Swift Lazy Properties
In Swift, properties are a fundamental concept that allow you to associate values with a particular class, structure, or enumeration. While most properties are initialized immediately when their containing instance is created, Swift offers a special kind of property called a lazy property that is only initialized when it's first accessed.
Lazy properties are especially useful when:
- The initial value for a property is expensive to calculate
- A property's value depends on other properties that won't be known until after initialization
- The property might not be needed at all during the lifetime of an instance
In this tutorial, we'll explore how lazy properties work, when to use them, and best practices for incorporating them in your Swift code.
Understanding Lazy Properties
Basic Syntax
To declare a lazy property in Swift, you simply add the lazy
keyword before the property declaration:
lazy var expensiveProperty = SomeExpensiveComputation()
Key characteristics of lazy properties:
- They must always be declared as
), since their value isn't determined until first access - They can't have property observers (willSet/didSet)
- They're not thread-safe by default
How Lazy Properties Work
Let's see a simple example to understand how lazy properties behave:
struct Person {
var name: String
lazy var greeting: String = {
print("Computing greeting...")
return "Hello, \(name)!"
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
print("\(name) initialized")
var person = Person(name: "Alice")
print("Person created")
print(person.greeting) // Access the property again
Alice initialized
Person created
Computing greeting...
Hello, Alice!
Hello, Alice!
Notice that:
- The person is initialized first
- The greeting property is only computed when we first access it
- The second time we access
, the computation is not repeated – the value is stored and reused
Common Use Cases for Lazy Properties
1. Expensive Computations
One of the most common use cases for lazy properties is when initializing a property requires a computationally expensive operation.
struct DataAnalyzer {
var data: [Double]
lazy var statistics: [String: Double] = {
print("Calculating statistics...")
// This might be an expensive operation
var stats = [String: Double]()
stats["average"] = data.reduce(0, +) / Double(data.count)
stats["min"] = data.min() ?? 0
stats["max"] = data.max() ?? 0
stats["sum"] = data.reduce(0, +)
return stats
var analyzer = DataAnalyzer(data: [1, 7, 3, 9, 5, 4, 2, 8, 6])
print("DataAnalyzer created")
print("First stat access: \(analyzer.statistics["average"] ?? 0)")
print("Second stat access: \(analyzer.statistics["max"] ?? 0)")
DataAnalyzer created
Calculating statistics...
First stat access: 5.0
Second stat access: 9.0
The statistics are only calculated once, when first accessed, and then reused for subsequent accesses.
2. Dependencies on Other Properties
Lazy properties are useful when a property depends on other properties that won't be known until after initialization:
class UserProfile {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
lazy var fullName: String = {
return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
let profile = UserProfile(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe")
print(profile.fullName) // John Doe
3. Memory Conservation
If you have properties that consume large amounts of memory but aren't always needed, lazy properties can help conserve resources:
struct ImageProcessor {
var imageData: Data
lazy var processedImage: UIImage? = {
print("Processing image...")
// This might be memory-intensive
guard let image = UIImage(data: imageData) else { return nil }
// Apply filters, resize, or perform other operations
return image
func performLightOperation() {
// This function doesn't need the processed image
print("Performing light operation")
func performHeavyOperation() {
// This function needs the processed image
print("Performing heavy operation with \(processedImage?.size.width ?? 0) width image")
Advanced Uses of Lazy Properties
In Structures vs Classes
Lazy properties work similarly in both structures and classes, but there's an important difference to note:
- In classes, lazy properties can be accessed by multiple instances and methods, potentially causing race conditions in multi-threaded environments
- In structures, which are value types, each copy of the structure has its own separate lazy property
Lazy Properties with Closures
You can use a closure to set up complex initialization logic:
struct ComplexCalculation {
var inputData: [Int]
lazy var result: Int = {
print("Performing complex calculation...")
// Complex calculation logic here
var sum = 0
for (index, value) in inputData.enumerated() {
sum += value * (index + 1)
return sum
var calculation = ComplexCalculation(inputData: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
print("Calculation instance created")
print("Result: \(calculation.result)")
print("Accessing result again: \(calculation.result)")
Calculation instance created
Performing complex calculation...
Result: 55
Accessing result again: 55
Lazy Properties with References to Self
When using closures to initialize lazy properties, you can reference self
directly without creating a retain cycle (unlike escaping closures):
class ConfigurationManager {
var baseSettings: [String: String]
var userPreferences: [String: String]
lazy var mergedConfiguration: [String: String] = {
print("Merging configurations...")
var merged = self.baseSettings
for (key, value) in self.userPreferences {
merged[key] = value
return merged
init(baseSettings: [String: String], userPreferences: [String: String]) {
self.baseSettings = baseSettings
self.userPreferences = userPreferences
Best Practices and Considerations
1. Thread Safety
Lazy properties aren't thread-safe by default. If multiple threads might access an uninitialized lazy property simultaneously, consider using a dispatch queue or other synchronization mechanism:
class ThreadSafeExample {
let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.example.lazyproperty")
private var _expensiveResource: ExpensiveResource?
var expensiveResource: ExpensiveResource {
queue.sync {
if _expensiveResource == nil {
_expensiveResource = ExpensiveResource()
return _expensiveResource!
2. Mutating Lazy Properties
Remember that lazy properties can't be declared with let
because their value is set after initialization. Also, accessing a lazy property in a struct can mutate the struct:
struct LazyStruct {
lazy var lazyValue: Int = {
return 42
// This won't compile:
// let constStruct = LazyStruct()
// print(constStruct.lazyValue) // Error: Cannot use mutating getter on immutable value
// This works:
var mutableStruct = LazyStruct()
print(mutableStruct.lazyValue) // 42
3. Lazy vs. Computed Properties
Don't confuse lazy properties with computed properties:
struct PropertyComparison {
// Lazy property - computed once and stored
lazy var lazyProperty: Int = {
print("Computing lazy property...")
return expensiveCalculation()
// Computed property - recalculated each time it's accessed
var computedProperty: Int {
print("Computing computed property...")
return expensiveCalculation()
func expensiveCalculation() -> Int {
// Some expensive calculation
return 42
var comparison = PropertyComparison()
print("First access:")
print("Lazy: \(comparison.lazyProperty)")
print("Computed: \(comparison.computedProperty)")
print("\nSecond access:")
print("Lazy: \(comparison.lazyProperty)")
print("Computed: \(comparison.computedProperty)")
First access:
Computing lazy property...
Lazy: 42
Computing computed property...
Computed: 42
Second access:
Lazy: 42
Computing computed property...
Computed: 42
Real-World Example: Image Loading System
Here's a practical example showing how lazy properties could be used in an image loading system:
class ImageLoader {
let imageName: String
let cachePath: URL
lazy var thumbnail: UIImage = {
print("Generating thumbnail for \(imageName)...")
// Check if image exists in cache
let thumbnailURL = cachePath.appendingPathComponent("\(imageName)_thumb.jpg")
if let cachedImage = UIImage(contentsOfFile: thumbnailURL.path) {
print("Found cached thumbnail")
return cachedImage
// Generate thumbnail if not in cache
guard let originalImage = UIImage(named: imageName) else {
return UIImage() // Return empty image as fallback
// Create thumbnail (expensive operation)
let size = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: size)
let thumbnail = renderer.image { context in
originalImage.draw(in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size))
// Save to cache
if let data = thumbnail.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8) {
try? data.write(to: thumbnailURL)
return thumbnail
init(imageName: String, cachePath: URL) {
self.imageName = imageName
self.cachePath = cachePath
func displayThumbnail() {
// This will cause the thumbnail to be generated if it hasn't been already
print("Displaying thumbnail of size: \(thumbnail.size)")
// Usage example
let cacheURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory
let loader = ImageLoader(imageName: "vacation_photo", cachePath: cacheURL)
print("Image loader created")
// Thumbnail isn't generated yet
print("Displaying the image:")
print("\nDisplaying again (should use cached value):")
Lazy properties in Swift provide a powerful way to delay initialization until a property is actually needed. They can:
- Improve performance by avoiding unnecessary computations
- Reduce memory usage for resources that might not be needed
- Resolve circular dependencies or situations where a property depends on information not available during initialization
Remember these key points:
- Lazy properties must be declared with
, notlet
- They're only initialized once, when first accessed
- They aren't thread-safe by default
- Accessing a lazy property on a struct is a mutating operation
Additional Resources and Exercises
Basic Lazy Property: Create a struct with a lazy property that computes the factorial of a number provided during initialization.
Performance Comparison: Create a benchmark that compares the initialization time of an instance with regular properties versus lazy properties for an expensive operation.
Image Gallery: Implement a simple image gallery application that uses lazy properties to load and process images only when they become visible to the user.
Thread Safety: Modify the
class to make its lazy property thread-safe using different synchronization mechanisms (dispatch queues, locks, etc.) and compare their performance. -
Memory Footprint: Create an example that demonstrates how lazy properties can help reduce memory usage in an application that loads large resources.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)