Swift Override Methods
Method overriding is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a subclass (child class) to provide a specific implementation of a method that's already defined in its superclass (parent class). In Swift, overriding enables you to customize or extend the behavior of inherited methods, properties, or subscripts.
When you create a class hierarchy and want a subclass to behave differently than its parent for particular methods, overriding gives you that flexibility without having to rewrite the entire class.
Understanding Method Overriding
In Swift, you can override any method, property, or subscript that the parent class declares as overridable
. To override a method, you must:
- Use the
keyword before the method declaration - Ensure the method has the same name, parameters, and return type as the parent method
- The parent method must be marked as
Let's see a basic example:
class Vehicle {
func makeSound() {
print("Generic vehicle sound")
class Car: Vehicle {
override func makeSound() {
print("Vroom, vroom!")
let myVehicle = Vehicle()
myVehicle.makeSound() // Output: "Generic vehicle sound"
let myCar = Car()
myCar.makeSound() // Output: "Vroom, vroom!"
In this example, the Car
class overrides the makeSound()
method from its parent class Vehicle
to provide its own implementation.
Accessing Superclass Methods
Sometimes you want to extend the superclass's behavior rather than completely replace it. You can call the superclass's implementation using the super
class ElectricCar: Car {
override func makeSound() {
super.makeSound() // Calls Car's implementation: "Vroom, vroom!"
print("...but quieter")
let tesla = ElectricCar()
// Output:
// Vroom, vroom!
// ...but quieter
This technique is particularly useful when you want to add functionality to the parent's implementation rather than replacing it entirely.
Preventing Method Overriding
If you want to prevent a method from being overridden by subclasses, you can mark it as final
class Vehicle {
final func startEngine() {
print("Engine started")
func makeSound() {
print("Generic vehicle sound")
class Car: Vehicle {
// This would cause a compiler error:
// override func startEngine() {
// print("Car engine started")
// }
// This is allowed:
override func makeSound() {
print("Vroom, vroom!")
The final
keyword ensures that the implementation cannot be changed by any subclass.
Rules for Method Overriding
Here are some important rules to remember when overriding methods:
- You must use the
keyword when overriding a method - Not using
when you should is a compile-time error - Using
for a method that doesn't override anything is also a compile-time error - The method signature (name, parameters, return type) must match exactly
class Parent {
func doSomething() {
print("Parent doing something")
func calculate(value: Int) -> Int {
return value * 2
class Child: Parent {
// Correct override
override func doSomething() {
print("Child doing something")
// Correct override with matching signature
override func calculate(value: Int) -> Int {
return value * 3
// This would cause a compiler error - no matching method in parent
// override func someOtherMethod() { }
// This would cause a compiler error - signature doesn't match
// override func calculate(value: String) -> Int { return 0 }
Practical Examples
Example 1: Drawing Shapes
Let's create a practical example with shapes where different shapes override a common drawing method:
class Shape {
var color: String
init(color: String) {
self.color = color
func draw() {
print("Drawing a shape with color \(color)")
func calculateArea() -> Double {
return 0.0
class Circle: Shape {
var radius: Double
init(color: String, radius: Double) {
self.radius = radius
super.init(color: color)
override func draw() {
print("Drawing a circle with radius \(radius) and color \(color)")
override func calculateArea() -> Double {
return Double.pi * radius * radius
class Rectangle: Shape {
var width: Double
var height: Double
init(color: String, width: Double, height: Double) {
self.width = width
self.height = height
super.init(color: color)
override func draw() {
print("Drawing a rectangle with width \(width), height \(height) and color \(color)")
override func calculateArea() -> Double {
return width * height
// Using the shapes
let genericShape = Shape(color: "black")
let circle = Circle(color: "red", radius: 5.0)
let rectangle = Rectangle(color: "blue", width: 4.0, height: 6.0)
print("Circle area: \(circle.calculateArea())")
print("Rectangle area: \(rectangle.calculateArea())")
Drawing a shape with color black
Drawing a circle with radius 5.0 and color red
Drawing a rectangle with width 4.0, height 6.0 and color blue
Circle area: 78.53981633974483
Rectangle area: 24.0
Example 2: Employee Hierarchy
Let's create another practical example with an employee hierarchy, where different types of employees have different salary calculations:
class Employee {
var name: String
var id: String
var baseSalary: Double
init(name: String, id: String, baseSalary: Double) {
self.name = name
self.id = id
self.baseSalary = baseSalary
func calculateMonthlySalary() -> Double {
return baseSalary / 12
func displayInfo() {
print("Employee: \(name) (ID: \(id))")
print("Monthly Salary: $\(calculateMonthlySalary())")
class Manager: Employee {
var teamSize: Int
var bonus: Double
init(name: String, id: String, baseSalary: Double, teamSize: Int, bonus: Double) {
self.teamSize = teamSize
self.bonus = bonus
super.init(name: name, id: id, baseSalary: baseSalary)
override func calculateMonthlySalary() -> Double {
// Managers get base salary plus bonus based on team size
let baseMonthly = super.calculateMonthlySalary()
let teamBonus = Double(teamSize) * bonus / 12
return baseMonthly + teamBonus
override func displayInfo() {
print("Manager: \(name) (ID: \(id))")
print("Team Size: \(teamSize)")
print("Monthly Salary: $\(calculateMonthlySalary())")
class Developer: Employee {
var programmingLanguages: [String]
var experienceYears: Int
init(name: String, id: String, baseSalary: Double, programmingLanguages: [String], experienceYears: Int) {
self.programmingLanguages = programmingLanguages
self.experienceYears = experienceYears
super.init(name: name, id: id, baseSalary: baseSalary)
override func calculateMonthlySalary() -> Double {
// Developers get base salary plus bonus based on experience
let baseMonthly = super.calculateMonthlySalary()
let experienceBonus = Double(experienceYears) * 100 / 12 // $100 per year of experience
return baseMonthly + experienceBonus
override func displayInfo() {
print("Developer: \(name) (ID: \(id))")
print("Languages: \(programmingLanguages.joined(separator: ", "))")
print("Experience: \(experienceYears) years")
print("Monthly Salary: $\(calculateMonthlySalary())")
// Using the employee classes
let employee = Employee(name: "John Smith", id: "EMP001", baseSalary: 50000)
let manager = Manager(name: "Sarah Johnson", id: "MGR001", baseSalary: 80000, teamSize: 5, bonus: 10000)
let developer = Developer(name: "Mike Chen", id: "DEV001", baseSalary: 65000,
programmingLanguages: ["Swift", "Objective-C", "Python"],
experienceYears: 4)
Employee: John Smith (ID: EMP001)
Monthly Salary: $4166.666666666667
Manager: Sarah Johnson (ID: MGR001)
Team Size: 5
Monthly Salary: $7500.0
Developer: Mike Chen (ID: DEV001)
Languages: Swift, Objective-C, Python
Experience: 4 years
Monthly Salary: $5750.0
When to Use Method Overriding
Method overriding is especially useful in the following situations:
- Specialization: When a subclass needs to specialize behavior of a parent class
- Polymorphism: When you want different objects to respond differently to the same method call
- Framework Integration: When extending classes from frameworks that expect certain methods to be overridden
- Extension: When you want to add functionality to an existing implementation
Method overriding is a powerful feature in Swift's object-oriented programming toolkit that allows subclasses to provide their own implementation of methods inherited from parent classes. Key points to remember:
- Use the
keyword when overriding a method - The method signature (name, parameters, and return type) must match exactly
- Use
to call the parent implementation when needed - Mark methods as
to prevent overriding - Method overriding is essential for polymorphism and customizing behavior in class hierarchies
By mastering method overriding, you can create flexible, modular, and extensible class hierarchies that allow for specialized behavior without code duplication.
Additional Resources
Create a
class with aturnOn()
method, then create subclassesPhone
, andTablet
that override this method with device-specific implementations. -
Design a
class with awithdraw()
method that prevents negative balances, then create aPremiumAccount
subclass that overrides this method to allow overdrafts up to a certain limit. -
Create a
class hierarchy with acalculateFuelEfficiency()
method, and implement different calculations forCar
, andMotorcycle
subclasses. -
Extend the shapes example with additional shapes like
, and add a new methodperimeter()
that each shape must override.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)