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Debian Command History


When working with the Debian terminal, you'll find yourself executing numerous commands throughout your session. Keeping track of these commands and being able to recall them can significantly improve your productivity. Debian's command history feature allows you to view, search, edit, and reuse previously entered commands without having to retype them. This tutorial will explore how to effectively use the command history feature in Debian's terminal.

The Basics of Command History

In Debian (and most Linux distributions), the Bash shell maintains a history of commands you've entered. By default, these commands are stored in a file called .bash_history in your home directory.

Viewing Your Command History

The simplest way to view your command history is with the history command:


This will display a numbered list of your recently executed commands:

  501  ls -la
502 cd Documents/
503 mkdir new-project
504 cd new-project/
505 touch
506 nano
507 git init
508 history

Executing Previous Commands

There are several ways to recall and execute previous commands:

Using Arrow Keys

  • Press the Up Arrow key to cycle through previously entered commands.
  • Press the Down Arrow key to move forward in the history.

Using History Numbers

You can execute a specific command from your history by referencing its number with an exclamation mark:


This would execute command number 505 from the history list (in our example, touch

Using the Bang (!) Operator

The bang operator provides several useful shortcuts:

  • !! - Execute the previous command
  • !-n - Execute the command that was n commands ago
  • !string - Execute the most recent command that starts with "string"
  • !?string - Execute the most recent command that contains "string"

For example:

# Execute the previous command

# Execute the command you ran 3 commands ago

# Execute the most recent command that started with "git"

# Execute the most recent command containing "README"

Searching Through Command History

One of the most powerful features is the reverse incremental search:

  1. Press Ctrl+r to start a reverse search
  2. Type a few characters of the command you're looking for
  3. Press Ctrl+r again to cycle through matches
  4. Press Enter to execute the found command or Esc to edit it
(reverse-i-search)`git': git init

You can also search forward in your history:

  1. Press Ctrl+s to start a forward search

    Note: Ctrl+s might freeze your terminal if flow control is enabled. If this happens, press Ctrl+q to unfreeze it.

Configuring Command History

Environment Variables

Debian's Bash history behavior can be customized using environment variables:

HISTSIZEThe number of commands to store in memory during a session
HISTFILESIZEThe number of commands to save to the history file
HISTCONTROLControls how commands are saved
HISTIGNOREPatterns of commands that shouldn't be saved
HISTTIMEFORMATFormat for timestamps in history output

To set these variables, add them to your ~/.bashrc file:

# Save 2000 commands in memory and in the history file
export HISTSIZE=2000
export HISTFILESIZE=2000

# Don't store duplicate commands or commands starting with a space
export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth

# Don't store these commands in history
export HISTIGNORE="ls:ls -l:history:exit:clear"

# Show timestamps in history output

After editing, reload your configuration:

source ~/.bashrc

History Manipulation Commands

You can also manage your history with these commands:

  • history -c - Clear the current session history
  • history -d NUMBER - Delete entry number NUMBER
  • history -w - Write the current history to the history file
  • history -r - Read the history file into the current session

Advanced History Features

Command Editing

After recalling a command with the up arrow, you can edit it using the standard terminal editing keys:

  • Ctrl+a - Move to the beginning of the line
  • Ctrl+e - Move to the end of the line
  • Ctrl+k - Delete from cursor to the end of the line
  • Ctrl+u - Delete from cursor to the beginning of the line
  • Ctrl+w - Delete the word before the cursor
  • Alt+b - Move back one word
  • Alt+f - Move forward one word

Using History Expansion

History expansion allows you to reuse parts of previous commands:

  • !$ - Last argument of the previous command
  • !^ - First argument of the previous command
  • !* - All arguments of the previous command
  • !n:m - Argument m from command n
  • !!:s/old/new/ - Substitute "old" with "new" in the previous command


# Create a directory and then cd into it
mkdir projects
cd !$ # Equivalent to cd projects

# Edit a file after viewing it
cat config.json
nano !$ # Equivalent to nano config.json

# Substitute in previous command
echo "Hello world"
!!:s/Hello/Goodbye/ # Runs: echo "Goodbye world"

Practical Applications

Creating a Command Log

You can use history with timestamps to create a log of what you've done:

# Set timestamp format
export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S "

# Show recent history with timestamps
history | tail -20


2023-05-10 14:32:45 sudo apt update
2023-05-10 14:33:12 sudo apt upgrade -y
2023-05-10 14:40:23 cd /var/www/html/
2023-05-10 14:40:30 sudo nano index.php

Creating Aliases for Common History Operations

You can add these aliases to your ~/.bashrc file:

# Show the 10 most frequently used commands
alias hist-top10='history | awk "{print \$2}" | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -10'

# Show today's commands only
alias hist-today='history | grep "$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"'

Building a Script from History

You can use history to document your steps and build a script:

# Save recent commands to a new script file
history | tail -10 | cut -c 8- >

# Make it executable
chmod +x

Multiuser Considerations

When multiple users share the same system, each has their own history file. However, it's important to know that:

  • History is only saved when the shell exits cleanly
  • If multiple terminals are open, the last one to close will overwrite the history
  • You can force history to be appended immediately with this setting in ~/.bashrc:
# Append to history file, don't overwrite
shopt -s histappend

# Update history after each command
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"

This ensures commands are saved immediately and shared between terminals.


The command history feature in Debian's terminal is a powerful tool that can enhance your productivity by allowing you to:

  • Recall and reuse previous commands
  • Search through your command history
  • Edit and modify previously executed commands
  • Customize how your history is saved and displayed

Mastering these features will save you time and reduce errors from retyping complex commands.

Additional Resources

Here are some exercises to help you practice command history:

  1. Configure your ~/.bashrc file to increase history size to 5000 commands
  2. Create an alias that shows your history with timestamps
  3. Practice using Ctrl+r to find commands
  4. Try using history expansion (!$, !!:s/old/new/, etc.)
  5. Set up your terminal to immediately append to history so commands are shared between terminals

For further reading, you can refer to:

  • The Bash manual page: man bash (search for the HISTORY section)
  • The GNU Bash Reference Manual section on History: info bash "command line editing"

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)