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Swift Protocol Methods

Protocols in Swift don't just define properties – they can also define methods that conforming types must implement. Understanding how to work with protocol methods is essential for building flexible, reusable code in Swift.

Introduction to Protocol Methods

Protocol methods are function declarations within a protocol that describe behavior that conforming types must implement. When you define a method in a protocol, you're creating a contract that says "any type conforming to this protocol must implement this method with this exact signature."

Let's start with a basic example:

protocol Vehicle {
func start()
func stop()
func makeNoise() -> String

In this protocol, we've defined three methods:

  • start(): A method with no parameters and no return value
  • stop(): Similar to start, no parameters or return value
  • makeNoise(): A method that returns a String, with no parameters

Implementing Protocol Methods

When a type adopts a protocol, it must implement all the methods declared in that protocol. Here's how we might implement our Vehicle protocol:

struct Car: Vehicle {
func start() {
print("Engine starting")

func stop() {
print("Engine shutting down")

func makeNoise() -> String {
return "Vroom vroom!"

let myCar = Car()
myCar.start() // Output: Engine starting
print(myCar.makeNoise()) // Output: Vroom vroom!
myCar.stop() // Output: Engine shutting down

Another type could implement the same protocol differently:

struct Bicycle: Vehicle {
func start() {
print("Begin pedaling")

func stop() {
print("Stop pedaling")

func makeNoise() -> String {
return "Ring ring!"

let myBike = Bicycle()
myBike.start() // Output: Begin pedaling
print(myBike.makeNoise()) // Output: Ring ring!
myBike.stop() // Output: Stop pedaling

Methods with Parameters and Return Types

Protocol methods can include parameters and return types, just like regular methods:

protocol Calculator {
func add(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int
func subtract(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int
func evaluate(_ expression: String) throws -> Double

struct BasicCalculator: Calculator {
func add(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b

func subtract(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a - b

func evaluate(_ expression: String) throws -> Double {
// Simple implementation for educational purposes
if expression == "1+1" {
return 2.0
} else {
throw NSError(domain: "CalculatorError", code: 1, userInfo: nil)

let calc = BasicCalculator()
print(calc.add(5, 3)) // Output: 8
print(calc.subtract(10, 4)) // Output: 6

do {
let result = try calc.evaluate("1+1")
print("Result is: \(result)") // Output: Result is: 2.0
} catch {
print("Evaluation failed")

Mutating Methods in Protocols

When you need to modify the instance of a value type (struct or enum) from within a method, you must mark that method as mutating in the protocol:

protocol Togglable {
mutating func toggle()

struct LightSwitch: Togglable {
var isOn: Bool = false

mutating func toggle() {
isOn = !isOn

var light = LightSwitch()
print("Light is on: \(light.isOn)") // Output: Light is on: false
print("Light is on: \(light.isOn)") // Output: Light is on: true

Note that:

  1. The protocol must declare the method as mutating
  2. Classes don't need the mutating keyword when implementing, as they're reference types
  3. Structs and enums must include the mutating keyword in their implementation

Static and Class Methods in Protocols

Protocols can also define static or class methods that must be implemented by conforming types:

protocol Creatable {
static func create() -> Self
static var defaultName: String { get }

struct User: Creatable {
var name: String

static func create() -> User {
return User(name: defaultName)

static var defaultName: String {
return "Anonymous"

let defaultUser = User.create()
print( // Output: Anonymous
print(User.defaultName) // Output: Anonymous

Protocol Method Requirements and Type Safety

The method signatures in a protocol create a type-safe boundary. The implementation must match exactly:

protocol Processor {
func process(data: String) -> Bool

struct TextProcessor: Processor {
// This will compile because the signature matches exactly
func process(data: String) -> Bool {
return data.count > 0

// This would not compile if uncommented because it doesn't match the protocol
// func process(info: String) -> Bool {
// return info.count > 0
// }

Default Implementations with Protocol Extensions

One of the most powerful features of Swift protocols is the ability to provide default implementations using protocol extensions:

protocol Describable {
func describe() -> String

// Default implementation
extension Describable {
func describe() -> String {
return "A describable item"

func describeWithPrefix(prefix: String) -> String {
return "\(prefix): \(describe())"

struct Product: Describable {
var name: String

func describe() -> String {
return "Product: \(name)"

struct Service: Describable {
// Using the default implementation

let laptop = Product(name: "MacBook Pro")
print(laptop.describe()) // Output: Product: MacBook Pro
print(laptop.describeWithPrefix(prefix: "Item")) // Output: Item: Product: MacBook Pro

let genericService = Service()
print(genericService.describe()) // Output: A describable item

Notice how:

  1. Product provides its own implementation of describe()
  2. Service uses the default implementation
  3. Both types get access to describeWithPrefix(prefix:) without having to implement it

Real-World Example: Data Source Protocol

Here's a real-world example showing how protocol methods can define a data source for a table-like UI component:

protocol DataSource {
var numberOfItems: Int { get }
func item(at index: Int) -> Any
func title(for index: Int) -> String
func select(at index: Int)

// Default implementation for optional-like behavior
extension DataSource {
func title(for index: Int) -> String {
return "Item \(index)"

func select(at index: Int) {
print("Item at index \(index) selected")

class ContactsDataSource: DataSource {
private var contacts = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David"]

var numberOfItems: Int {
return contacts.count

func item(at index: Int) -> Any {
guard index < contacts.count else { return "Unknown" }
return contacts[index]

func title(for index: Int) -> String {
guard index < contacts.count else { return "Unknown" }
return "Contact: \(contacts[index])"

// Usage
let dataSource = ContactsDataSource()
print("Number of items: \(dataSource.numberOfItems)") // Output: Number of items: 4
print(dataSource.item(at: 1)) // Output: Bob
print(dataSource.title(for: 2)) // Output: Contact: Charlie 0) // Output: Item at index 0 selected

This pattern is similar to how iOS's UITableViewDataSource and similar protocols work, allowing for flexible UI components that can display different types of data.

Protocol Methods vs. Protocol Properties

Protocol methods differ from protocol properties in a few key ways:

protocol DeviceInfo {
// Property requirements
var name: String { get }
var batteryLevel: Int { get }

// Method requirements
func turnOn()
func getDetails() -> String

struct Phone: DeviceInfo {
var name: String
var batteryLevel: Int
private var isOn = false

func turnOn() {
// Method can contain complex logic and side effects
print("Turning on \(name)...")
// isOn = true

func getDetails() -> String {
// Methods can compute and return values
return "Phone: \(name), Battery: \(batteryLevel)%"

let iPhone = Phone(name: "iPhone 14", batteryLevel: 85)
iPhone.turnOn() // Output: Turning on iPhone 14...
print(iPhone.getDetails()) // Output: Phone: iPhone 14, Battery: 85%

Methods in protocols are better suited for:

  1. Operations that perform actions
  2. Computations with parameters
  3. Operations that might have side effects
  4. Complex logic that shouldn't be part of a property's getter/setter


Protocol methods are a powerful feature in Swift that allow you to define behavior requirements for conforming types. By using protocol methods, you can:

  • Create flexible interfaces that can be implemented by many different types
  • Establish clear contracts for type behavior
  • Add default implementations to reduce code duplication
  • Build extensible, modular systems

As you continue working with Swift, you'll find that protocols and protocol methods form the foundation of many design patterns and architectural approaches, making them essential tools in your Swift programming toolkit.

Additional Resources and Exercises



  1. Basic Protocol Implementation: Create a Shape protocol with methods for area() and perimeter(). Then implement it for Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle structs.

  2. Protocol with Mutating Methods: Design a Counter protocol with increment(), decrement(), and reset() methods. Implement it for a SimpleCounter struct.

  3. Protocol Extensions: Extend the Sequence protocol in Swift with a custom method called summarize() that prints the first 3 elements (if available) followed by "..." and then the last element.

  4. Advanced Challenge: Create a CacheManager protocol with methods for storing, retrieving, and purging cached items. Implement it using different storage strategies (memory, UserDefaults, etc.).

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)