C# Enumeration
Enumeration is a fundamental concept in C# programming that allows us to iterate through collections of data such as arrays, lists, dictionaries, and other data structures. It provides a standard way to access elements in a collection one at a time without needing to know the underlying structure of the collection.
In C#, enumeration is primarily supported through the IEnumerable
and IEnumerator
interfaces, which form the foundation of the powerful foreach
loop. Understanding enumeration is essential for effective collection manipulation and processing.
The Basics of Enumeration
The foreach Loop
The most common way to enumerate through collections in C# is by using the foreach
loop. This loop provides a simple, readable syntax for iterating through any collection that implements the IEnumerable
// Example of foreach loop with an array
string[] fruits = { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date" };
// Iterating through the array with foreach
Console.WriteLine("Fruits in my basket:");
foreach (string fruit in fruits)
Console.WriteLine($"- {fruit}");
Fruits in my basket:
- Apple
- Banana
- Cherry
- Date
IEnumerable and IEnumerator Interfaces
Behind the scenes, the foreach
loop uses two important interfaces:
- Contains a single methodGetEnumerator()
that returns anIEnumerator
- Provides methods and properties to iterate through a collection
These interfaces are defined as follows:
// IEnumerable interface (simplified)
public interface IEnumerable
IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
// IEnumerator interface (simplified)
public interface IEnumerator
bool MoveNext();
object Current { get; }
void Reset();
The foreach
loop can be rewritten using these interfaces explicitly:
string[] fruits = { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date" };
// Explicit use of IEnumerator
IEnumerator enumerator = fruits.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
string fruit = (string)enumerator.Current;
Generic Enumeration with IEnumerable<T>
C# provides generic versions of these interfaces (IEnumerable<T>
and IEnumerator<T>
), which offer type safety and eliminate the need for casting:
List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
// Using generic IEnumerator<T>
IEnumerator<int> enumerator = numbers.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
int number = enumerator.Current; // No casting needed
Console.WriteLine($"Number: {number}");
Number: 1
Number: 2
Number: 3
Number: 4
Number: 5
Creating Custom Enumerators
You can create your own enumerable types by implementing the IEnumerable<T>
interface. This is useful when you have custom collection types or when you want to provide a specific way to iterate through data.
Here's an example of a custom collection with an enumerator:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Fibonacci : IEnumerable<int>
private readonly int _count;
public Fibonacci(int count)
_count = count;
public IEnumerator<int> GetEnumerator()
return new FibonacciEnumerator(_count);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
private class FibonacciEnumerator : IEnumerator<int>
private readonly int _count;
private int _current;
private int _next;
private int _position;
public FibonacciEnumerator(int count)
_count = count;
public int Current => _current;
object IEnumerator.Current => Current;
public bool MoveNext()
if (_position < 0)
_current = 0;
_next = 1;
return true;
if (_position < _count - 1)
int temp = _current + _next;
_current = _next;
_next = temp;
return true;
return false;
public void Reset()
_position = -1;
_current = 0;
_next = 1;
public void Dispose()
// No resources to dispose
Usage example:
// Generate the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
Fibonacci fib = new Fibonacci(10);
Console.WriteLine("First 10 Fibonacci numbers:");
foreach (int number in fib)
Console.Write($"{number} ");
First 10 Fibonacci numbers:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
Yield Return: Simplified Enumeration
C# provides the yield
keyword to simplify creating enumerators. It allows you to create an iterator method that returns elements one at a time without having to implement the full IEnumerator
public class SimpleFibonacci
private readonly int _count;
public SimpleFibonacci(int count)
_count = count;
public IEnumerable<int> GetSequence()
int current = 0;
int next = 1;
yield return current; // First Fibonacci number
for (int i = 1; i < _count; i++)
int temp = current + next;
current = next;
next = temp;
yield return current;
SimpleFibonacci fib = new SimpleFibonacci(10);
Console.WriteLine("First 10 Fibonacci numbers using yield:");
foreach (int number in fib.GetSequence())
Console.Write($"{number} ");
First 10 Fibonacci numbers using yield:
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34
LINQ and Enumeration
LINQ (Language-Integrated Query) is built on top of the enumeration concept and provides powerful query capabilities:
List<string> names = new List<string> { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eva" };
// Using LINQ to filter and transform data
var filteredNames = names
.Where(name => name.Length > 3)
.Select(name => name.ToUpper());
Console.WriteLine("Names with more than 3 characters (uppercase):");
foreach (string name in filteredNames)
Names with more than 3 characters (uppercase):
Practical Applications
Lazy Evaluation
One significant benefit of C# enumeration is lazy evaluation. Elements are processed only when needed, which can improve performance when working with large collections:
// This generates numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 but doesn't store them all in memory at once
IEnumerable<int> largeNumberSequence = Enumerable.Range(1, 1000000);
// This only takes the first 5 numbers and stops generating the rest
var firstFive = largeNumberSequence.Take(5);
Console.WriteLine("First 5 numbers:");
foreach (int num in firstFive)
Custom Data Processing Pipeline
Enumeration allows you to create data processing pipelines that can handle large amounts of data efficiently:
public static class DataProcessor
// Reads data from a source (could be a file, database, etc.)
public static IEnumerable<string> ReadData(string source)
// Simulating reading data
string[] lines = {
foreach (string line in lines)
yield return line;
// Transforms data into a more useful format
public static IEnumerable<Person> ParseData(IEnumerable<string> lines)
foreach (string line in lines)
string[] parts = line.Split(',');
yield return new Person
Name = parts[0],
Age = int.Parse(parts[1]),
Role = parts[2]
// Filters data based on criteria
public static IEnumerable<Person> FilterByAge(IEnumerable<Person> people, int minAge)
foreach (Person person in people)
if (person.Age >= minAge)
yield return person;
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Role { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return $"{Name} ({Age}) - {Role}";
Usage of the pipeline:
// Create a data processing pipeline
var dataSource = "sample-data";
var pipeline = DataProcessor
Console.WriteLine("People aged 30 or older:");
foreach (var person in pipeline)
People aged 30 or older:
Jane (30) - Designer
Sarah (35) - Director
Common Enumeration Patterns
Breaking Early
Sometimes you need to exit a foreach loop early:
List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
Console.WriteLine("Numbers until we find 5:");
foreach (int number in numbers)
Console.Write($"{number} ");
if (number == 5)
break; // Exit the loop when we find 5
Numbers until we find 5:
1 2 3 4 5
Skipping Elements
To skip certain elements during iteration:
List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
Console.WriteLine("Only printing odd numbers:");
foreach (int number in numbers)
if (number % 2 == 0)
continue; // Skip even numbers
Console.Write($"{number} ");
Only printing odd numbers:
1 3 5 7 9
Enumeration in C# provides a flexible and powerful way to work with collections of data. Key points to remember:
- The
loop is the most common and readable way to enumerate collections - Behind the scenes, enumeration uses the
interfaces - Generic versions (
) provide type safety - You can create custom enumerators by implementing these interfaces
- The
keyword simplifies creating custom enumerators - Enumeration supports lazy evaluation, improving performance with large datasets
- LINQ is built on the enumeration concept and provides powerful query capabilities
Understanding enumeration is essential for effectively working with collections in C# and is the foundation for more advanced collection operations.
- Create a custom enumerator that generates prime numbers up to a specified limit
- Implement a method that uses
yield return
to generate a sequence of dates (one for each day in a given month) - Create a data processing pipeline using custom enumerators to read, filter, and transform data from a text file
- Implement a custom collection class that provides multiple different ways to enumerate its elements (e.g., forwards, backwards, only even/odd indices)
Additional Resources
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)