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PHP Type Hinting


Type hinting is one of PHP's most powerful features for creating robust, maintainable object-oriented code. It allows developers to specify what types of data can be passed to functions, methods, and, in newer PHP versions, properties. By explicitly declaring the expected data types, you can catch errors earlier, improve code readability, and enable better IDE support.

In this tutorial, we'll explore PHP type hinting in depth, including:

  • What type hinting is and why it's important
  • Basic type hinting for functions and methods
  • Class and interface type hinting
  • Return type declarations
  • Nullable types
  • Union types (PHP 8+)
  • Property type declarations

What is Type Hinting?

Type hinting (also known as type declarations) allows you to specify the expected data type for:

  • Function and method parameters
  • Function and method return values
  • Class properties (PHP 7.4+)

This helps catch type-related errors at compile time rather than runtime, making your code more predictable and easier to debug.

Basic Type Hinting

Let's start with the basics. Here's how you can use type hinting for simple data types:

// Without type hinting
function add($a, $b) {
return $a + $b;

// With type hinting
function addWithTypes(int $a, int $b): int {
return $a + $b;

// Example usage
echo add(5, 10); // Output: 15
echo add("5", "10"); // Output: 15 (strings converted to integers)
echo add("5", "hello"); // Error: "hello" is not numeric

echo addWithTypes(5, 10); // Output: 15
// echo addWithTypes("5", "10"); // Error: This would fail with type error

In the example above, the addWithTypes() function only accepts integer values, providing stronger guarantees about what data can be processed.

Available Type Hints

PHP supports several built-in type hints:

TypeAvailable SinceDescription
intPHP 7.0Integer values
floatPHP 7.0Floating-point numbers
stringPHP 7.0String values
boolPHP 7.0Boolean values
arrayPHP 5.1Array values
callablePHP 5.4Functions and other callable entities
iterablePHP 7.1Arrays or objects implementing Traversable
objectPHP 7.2Any object
mixedPHP 8.0Any type
Class/interface namesPHP 5.0Objects of the specified class/interface
self/parentPHP 5.0Objects of the current/parent class

Class and Interface Type Hinting

One of the most powerful uses of type hinting is specifying classes or interfaces as parameter types:

class User {
public string $name;

public function __construct(string $name) {
$this->name = $name;

class UserManager {
public function greetUser(User $user): string {
return "Hello, " . $user->name . "!";

// Usage example
$user = new User("John");
$manager = new UserManager();

echo $manager->greetUser($user); // Output: Hello, John!
// echo $manager->greetUser("John"); // Error: Argument 1 must be of type User

This ensures that only User objects can be passed to the greetUser() method.

Return Type Declarations

PHP 7.0 introduced return type declarations, allowing you to specify what type a function or method should return:

function getUserName(int $userId): string {
// Database lookup logic here...
return "John Doe"; // Must return a string

// This would cause an error
function getBadUserName(int $userId): string {
return $userId; // Error: Return value must be of type string, int returned

Nullable Types

Sometimes you need to accept NULL as a valid value. PHP 7.1 introduced nullable types using the question mark (?) syntax:

function findUser(int $userId): ?User {
// Database lookup logic
$found = /* database logic */;

if ($found) {
return new User("John");
} else {
return null; // This is valid with the ?User return type

function processUser(?User $user): string {
if ($user === null) {
return "No user provided";
return "Processing user: " . $user->name;

Union Types (PHP 8+)

PHP 8.0 introduced union types, allowing you to specify multiple possible types for a single parameter or return value:

function handleValue(string|int $value): string|int {
if (is_string($value)) {
return "You provided the string: " . $value;
} else {
return $value * 2;

echo handleValue("hello"); // Output: You provided the string: hello
echo handleValue(5); // Output: 10

Property Type Declarations

PHP 7.4 introduced typed properties, allowing you to declare types for class properties:

class Product {
public string $name;
public float $price;
public ?string $description;
public array $categories = [];

public function __construct(string $name, float $price, ?string $description = null) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->price = $price;
$this->description = $description;

$product = new Product("Laptop", 999.99, "A powerful laptop");
echo $product->name; // Output: Laptop

// These would all cause errors:
// $product->name = 123; // Error: Must be string
// $product->price = "cheap"; // Error: Must be float
// $product->categories = "Tech"; // Error: Must be array

Strict Types

By default, PHP performs type coercion (automatic conversion of types). You can enable strict typing by adding declare(strict_types=1); at the top of your file:


function multiply(int $a, int $b): int {
return $a * $b;

echo multiply(5, 3); // Output: 15
// echo multiply("5", 3); // Error: Argument 1 must be of type int, string given

Without strict_types, PHP would convert the string "5" to an integer automatically.

Practical Example: Building a Simple Shopping Cart

Let's see type hinting in action with a more complete example:


interface Purchasable {
public function getPrice(): float;
public function getName(): string;

class Product implements Purchasable {
private string $name;
private float $price;

public function __construct(string $name, float $price) {
$this->name = $name;
$this->price = $price;

public function getPrice(): float {
return $this->price;

public function getName(): string {
return $this->name;

class DigitalProduct extends Product {
private string $downloadLink;

public function __construct(string $name, float $price, string $downloadLink) {
parent::__construct($name, $price);
$this->downloadLink = $downloadLink;

public function getDownloadLink(): string {
return $this->downloadLink;

class ShoppingCart {
private array $items = [];

public function addItem(Purchasable $item, int $quantity = 1): void {
$this->items[] = [
'item' => $item,
'quantity' => $quantity

public function getTotal(): float {
$total = 0;
foreach ($this->items as $itemData) {
$total += $itemData['item']->getPrice() * $itemData['quantity'];
return $total;

public function getItemCount(): int {
return count($this->items);

public function displayCart(): string {
$output = "Shopping Cart:
foreach ($this->items as $itemData) {
$item = $itemData['item'];
$quantity = $itemData['quantity'];
$output .= "- {$item->getName()} x {$quantity}: $" .
number_format($item->getPrice() * $quantity, 2) . "
$output .= "Total: $" . number_format($this->getTotal(), 2);
return $output;

// Usage example
$laptop = new Product("Laptop", 999.99);
$phone = new Product("Smartphone", 499.50);
$ebook = new DigitalProduct("PHP Guide", 19.99, "");

$cart = new ShoppingCart();
$cart->addItem($phone, 2);
$cart->addItem($ebook, 1);

echo $cart->displayCart();
/* Output:
Shopping Cart:
- Laptop x 1: $999.99
- Smartphone x 2: $999.00
- PHP Guide x 1: $19.99
Total: $2,018.98

In this example:

  • We use the Purchasable interface to ensure all items can provide a price and name
  • The ShoppingCart::addItem() method only accepts objects implementing Purchasable
  • Type hints ensure correct data is passed throughout the application
  • Return type declarations ensure methods return the expected data types

Benefits of Type Hinting

Let's visualize the benefits of using type hinting:

When to Use Type Hinting

Type hinting should generally be used:

  • For public methods in libraries and frameworks
  • In larger codebases where multiple developers work together
  • When creating code that needs to be maintained long-term
  • When you want to ensure data consistency throughout your application


PHP type hinting is a powerful feature that helps create more robust and maintainable code. By explicitly declaring the expected data types for parameters, return values, and properties, you can catch errors earlier, improve code readability, and enable better IDE support.

Key points to remember:

  • Type hinting helps prevent bugs by catching type errors early
  • PHP supports primitive types, class/interface types, and special types
  • Using strict types prevents automatic type conversion
  • PHP 7.4+ allows type declarations for class properties
  • PHP 8.0+ supports union types for more flexibility


  1. Create a Logger class with typed methods for different log levels (info, warning, error)
  2. Implement a UserRepository class with methods that use type hinting for parameters and return types
  3. Create an interface called Serializable with methods for serializing and deserializing objects, then implement it in a class
  4. Build a simple validation system that uses type hinting to verify input data
  5. Refactor an existing function to use union types (PHP 8+)

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)