring MVC controller.

Basic Usage

public class ProductController {

public ModelAndView getProduct() {
// Create a new ModelAndView object with the view name
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("productDetails");

// Add attributes to the model
modelAndView.addObject("productName", "Laptop");
modelAndView.addObject("productPrice", 999.99);

return modelAndView;

In this example:

  • We create a new ModelAndView instance specifying "productDetails" as the view name
  • We add two attributes to the model: "productName" and "productPrice"
  • The method returns the ModelAndView object to Spring's DispatcherServlet

Spring will look for a view named "productDetails" (usually a JSP, Thymeleaf, or other template) and pass the model attributes to it.

Alternative Construction Methods

There are several ways to create a ModelAndView:

// Empty constructor - set view name and attributes later
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();

// Constructor with view name
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("viewName");

// Constructor with view name and a model attribute
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("viewName", "attributeName", attributeValue);

// Constructor with view name and model map
Map<String, Object> model = new HashMap<>();
model.put("attribute1", value1);
model.put("attribute2", value2);
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("viewName", model);

ModelAndView vs. Model + View Name

Spring MVC controllers can return various types. Two common approaches are:

  1. Returning a ModelAndView object
  2. Returning a view name (String) and using a Model parameter

Here's a comparison:

Using ModelAndView:

public ModelAndView greeting() {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("greeting");
modelAndView.addObject("message", "Hello, World!");
return modelAndView;

Using Model + View Name:

public String greeting(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("message", "Hello, World!");
return "greeting";

Both approaches achieve the same result, but ModelAndView combines both elements into a single object. The choice between them is often based on personal preference or specific requirements.

Practical Examples

Example 1: User Registration Form

This example shows how to use ModelAndView to handle a user registration form:

public class RegistrationController {

public ModelAndView showRegistrationForm() {
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("registration");
// Add a new empty User object to the form
modelAndView.addObject("user", new User());
return modelAndView;

public ModelAndView processRegistration(@ModelAttribute User user) {
// Process registration logic here

ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("registrationSuccess");
modelAndView.addObject("registeredUser", user);
return modelAndView;

Example 2: Error Handling

ModelAndView is also useful for error handling scenarios:

public class ProductController {

private ProductService productService;

public ModelAndView getProduct(@PathVariable("id") Long productId) {
try {
Product product = productService.findById(productId);
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("productDetails");
modelAndView.addObject("product", product);
return modelAndView;

} catch (ProductNotFoundException ex) {
ModelAndView errorView = new ModelAndView("errorPage");
errorView.addObject("errorMessage", "Product not found");
return errorView;

Example 3: Dynamic View Selection

We can select the view dynamically based on certain conditions:

public class UserController {

public ModelAndView getAccountPage(HttpSession session) {
User user = (User) session.getAttribute("currentUser");
ModelAndView modelAndView;

if (user.getRole().equals("ADMIN")) {
modelAndView = new ModelAndView("adminDashboard");
} else {
modelAndView = new ModelAndView("userDashboard");

modelAndView.addObject("user", user);
return modelAndView;

Advanced ModelAndView Features

Setting HTTP Status

You can set the HTTP status of the response:

ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("errorPage");
modelAndView.setStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND); // Sets 404 status code


ModelAndView can also be used for redirects:

ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("redirect:/success");
// Or with parameters
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("redirect:/user?id=123");


Similar to redirects, but the URL doesn't change in the browser:

ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("forward:/dashboard");

Flash Attributes with Redirects

When redirecting, normal model attributes are lost. You can use RedirectAttributes, but with ModelAndView it requires extra steps:

public ModelAndView saveProduct(Product product, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {;
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("message", "Product saved successfully!");
return new ModelAndView("redirect:/productList");

Best Practices

  1. Keep view logic separate: Avoid complex logic in your controller methods
  2. Use meaningful attribute names: Make your view templates easier to understand
  3. Consistent naming conventions: For both view names and model attributes
  4. Consider using Model + view name: For simpler cases, this approach may be clearer
  5. Use ModelAndView for complex scenarios: When you need to set HTTP status or have dynamic view logic


ModelAndView is a versatile and powerful class in Spring MVC that combines the model (data) and view (template) information in a single object. It provides a convenient way to:

  • Specify which view should handle the response
  • Pass data to the view through model attributes
  • Configure response details like HTTP status codes
  • Handle redirects and forwards

While Spring offers alternative approaches like the Model + view name pattern, ModelAndView remains an important tool in your Spring MVC toolkit, especially for complex scenarios and dynamic view selection.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a simple Spring MVC controller that displays a form for creating a new blog post using ModelAndView
  2. Modify your controller to handle form submission and show success/error messages using appropriate views
  3. Implement error handling by creating a controller that uses ModelAndView to display custom error pages with appropriate HTTP status codes
  4. Create a controller that dynamically selects one of three different views based on a request parameter

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)