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Swift Result Type


When writing Swift applications, we often work with operations that can either succeed or fail. Traditional error handling with do-catch blocks works well for synchronous code, but can become verbose and difficult to manage in complex scenarios, especially with asynchronous operations.

Enter the Result type - a powerful addition introduced in Swift 5 that elegantly handles success or failure scenarios using Swift's enum type system. The Result type encapsulates either a success value or an error, making your code more expressive and easier to work with.

What is the Result Type?

The Result type is a generic enum with two cases:

  • .success(Success): Represents a successful outcome with an associated value
  • .failure(Failure): Represents a failure with an associated error

Here's the basic structure of the Result type:

enum Result<Success, Failure: Error> {
case success(Success)
case failure(Failure)


  • Success is a generic type representing the data returned on success
  • Failure is a generic type conforming to Error returned on failure

Basic Usage of Result Type

Let's start with a simple example to see the Result type in action:

// Define a custom error type
enum NetworkError: Error {
case invalidURL
case noData
case decodingError

// A function that returns a Result type
func fetchUserName(id: Int) -> Result<String, NetworkError> {
// Simulate a network request
if id < 0 {
// Return failure for invalid IDs
return .failure(.invalidURL)
} else {
// Return success with a username
return .success("User\(id)")

// Using the function
let result = fetchUserName(id: 123)

// Handling the result
switch result {
case .success(let userName):
print("Successfully fetched user: \(userName)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Failed to fetch user: \(error)")


Successfully fetched user: User123

Working with Result Values

The Result type provides several useful methods to work with its values:

1. Getting Values Using Methods

You can extract values from a Result using various methods:

let successResult = Result<Int, Error>.success(42)
let failureResult = Result<Int, Error>.failure(NetworkError.noData)

// Get the success value or a default value
let successValue = successResult.success ?? 0 // 42
let failureValue = failureResult.success ?? 0 // 0

// Try getting the success value
do {
let value = try successResult.get() // 42
print("The value is: \(value)")
} catch {
print("Error: \(error)")

// This would throw an error
do {
let value = try failureResult.get() // Throws NetworkError.noData
print("The value is: \(value)")
} catch {
print("Error occurred: \(error)")

2. Transforming Results

Result provides functional programming methods like map, flatMap, and more:

// Transform a success value
let doubledResult = { $0 * 2 }
// Result.success(84)

// Transform a failure value
let mappedError = failureResult.mapError { _ in NetworkError.decodingError }
// Result.failure(NetworkError.decodingError)

// Conditional mapping with flatMap
let stringResult = successResult.flatMap { value -> Result<String, Error> in
if value > 0 {
return .success("Positive: \(value)")
} else {
return .failure(NetworkError.invalidURL)
// Result.success("Positive: 42")

Practical Examples

Let's explore some real-world applications of the Result type:

Example 1: Network Requests

The Result type is perfect for handling network operations:

// Define a User struct
struct User: Decodable {
let id: Int
let name: String

// Function to fetch a user from an API
func fetchUser(id: Int, completion: @escaping (Result<User, NetworkError>) -> Void) {
// In a real app, this would be an actual network request
// For example purposes, we'll simulate success/failure

// Simulate network delay
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1) {
if id > 0 {
// Successful response
let user = User(id: id, name: "User \(id)")
} else {
// Error response

// Usage
fetchUser(id: 42) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let user):
print("Fetched user: \( with ID: \(")
case .failure(let error):
print("Failed to fetch user: \(error)")

Example 2: Chaining Operations with Result

Result is great for chaining multiple operations that can fail:

// Define operations that return Result
func fetchUserData(userId: Int) -> Result<Data, NetworkError> {
// Simulate fetching user data
if userId > 0 {
let data = "User data for ID: \(userId)".data(using: .utf8)!
return .success(data)
} else {
return .failure(.invalidURL)

func parseUser(data: Data) -> Result<User, NetworkError> {
// Simulate parsing data into a User object
do {
// In a real app, you'd use JSONDecoder here
// For example purposes:
let name = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? ""
let user = User(id: 1, name: name)
return .success(user)
} catch {
return .failure(.decodingError)

// Chain operations
func getUserInfo(userId: Int) -> Result<User, NetworkError> {
return fetchUserData(userId: userId).flatMap { userData in
return parseUser(data: userData)

// Usage
let userResult = getUserInfo(userId: 123)

switch userResult {
case .success(let user):
print("Got user: \(")
case .failure(let error):
print("Error: \(error)")

Example 3: Converting from a throwing function

Swift provides an initializer that converts from a throwing function:

func fetchDataFromDatabase(id: String) throws -> [String: Any] {
if id.isEmpty {
throw NetworkError.invalidURL
return ["name": "Alice", "age": 30]

// Convert to Result
let databaseResult = Result { try fetchDataFromDatabase(id: "user123") }

// Using the result
switch databaseResult {
case .success(let data):
print("Data retrieved: \(data)")
case .failure(let error):
print("Database error: \(error)")

Best Practices for Using Result Type

  1. Use Custom Error Types: Create specific error enums for your domains to make error handling more precise.

  2. Return Results for Fallible Operations: When writing functions that can fail, consider returning a Result rather than using a throwing function.

  3. Combine with Async/Await: In Swift 5.5+, combine Result with async/await for clean asynchronous error handling:

func fetchUserAsync(id: Int) async -> Result<User, NetworkError> {
// Simulate network request
if id > 0 {
return .success(User(id: id, name: "User \(id)"))
} else {
return .failure(.invalidURL)

// Usage with async/await
Task {
let userResult = await fetchUserAsync(id: 42)

switch userResult {
case .success(let user):
print("Async fetched user: \(")
case .failure(let error):
print("Async error: \(error)")
  1. Use Functional Methods: Take advantage of map, flatMap, and other functional methods to transform results without unwrapping.

When to Use Result vs. Throws

Both Result type and throws serve similar purposes, but they're best used in different scenarios:

Return multiple valuesCan return success value or errorReturns a single value or throws
StorageCan be stored in propertiesCannot store "throwness"
Async operationsExcellent for callbacksBetter with async/await
Syntax complexityMore verboseMore concise

Use Result when:

  • Working with asynchronous code with completion handlers
  • Need to store the success/failure in a property
  • Want to apply functional transformations
  • Building APIs that may be used from Objective-C

Use throws when:

  • Working with synchronous code
  • Using async/await pattern
  • Preferring more concise syntax
  • Chaining multiple operations that can fail


Swift's Result type provides an elegant way to handle operations that can succeed or fail. It encapsulates either a success value or an error, making your code more expressive and easier to work with, especially in asynchronous contexts.

Key benefits of the Result type include:

  • Type safety for both success and failure cases
  • Clear separation of success and failure paths
  • Ability to store and pass around success/failure states
  • Functional programming capabilities with methods like map and flatMap
  • Seamless integration with Swift's error handling system

As you build more complex applications, the Result type will become an indispensable tool in your Swift programming toolkit, especially when dealing with network requests, parsing operations, and other fallible tasks.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a function that reads a file and returns a Result<String, FileError> where FileError is a custom error type.

  2. Implement a cache system that returns a Result<CachedItem, CacheError> when retrieving items.

  3. Write a function that chains multiple network requests using Result and its functional methods.

  4. Convert an existing asynchronous API that uses completion handlers to use the Result type.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)