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Swift Required Initializers


When working with Swift classes, initializers play a crucial role in setting up new instances. Among the various types of initializers, required initializers serve a special purpose in class inheritance hierarchies. A required initializer ensures that all subclasses of a particular class must implement the specified initializer.

In this tutorial, you'll learn:

  • What required initializers are
  • When and why to use them
  • How to implement required initializers in parent and child classes
  • Common patterns and best practices

What Are Required Initializers?

In Swift, a required initializer is an initializer that must be implemented by all subclasses of the class where it's defined. You mark an initializer as required by placing the required modifier before the init keyword:

class ParentClass {
required init() {
// Initialization code

When a class has a required initializer, all direct subclasses must implement that initializer either by:

  1. Explicitly implementing the initializer with the required modifier, or
  2. Inheriting the required initializer from its superclass

Why Use Required Initializers?

Required initializers ensure that certain initialization logic is preserved throughout a class hierarchy. They're particularly useful in these scenarios:

  1. Framework Design: Ensuring all subclasses can be initialized in a specific way
  2. Protocol Conformance: When a class conforms to a protocol with initializer requirements
  3. Design Patterns: In patterns like factory methods where consistent initialization is needed

Basic Required Initializer Example

Let's look at a basic example of required initializers:

class Vehicle {
var numberOfWheels: Int

required init(wheels: Int) {
self.numberOfWheels = wheels

class Car: Vehicle {
var brand: String

// We must implement the required initializer from Vehicle
required init(wheels: Int) {
self.brand = "Unknown"
super.init(wheels: wheels)

// Additional initializer
init(wheels: Int, brand: String) {
self.brand = brand
super.init(wheels: wheels)

// Create instances
let genericVehicle = Vehicle(wheels: 2)
print("Generic vehicle has \(genericVehicle.numberOfWheels) wheels")

let genericCar = Car(wheels: 4)
print("Generic car has \(genericCar.numberOfWheels) wheels and brand \(genericCar.brand)")

let brandedCar = Car(wheels: 4, brand: "Tesla")
print("Branded car has \(brandedCar.numberOfWheels) wheels and brand \(brandedCar.brand)")


Generic vehicle has 2 wheels
Generic car has 4 wheels and brand Unknown
Branded car has 4 wheels and brand Tesla

In this example, the Vehicle class has a required initializer that takes a wheels parameter. The Car subclass must implement this initializer with the required keyword.

Required Initializers and Protocol Conformance

One common use case for required initializers is when a class conforms to a protocol that has initializer requirements:

protocol ConfigurableShape {
init(color: String)

class Shape: ConfigurableShape {
var color: String

// The required modifier is needed because this initializer
// fulfills a protocol requirement
required init(color: String) {
self.color = color

class Circle: Shape {
var radius: Double

// Must re-implement the required initializer
required init(color: String) {
self.radius = 0.0
super.init(color: color)

init(color: String, radius: Double) {
self.radius = radius
super.init(color: color)

// Create shapes
let shape = Shape(color: "Blue")
let circle = Circle(color: "Red")
let sizedCircle = Circle(color: "Green", radius: 5.0)

print("Shape color: \(shape.color)")
print("Circle color: \(circle.color), radius: \(circle.radius)")
print("Sized circle color: \(sizedCircle.color), radius: \(sizedCircle.radius)")


Shape color: Blue
Circle color: Red, radius: 0.0
Sized circle color: Green, radius: 5.0

In this example, the Shape class implements the required initializer from the ConfigurableShape protocol. The Circle subclass must also implement this required initializer.

Automatic Inheritance of Required Initializers

If a subclass doesn't define any designated initializers of its own, it automatically inherits all of its superclass's designated initializers, including the required ones:

class Animal {
var species: String

required init(species: String) {
self.species = species

// Dog doesn't define any designated initializers,
// so it inherits the required init from Animal
class Dog: Animal {
// No initializers defined here

let animal = Animal(species: "Generic Animal")
let dog = Dog(species: "Canis familiaris")

print("Animal species: \(animal.species)")
print("Dog species: \(dog.species)")


Animal species: Generic Animal
Dog species: Canis familiaris

Required Initializers with Convenience Initializers

Required initializers interact with convenience initializers in specific ways:

class Product {
var name: String
var price: Double

required init(name: String, price: Double) { = name
self.price = price

convenience init(name: String) {
self.init(name: name, price: 0.0)

class Book: Product {
var author: String

required init(name: String, price: Double) { = "Unknown"
super.init(name: name, price: price)

init(name: String, price: Double, author: String) { = author
super.init(name: name, price: price)

// We can also have our own convenience initializers
convenience init(author: String) {
self.init(name: "Untitled", price: 9.99, author: author)

let genericProduct = Product(name: "Item")
let book = Book(name: "Swift Programming", price: 29.99)
let bookWithAuthor = Book(name: "Swift Programming", price: 29.99, author: "John Doe")
let authorBook = Book(author: "Jane Smith")

print("Product: \(, $\(genericProduct.price)")
print("Book: \(, $\(book.price), by \(")
print("Book with author: \(, $\(bookWithAuthor.price), by \(")
print("Author's book: \(, $\(authorBook.price), by \(")


Product: Item, $0.0
Book: Swift Programming, $29.99, by Unknown
Book with author: Swift Programming, $29.99, by John Doe
Author's book: Untitled, $9.99, by Jane Smith

Common Pitfalls and Solutions

Forgetting the Required Keyword in Subclasses

If you forget to add the required keyword when implementing a required initializer in a subclass, Swift will generate an error:

class Parent {
required init() {
// Initialization code

class Child: Parent {
// Error: 'required' modifier must be present on all overrides of a required initializer
init() {

The correct implementation would be:

class Parent {
required init() {
// Initialization code

class Child: Parent {
required init() {

Required Initializers in Final Classes

If a class is marked as final, meaning it cannot be subclassed, you don't need to mark its initializers as required:

final class Configuration {
var settings: [String: Any]

// No need for 'required' since this class cannot be subclassed
init(settings: [String: Any]) {
self.settings = settings

Real-World Application: UI Component Library

Here's a practical example showing how required initializers might be used in a simple UI component library:

// Base UI component
class UIComponent {
var width: Double
var height: Double
var backgroundColor: String

required init(width: Double, height: Double, backgroundColor: String) {
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.backgroundColor = backgroundColor

func render() -> String {
return "A component of size \(width)x\(height) with \(backgroundColor) background"

// Button component
class Button: UIComponent {
var label: String

required init(width: Double, height: Double, backgroundColor: String) {
self.label = "Default Button"
super.init(width: width, height: height, backgroundColor: backgroundColor)

init(width: Double, height: Double, backgroundColor: String, label: String) {
self.label = label
super.init(width: width, height: height, backgroundColor: backgroundColor)

override func render() -> String {
return "A button labeled '\(label)' of size \(width)x\(height) with \(backgroundColor) background"

// Image component
class Image: UIComponent {
var url: String

required init(width: Double, height: Double, backgroundColor: String) {
self.url = "placeholder.jpg"
super.init(width: width, height: height, backgroundColor: backgroundColor)

init(width: Double, height: Double, url: String) {
self.url = url
super.init(width: width, height: height, backgroundColor: "transparent")

override func render() -> String {
return "An image from \(url) of size \(width)x\(height) with \(backgroundColor) background"

// Creating and rendering UI components
let component = UIComponent(width: 100, height: 100, backgroundColor: "white")
let button = Button(width: 200, height: 50, backgroundColor: "blue", label: "Click Me")
let image = Image(width: 300, height: 200, url: "profile.png")



A component of size 100.0x100.0 with white background
A button labeled 'Click Me' of size 200.0x50.0 with blue background
An image from profile.png of size 300.0x200.0 with transparent background

In this example, all UI components must have the basic initialization with width, height, and background color. This ensures that any new UI component added to the library will support the same basic initialization pattern.


Required initializers in Swift classes ensure that specific initialization patterns are maintained throughout a class hierarchy. They're essential when:

  • You need to guarantee that all subclasses can be initialized in a specific way
  • Your class conforms to a protocol that has initializer requirements
  • You're designing frameworks or libraries where consistent initialization is important

The key points to remember:

  1. Mark an initializer as required using the required modifier before init
  2. All direct subclasses must implement required initializers (unless they inherit them automatically)
  3. Subclasses must also mark the inherited initializers as required
  4. If a class doesn't define any designated initializers, it automatically inherits all of its superclass's initializers, including required ones
  5. Final classes don't need required initializers as they cannot be subclassed

Additional Resources


  1. Create a Shape class hierarchy with a required initializer that takes dimension parameters, and implement at least two subclasses.

  2. Design a DatabaseRecord class with a required initializer that takes an identifier, and create subclasses for different record types.

  3. Build a simple game character system with a base Character class that has a required initializer for name and health, and implement specialized character types.

  4. Create a class that conforms to a protocol with initializer requirements, and make subclasses of that class to practice the required initializer pattern in protocol conformance.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)