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Redis Access Control


Redis, an in-memory data structure store, is widely used as a database, cache, message broker, and streaming engine. As your Redis deployment grows and becomes critical to your infrastructure, properly managing who can access your Redis instances and what they're allowed to do becomes essential.

Redis Access Control refers to the mechanisms that allow you to:

  • Control who can connect to your Redis servers
  • Define what commands and keys different users can access
  • Protect your data from unauthorized access

In this guide, we'll explore Redis's security features that help implement proper access control for your Redis instances.

Access Control Evolution in Redis

Redis's approach to access control has evolved significantly over time:

Early Redis (pre-6.0)

  • Simple password-based authentication with the requirepass directive
  • No built-in way to define different permission levels
  • Limited to either full access or no access

Modern Redis (6.0 and later)

  • Robust Access Control List (ACL) system
  • Fine-grained user management
  • Command filtering
  • Key pattern restrictions

Let's explore each aspect of Redis access control and see how to implement them effectively.

Basic Authentication

The simplest form of access control in Redis is password authentication, which prevents unauthorized access to your Redis server.

Setting a Password

You can set a password in two ways:

1. In the Redis configuration file:

requirepass YourStrongPassword123

2. At runtime using the CONFIG SET command:

CONFIG SET requirepass "YourStrongPassword123"

Authenticating with a Password

After setting a password, clients need to authenticate before executing commands:

AUTH YourStrongPassword123


> SET mykey "Hello"
(error) NOAUTH Authentication required.

> AUTH YourStrongPassword123

> SET mykey "Hello"

Using only the requirepass directive is considered basic security and is insufficient for production environments with multiple applications or users.

Access Control Lists (Redis 6.0+)

Starting with Redis 6.0, a more sophisticated access control system was introduced through Access Control Lists (ACLs). This system allows you to:

  • Create multiple users with different passwords
  • Grant specific command permissions to each user
  • Restrict access to specific key patterns
  • Set user-specific connection limits

Understanding the ACL System

The ACL system in Redis is based on a set of rules that define what a user can and cannot do. Each user has:

  • A username
  • One or more passwords
  • A list of commands they can execute
  • Patterns of keys they can access
  • Additional flags (like the ability to publish to channels)

Creating and Managing Users

Creating a New User

To create a new user with specific permissions:

ACL SETUSER username on >password ~keys:* +@read

This creates a user with:

  • Username: username
  • Status: Enabled (on)
  • Password: password
  • Key access: Keys matching keys:*
  • Commands: All read commands (+@read)

Listing Users and Their Permissions

To see all configured users:


Output example:

1) "user default on nopass ~* +@all"
2) "user username on #5dca2e384a7acef3c1e4284732d9b4..."

Managing User Permissions

Adding/removing command permissions:

ACL SETUSER username +set +get -del

This allows the user to use SET and GET commands but explicitly denies DEL.

Setting key pattern access:

ACL SETUSER username ~cache:* ~session:*

This allows the user to access keys matching cache:* and session:*.

ACL Categories

Redis groups commands into categories for easier permission management:

Example: Allow read and write but not admin commands

ACL SETUSER analytics +@read +@write -@admin

Practical ACL Examples

Creating a Read-Only User

ACL SETUSER reporter on >SecurePassword123 ~* +@read -@all

This creates a user named "reporter" who can only execute read commands on any key.

Creating an Application-Specific User

ACL SETUSER app1 on >AppPassword ~app1:* +set +get +hset +hget +lpush +lpop

This user can only access keys with the "app1:" prefix and can only use a specific set of commands.

Creating an Admin User with Full Access

ACL SETUSER admin on >AdminStrongPassword ~* +@all

This gives the user full access to all keys and commands.

Implementing Access Control in Applications

Here's how you might authenticate with various Redis clients:

Node.js (with redis client)

const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient({
host: 'localhost',
port: 6379,
password: 'YourStrongPassword123',
username: 'application_user' // For Redis 6.0+ with ACLs

client.on('error', (err) => {
console.error('Redis Client Error:', err);

client.on('connect', () => {
console.log('Connected to Redis');

// Connect to Redis

Python (with redis-py)

import redis

# For Redis with password authentication
r = redis.Redis(
username='application_user' # For Redis 6.0+ with ACLs

# Test the connection
print("Connected to Redis")
except redis.ConnectionError:
print("Failed to connect to Redis")

Best Practices for Redis Access Control

1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords

ACL SETUSER app_user on >Complex-Password-With-Special-Ch@r$

2. Implement the Principle of Least Privilege

Give users only the permissions they need:

ACL SETUSER cache_manager on >password ~cache:* +@read +@write -@admin -@dangerous

3. Regularly Rotate Passwords

ACL SETUSER app_user #<oldpasswordhash> >NewPassword123

4. Use ACL Files for Persistence

Create an ACL file (e.g., users.acl) and configure Redis to load it:

aclfile /path/to/users.acl

The file should contain ACL commands:

user default on nopass ~* +@all
user app_user on #5ca2e384a7acef3... ~app:* +@read +@write -@admin

5. Monitor Access Events

Enable ACL logging:

CONFIG SET acllog-max-len 128

View recent access control events:


Troubleshooting Access Control Issues

Common Error Messages

  1. NOAUTH Authentication required

    • Cause: Trying to execute commands without authentication
    • Solution: Use the AUTH command with the correct password
  2. WRONGPASS invalid username-password pair or user is disabled

    • Cause: Wrong credentials or disabled user
    • Solution: Check username/password and user status
  3. NOPERM this user has no permissions to run the command

    • Cause: User lacks permission for a specific command
    • Solution: Grant the required command permission using ACL SETUSER

Debugging Steps

  1. Check which user you're connected as:
  1. List user permissions:
  1. Check if keys match your patterns:
ACL GETUSER username

Advanced Access Control Patterns

Role-Based Access Control

Although Redis doesn't have built-in roles, you can achieve role-based access by creating user templates:

# Create a read-only template user
ACL SETUSER reader_template on nopass ~* +@read -@write -@admin -@dangerous

# Create users based on the template
ACL SETUSER analyst1 on >password1 resetkeys resetchannels +@read ~analytics:*
ACL SETUSER analyst2 on >password2 resetkeys resetchannels +@read ~reports:*

Time-Limited Access

For temporary access, create a user and set a reminder to remove them later:

# Grant temporary admin access
ACL SETUSER temp_admin on >TempPass123 ~* +@all

# After the maintenance is done
ACL DELUSER temp_admin

Redis Access Control in Production Environments

Combining Redis ACL with Network Security

Access control works best as part of a defense-in-depth strategy:

  1. Use network-level restrictions (firewalls, security groups)
  2. Bind Redis to private interfaces
  3. Use TLS for encryption
  4. Implement Redis ACLs for authentication and authorization

Configuration Example (redis.conf)

# Network security
protected-mode yes
port 6379

# TLS configuration
tls-port 6380
tls-cert-file /path/to/redis.crt
tls-key-file /path/to/redis.key
tls-ca-cert-file /path/to/ca.crt

# ACL configuration
aclfile /path/to/users.acl


Redis Access Control has evolved from simple password authentication to a comprehensive ACL system that allows fine-grained control over users, commands, and key access. By implementing proper access control, you can significantly enhance the security of your Redis deployments.

Key takeaways:

  • Use ACLs instead of just requirepass for better security
  • Create separate users for different applications/purposes
  • Apply the principle of least privilege
  • Combine Redis ACL with network-level security
  • Regularly audit and rotate credentials


  1. Create a user that can only access keys with a specific prefix and can only use read commands
  2. Set up a Redis instance with two users: an admin with full access and an application user with limited access
  3. Update your application code to use the new authentication mechanism
  4. Create an ACL file and configure Redis to load it on startup

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)