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C# Stacks


A stack is a special type of collection that stores elements in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) manner. Think of it like a stack of plates: the last plate you put on top is the first one you take off. In C#, the Stack<T> class represents this data structure and is part of the System.Collections.Generic namespace.

Stacks are particularly useful when you need to:

  • Process items in reverse order
  • Remember a series of operations that might need to be undone
  • Keep track of a path or sequence where you need to "backtrack"

Basic Stack Operations

There are three primary operations you can perform with a stack:

  1. Push - Add an element to the top of the stack
  2. Pop - Remove and return the element from the top of the stack
  3. Peek - View the top element without removing it

Let's see how these operations work in C#:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// Creating a new stack
Stack<string> bookStack = new Stack<string>();

// Adding elements using Push
bookStack.Push("Book 1");
bookStack.Push("Book 2");
bookStack.Push("Book 3");

// Viewing the top element using Peek
Console.WriteLine("Top book: " + bookStack.Peek());
// Output: Top book: Book 3

// Removing elements using Pop
Console.WriteLine("Taking book: " + bookStack.Pop());
// Output: Taking book: Book 3

Console.WriteLine("Now the top book is: " + bookStack.Peek());
// Output: Now the top book is: Book 2

// Number of books in stack
Console.WriteLine("Number of books: " + bookStack.Count);
// Output: Number of books: 2

Creating and Initializing a Stack

You can create a stack in a few different ways:

// Empty stack
Stack<int> numbers = new Stack<int>();

// Stack with initial capacity
Stack<int> numbersWithCapacity = new Stack<int>(10);

// Stack initialized with elements from another collection
List<int> numberList = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
Stack<int> numbersFromList = new Stack<int>(numberList);

// Note: When initializing from a collection, the elements are pushed
// in the order they are enumerated, so the top of the stack will be
// the last element in the source collection
Console.WriteLine(numbersFromList.Pop()); // Output: 5
Console.WriteLine(numbersFromList.Pop()); // Output: 4

Working with Stacks

Checking if an Element Exists in a Stack

Stack<string> fruitStack = new Stack<string>();

// Check if the stack contains an element
bool hasApple = fruitStack.Contains("Apple");
Console.WriteLine("Stack contains Apple: " + hasApple);
// Output: Stack contains Apple: True

Converting a Stack to Other Collections

Stack<int> myStack = new Stack<int>();

// Convert stack to array
int[] myArray = myStack.ToArray();
Console.WriteLine("First element in array: " + myArray[0]);
// Output: First element in array: 30

// Convert stack to list
List<int> myList = new List<int>(myStack);

Clearing a Stack

Stack<double> prices = new Stack<double>();

Console.WriteLine("Number of prices: " + prices.Count);
// Output: Number of prices: 3

// Clear all elements
Console.WriteLine("Number of prices after clearing: " + prices.Count);
// Output: Number of prices after clearing: 0

Iterating Through a Stack

When you iterate through a stack, you go from the top (most recently added) to the bottom:

Stack<string> cards = new Stack<string>();
cards.Push("Ace of Spades");
cards.Push("King of Hearts");
cards.Push("Queen of Diamonds");

Console.WriteLine("Cards from top to bottom:");
foreach (var card in cards)

// Output:
// Cards from top to bottom:
// Queen of Diamonds
// King of Hearts
// Ace of Spades

Practical Applications of Stacks

Example 1: Reversing a String

static string ReverseString(string input)
Stack<char> charStack = new Stack<char>();

// Push each character onto the stack
foreach (char c in input)

// Build the reversed string
string reversed = string.Empty;
while (charStack.Count > 0)
reversed += charStack.Pop();

return reversed;

// Example usage
string original = "Hello World!";
string reversed = ReverseString(original);
Console.WriteLine($"Original: {original}");
Console.WriteLine($"Reversed: {reversed}");

// Output:
// Original: Hello World!
// Reversed: !dlroW olleH

Example 2: Checking Balanced Parentheses

static bool AreParenthesesBalanced(string expression)
Stack<char> parenthesesStack = new Stack<char>();

foreach (char c in expression)
if (c == '(' || c == '[' || c == '{')
else if (c == ')' || c == ']' || c == '}')
if (parenthesesStack.Count == 0)
return false;

char top = parenthesesStack.Pop();

if ((c == ')' && top != '(') ||
(c == ']' && top != '[') ||
(c == '}' && top != '{'))
return false;

return parenthesesStack.Count == 0;

// Example usage
string expr1 = "{[()]}";
string expr2 = "{[(])}";
Console.WriteLine($"'{expr1}' is balanced: {AreParenthesesBalanced(expr1)}");
Console.WriteLine($"'{expr2}' is balanced: {AreParenthesesBalanced(expr2)}");

// Output:
// '{[()]}' is balanced: True
// '{[(])}' is balanced: False

Example 3: Implementing Undo Functionality

class TextEditor
private string _currentText = "";
private Stack<string> _undoStack = new Stack<string>();

public void AddText(string text)
_currentText += text;

public bool Undo()
if (_undoStack.Count > 0)
_currentText = _undoStack.Pop();
return true;
return false;

public string GetText()
return _currentText;

// Example usage
TextEditor editor = new TextEditor();
editor.AddText("Hello ");
Console.WriteLine("Current text: " + editor.GetText());

Console.WriteLine("After undo: " + editor.GetText());

Console.WriteLine("After another undo: " + editor.GetText());

// Output:
// Current text: Hello World!
// After undo: Hello
// After another undo:

Stack vs. Other Collections

Here's a quick comparison of stacks with other collection types:

CollectionAccess PatternUse When
StackLast-In-First-Out (LIFO)You need to process items in reverse order
QueueFirst-In-First-Out (FIFO)You need to process items in order they were added
ListRandom access by indexYou need arbitrary access to elements
DictionaryKey-value lookupYou need to find values using unique keys

Performance Considerations

  • Most stack operations (Push, Pop, Peek) are O(1) - constant time
  • Searching with Contains is O(n) as it may need to check each element
  • Stacks in C# are implemented as arrays internally, which might be resized when capacity is exceeded
  • If you know the approximate size in advance, set the initial capacity for better performance


The Stack<T> collection in C# provides an efficient way to store and retrieve data in a Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) manner. We've learned:

  • How to create and initialize stacks
  • Basic operations like Push, Pop, and Peek
  • How to check for elements and clear a stack
  • Iterating through stack elements
  • Practical applications like string reversing, parentheses checking, and undo functionality

Stacks are an essential data structure in programming and understanding them will help you solve many real-world problems more efficiently.


  1. Write a program that uses a stack to determine if a word is a palindrome
  2. Implement a postfix calculator using a stack (e.g., evaluate "3 4 + 5 *")
  3. Create a browser history functionality where you can navigate back using a stack
  4. Write a function that sorts a stack without using any other data structure
  5. Implement a stack that also keeps track of the minimum element

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)