Arduino Flash Memory
Flash memory is a critical component of Arduino's memory architecture that allows you to store program code and constant data. Understanding how Flash memory works and how to use it efficiently can significantly improve your Arduino projects, especially when working with limited RAM.
In Arduino, Flash memory (also called program memory) is non-volatile, which means it retains data even when power is turned off. This memory primarily stores your compiled program code, but you can also use it to store constant data like lookup tables, large strings, or arrays that would otherwise consume valuable RAM.
Understanding Arduino Memory Architecture
Before diving into Flash memory specifically, let's understand Arduino's memory architecture:
On a typical Arduino Uno:
- Flash Memory: 32KB (program storage)
- SRAM: 2KB (variables storage)
- EEPROM: 1KB (long-term data storage)
The PROGMEM Directive
To store data in Flash memory instead of SRAM, Arduino provides the PROGMEM
keyword. Here's how to use it:
Basic Usage of PROGMEM
#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // Required for PROGMEM
// Storing a single value
const int myConstant PROGMEM = 42;
// Storing an array
const int myArray[] PROGMEM = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
// Storing a string
const char myString[] PROGMEM = "This string is stored in Flash memory";
Reading from PROGMEM
When you store data in Flash memory, you need special functions to read it:
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// Define data in flash memory
const char message[] PROGMEM = "This is stored in flash memory";
const int dataTable[] PROGMEM = {11, 22, 33, 44, 55};
void setup() {
// Reading a single byte from a string
char c = pgm_read_byte(&message[0]);
Serial.println(c); // Output: T
// Reading an integer
int value = pgm_read_word(&dataTable[2]);
Serial.println(value); // Output: 33
// Reading entire string
char buffer[50];
strcpy_P(buffer, message); // Copy from PROGMEM to buffer
Serial.println(buffer); // Output: This is stored in flash memory
void loop() {
// Nothing here
Available PROGMEM Read Functions
- for 8-bit valuespgm_read_word(address)
- for 16-bit valuespgm_read_dword(address)
- for 32-bit valuespgm_read_float(address)
- for float valuesstrcpy_P(destination, source)
- copy a string from PROGMEM
Storing Strings in Flash Memory
Strings can consume a lot of RAM. Here are techniques to store them in Flash:
Using F() Macro
The simplest way to store string literals in Flash:
void setup() {
// This string uses RAM
Serial.println("This string uses SRAM");
// This string uses Flash
Serial.println(F("This string uses Flash memory"));
This string uses SRAM
This string uses Flash memory
The output looks identical, but the memory usage is different! The second approach saves precious RAM.
String Tables in PROGMEM
For multiple strings, you can create a table:
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// Array of strings stored in Flash
const char string0[] PROGMEM = "First string";
const char string1[] PROGMEM = "Second string";
const char string2[] PROGMEM = "Third string";
const char string3[] PROGMEM = "Fourth string";
// Table of pointers to strings
const char* const stringTable[] PROGMEM = {
string0, string1, string2, string3
void setup() {
// Buffer to hold the string from Flash
char buffer[20];
// Read each string from the table
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Get pointer to the string
char* stringAddress = (char*)pgm_read_word(&(stringTable[i]));
// Copy string from Flash to buffer
strcpy_P(buffer, stringAddress);
// Print the string
First string
Second string
Third string
Fourth string
Practical Example: LCD Menu System
Here's a real-world example of using Flash memory to store menu items for an LCD display:
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
// Initialize LCD
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
// Menu items stored in Flash
const char menuItem0[] PROGMEM = "Temperature";
const char menuItem1[] PROGMEM = "Humidity";
const char menuItem2[] PROGMEM = "Pressure";
const char menuItem3[] PROGMEM = "Wind Speed";
const char menuItem4[] PROGMEM = "Settings";
// Table of menu items
const char* const menuItems[] PROGMEM = {
menuItem0, menuItem1, menuItem2, menuItem3, menuItem4
const int buttonPin = 8;
int currentMenu = 0;
int menuSize = 5;
char buffer[20];
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop() {
// If button is pressed, go to next menu item
if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW) {
currentMenu = (currentMenu + 1) % menuSize;
delay(300); // Debounce
void displayCurrentMenuItem() {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// Get address of current menu item
char* menuAddress = (char*)pgm_read_word(&(menuItems[currentMenu]));
// Copy string from Flash to buffer
strcpy_P(buffer, menuAddress);
// Display the menu item
This menu system stores all text in Flash memory, saving RAM for other operations.
Storing and Using Data Tables in Flash
For applications requiring lookup tables, storing them in Flash is efficient:
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// Sine table with 90 degree values (0-90 degrees)
const PROGMEM uint16_t sineTable[] = {
0, 175, 349, 523, 698, 872, 1045, 1219, 1392, 1564,
1736, 1908, 2079, 2250, 2419, 2588, 2756, 2924, 3090, 3256,
3420, 3584, 3746, 3907, 4067, 4226, 4384, 4540, 4695, 4848,
5000, 5150, 5299, 5446, 5592, 5736, 5878, 6018, 6157, 6293,
6428, 6561, 6691, 6820, 6947, 7071, 7193, 7314, 7431, 7547,
7660, 7771, 7880, 7986, 8090, 8191, 8290, 8387, 8480, 8572,
8660, 8746, 8829, 8910, 8988, 9063, 9135, 9205, 9272, 9336,
9397, 9455, 9511, 9563, 9613, 9659, 9703, 9744, 9781, 9816,
9848, 9877, 9903, 9925, 9945, 9962, 9976, 9986, 9994, 9998,
int getSine(int angle) {
// Normalize angle to 0-359 range
angle = angle % 360;
if (angle < 0) angle += 360;
// Handle different quadrants
if (angle <= 90) {
return pgm_read_word(&sineTable[angle]);
} else if (angle <= 180) {
return pgm_read_word(&sineTable[180 - angle]);
} else if (angle <= 270) {
return -pgm_read_word(&sineTable[angle - 180]);
} else {
return -pgm_read_word(&sineTable[360 - angle]);
void setup() {
// Display sine values for various angles
Serial.println("Angle | Sine value (x10000)");
for (int angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += 30) {
int sineValue = getSine(angle);
Serial.print(" | ");
void loop() {
// Nothing here
Angle | Sine value (x10000)
0 | 0
30 | 5000
60 | 8660
90 | 10000
120 | 8660
150 | 5000
180 | 0
210 | -5000
240 | -8660
270 | -10000
300 | -8660
330 | -5000
This example stores a sine lookup table in Flash, saving significant RAM while still providing fast access to trigonometric values.
Memory Usage Comparison
Let's see how using PROGMEM affects memory usage:
const char message[] = "This is a very long message that will be used in our Arduino project multiple times";
void setup() {
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
const char message[] PROGMEM = "This is a very long message that will be used in our Arduino project multiple times";
void setup() {
char buffer[100];
strcpy_P(buffer, message);
While both sketches appear similar, the first one stores the string in SRAM, while the second one stores it in Flash memory, freeing up valuable SRAM for other operations.
Best Practices and Considerations
When to use PROGMEM:
- Large constant arrays or tables
- String literals that don't change
- Lookup tables
- Any constant data that would consume significant RAM
When not to use PROGMEM:
- Variables that change during execution
- Small amounts of data (overhead might not be worth it)
- Data that needs frequent, fast access (Flash is slower than RAM)
Performance considerations:
- Reading from Flash is slower than reading from SRAM
- Use buffers to copy Flash data to SRAM when needed for frequent access
- PROGMEM is specific to AVR-based Arduinos (Uno, Nano, Mega)
- For ESP8266/ESP32, use different approaches (PROGMEM works differently)
- ARM-based Arduinos like Due handle constant data differently
Finding Your Sketch's Memory Usage
To see how much memory your sketch uses, check the compilation output in the Arduino IDE. At the end of compilation, you'll see something like:
Sketch uses 4,328 bytes (13%) of program storage space. Maximum is 32,256 bytes.
Global variables use 632 bytes (30%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1,416 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2,048 bytes.
This tells you:
- How much Flash memory (program storage) your sketch uses
- How much SRAM (dynamic memory) your global variables use
Common Pitfalls
Not including the necessary header:
cpp#include <avr/pgmspace.h> // Required for PROGMEM
Trying to access PROGMEM data directly:
cpp// WRONG
char c = myString[0]; // This won't work with PROGMEM strings
char c = pgm_read_byte(&myString[0]); -
Forgetting string termination: When copying strings from PROGMEM, ensure your buffer is large enough for the entire string, including the null terminator.
Flash memory in Arduino provides a valuable resource for storing constant data without consuming precious SRAM. By using the PROGMEM
directive and related functions, you can optimize your Arduino projects to store strings, arrays, and lookup tables in program memory.
Key takeaways:
- Flash memory is non-volatile and primarily stores your program code
- Use
to store constant data in Flash - Use appropriate functions like
to read from Flash - The
macro provides an easy way to store string literals in Flash - Consider performance tradeoffs as reading from Flash is slower than SRAM
Create a project that stores 10 of your favorite quotes in Flash memory and displays a random one on an LCD when a button is pressed.
Modify the sine table example to include cosine values as well, and create a function to read both sine and cosine values from the table.
Create a temperature conversion table stored in Flash that converts between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Build a multi-language menu system for an LCD display where all text strings are stored in Flash memory.
Implement a data logger that uses Flash memory to store sensor configuration data and EEPROM to store the actual logged values.
Additional Resources
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)