Redis Restore
Data restoration is a critical aspect of database administration. In Redis, restoring data means bringing back your database to a previously saved state using backup files. This capability is essential for disaster recovery, migrating between environments, or reverting unwanted changes.
This guide will walk you through the Redis restore process, covering different restoration methods, common scenarios, and best practices to ensure your data can be reliably recovered when needed.
Understanding Redis Restore
Redis restore operations allow you to rebuild your database from previously created backup files. These backups can be:
- RDB files - Point-in-time snapshots of your database
- AOF files - Logs of all write operations performed on the database
- Mixed backup approaches combining both methods
Let's explore how to restore data from each of these backup types.
Restoring from RDB Files
RDB (Redis Database Backup) files contain snapshots of your Redis dataset at specific points in time. They are compact, perfect for backups, and allow for fast restoration.
Basic RDB Restore
To restore Redis from an RDB file, follow these steps:
- Stop the Redis server (if running)
- Copy your RDB file to the Redis working directory (usually named
) - Start the Redis server
# Stop Redis server
sudo systemctl stop redis
# Copy backup to Redis working directory
cp /path/to/backup/dump.rdb /var/lib/redis/
# Set proper permissions
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
# Start Redis server
sudo systemctl start redis
Verifying Restored Data
After restoration, connect to your Redis instance and verify that data was properly restored:
> AUTH your_password
> KEYS *
> GET sample_key
Restoring from AOF Files
Append-Only Files (AOF) record every write operation received by the server. They provide better durability than RDB files, as they can be updated after each command, each second, or at custom intervals.
AOF Restore Process
The process is similar to RDB restoration:
- Stop the Redis server
- Place your AOF file in the Redis working directory (typically named
) - Ensure Redis is configured to use AOF
- Start the Redis server
# Stop Redis server
sudo systemctl stop redis
# Copy AOF backup
cp /path/to/backup/appendonly.aof /var/lib/redis/
# Set proper permissions
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/appendonly.aof
# Start Redis server
sudo systemctl start redis
Configuring Redis for AOF
Make sure your redis.conf
has AOF enabled:
appendonly yes
appendfilename "appendonly.aof"
Restoring to a Specific Point in Time
For more advanced recovery scenarios, you might need to restore to a specific point in time.
Using Redis-PITR (Point-In-Time Recovery)
Redis doesn't natively support point-in-time recovery, but you can approximate it using a combination of RDB snapshots and AOF files:
# Stop Redis
sudo systemctl stop redis
# Copy the RDB file that predates your target recovery point
cp /backup/path/dump_20230301.rdb /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
# Start Redis with AOF disabled to load the RDB
redis-server --appendonly no
# Once loaded, enable AOF and replay specific commands
# (This requires custom scripting to extract and replay specific commands)
Redis Restore CLI Commands
Redis provides several CLI commands useful during restore operations:
command can recreate a key from a serialized value:
# Syntax: RESTORE key ttl serialized-value [REPLACE] [ABSTTL] [IDLETIME seconds] [FREQ frequency]
redis-cli> RESTORE mykey 0 "\x00\x1c\x00\x00\x00\x12\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x00\xc0\x01\x00\x04\x00\xa0\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x15\x00\x00\x00\x0fHello, Redis!" REPLACE
This is useful for programmatically restoring specific keys rather than entire databases.
CONFIG Commands for Restore Operations
These commands let you modify Redis configuration during restore:
# Set directory for RDB/AOF files
redis-cli> CONFIG SET dir /var/lib/redis
# Set RDB filename
redis-cli> CONFIG SET dbfilename dump.rdb
# Force saving of RDB file after restore verification
redis-cli> SAVE
Practical Restore Scenarios
Let's explore common real-world scenarios where you need to perform restore operations.
Scenario 1: Disaster Recovery
Imagine your production Redis server has crashed with data corruption:
# On a new server or instance:
sudo apt-get install redis-server # Or your distro's equivalent
# Stop the new Redis instance
sudo systemctl stop redis
# Copy the most recent backup to the Redis data directory
scp backup-server:/backups/redis/dump_latest.rdb /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
# Start Redis
sudo systemctl start redis
Scenario 2: Migrating to a New Server
When upgrading or migrating to a new Redis instance:
# On the source server - create a fresh backup
> exit
# Transfer the file to the new server
scp /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb new-server:/tmp/
# On the new server
sudo systemctl stop redis
sudo cp /tmp/dump.rdb /var/lib/redis/
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo systemctl start redis
Scenario 3: Restoring After Accidental Data Deletion
If a key or data set was accidentally deleted:
# Stop Redis
sudo systemctl stop redis
# Restore from the most recent backup before the deletion
sudo cp /backups/redis/hourly/dump_10am.rdb /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
# Start Redis
sudo systemctl start redis
Redis Restore in Different Deployment Scenarios
Docker Restore Process
If running Redis in Docker:
# Copy the backup file to the host
scp backup-server:/path/to/dump.rdb ./
# Stop the Redis container
docker stop redis-container
# Start a new container with the backup mounted
docker run --name redis-restored \
-v $(pwd)/dump.rdb:/data/dump.rdb \
-d redis:latest
# Verify the restoration
docker exec -it redis-restored redis-cli KEYS *
Redis Cluster Restore
Restoring a Redis cluster is more complex and requires coordination:
For a Redis cluster:
# On each node:
sudo systemctl stop redis
# Copy the appropriate backup to each node
# (each node requires its own backup file)
cp /backup/node1/dump.rdb /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
# Start primaries first, then replicas
sudo systemctl start redis
# Verify cluster state
redis-cli -c
Best Practices for Redis Restore
Testing Restoration Procedures
Always test your restore processes before you need them:
# Create a test instance
docker run --name redis-test -d redis:latest
# Copy a backup file to the container
docker cp dump.rdb redis-test:/data/
# Restart the container to load the RDB
docker restart redis-test
# Verify data
docker exec -it redis-test redis-cli KEYS *
Maintaining Backup Rotation
Implement a backup rotation strategy:
# Example backup rotation script
# Create daily backup
cp $REDIS_DATA/dump.rdb $BACKUP_DIR/daily/dump_$(date +%A).rdb
# Create monthly backup on 1st day of month
if [ $(date +%d) = "01" ]; then
cp $REDIS_DATA/dump.rdb $BACKUP_DIR/monthly/dump_$(date +%Y-%m).rdb
Automating Restore Verification
Verify your backups automatically:
# Script to verify Redis backup
# Start test Redis on different port
redis-server --port $TEST_PORT --dbfilename backup_test.rdb &
# Wait for Redis to start
sleep 1
# Copy backup file
cp $BACKUP_FILE /tmp/backup_test.rdb
# Load the backup
redis-cli -p $TEST_PORT CONFIG SET dir /tmp
redis-cli -p $TEST_PORT CONFIG SET dbfilename backup_test.rdb
# Check for keys
echo "Backup contains $KEY_COUNT keys"
# Clean up
kill $PID
rm /tmp/backup_test.rdb
Troubleshooting Redis Restore Issues
Common Restore Errors
Permission Issues
# Error in logs: Can't open the RDB file dump.rdb (in server root) for saving: Permission denied
# Solution:
sudo chown redis:redis /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
sudo chmod 660 /var/lib/redis/dump.rdb
Corrupted RDB Files
# Error: Bad file format reading the append only file
# Solution - repair the AOF file:
redis-check-aof --fix /var/lib/redis/appendonly.aof
For corrupted RDB files:
# Check RDB file integrity
redis-check-rdb /path/to/dump.rdb
# If it's corrupted, you'll need to use an older backup
Memory Limitations
If the restored dataset requires more memory than available:
# Configure Redis to use maxmemory policy
redis-cli CONFIG SET maxmemory 4gb
redis-cli CONFIG SET maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru
Advanced Restore Techniques
Partial Data Restoration
Sometimes you only need to restore specific keys:
# Export specific keys from the source Redis
redis-cli --csv KEYS "user:*" > keys_to_restore.txt
# Read the keys and their values, then restore them
cat keys_to_restore.txt | while read key; do
VAL=$(redis-cli GET "$key")
TTL=$(redis-cli TTL "$key")
# If key doesn't expire
if [ $TTL -eq -1 ]; then
redis-cli -h target-host SET "$key" "$VAL"
redis-cli -h target-host SETEX "$key" $TTL "$VAL"
Restoring with Data Transformation
For more complex scenarios, you might need to transform data during restoration:
import redis
# Connect to source and target
source = redis.Redis(host='source-host', port=6379)
target = redis.Redis(host='target-host', port=6379)
# Get keys matching a pattern
keys = source.keys('user:*')
for key in keys:
# Get value and transform it
value = source.get(key)
# Example transformation: prefix all user IDs
if key.startswith(b'user:'):
new_key = b'new_' + key
target.set(new_key, value)
Redis restore operations are critical for ensuring data durability and business continuity. In this guide, we've covered:
- Basic restoration from RDB and AOF files
- CLI commands for restore operations
- Real-world restore scenarios
- Redis restore in different deployment environments
- Best practices for effective restores
- Troubleshooting common restore issues
- Advanced restore techniques
By implementing proper backup and restore procedures, you can protect your Redis data from accidental loss, corruption, or disaster scenarios.
Additional Resources
- Try creating a backup and restore pipeline using the techniques covered in this guide
- Experiment with partial restores for specific key patterns
- Set up automated verification of your backup files
For more advanced Redis administration topics, be sure to explore:
- Redis Replication
- Redis Sentinel for high availability
- Redis Cluster for scaling and sharding
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)