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Debian Text Viewing


When working with Debian or any Linux distribution, viewing text files directly from the terminal is an essential skill. The terminal offers several powerful commands for displaying, scrolling through, and examining text files without the need for graphical editors. Whether you're reading configuration files, checking logs, or reviewing code, these commands will become vital tools in your Linux journey.

In this guide, we'll explore various text viewing commands available in Debian, their options, and practical applications. By the end, you'll be comfortable navigating and examining text files of any size directly from your terminal.

Basic Text Viewing Commands

The cat Command

The cat (concatenate) command is one of the simplest ways to display the content of a file. It outputs the entire file content to the terminal at once.

Basic Usage

cat filename.txt


Let's create a sample file and view it:

echo "Hello World" > hello.txt
echo "This is a sample file" >> hello.txt
echo "Created for demonstration purposes" >> hello.txt
cat hello.txt


Hello World
This is a sample file
Created for demonstration purposes

Options for cat

-nNumbers all output lines
-bNumbers non-empty output lines
-AShows all non-printing characters
-TDisplays tab characters as ^I
-EDisplays $ at the end of each line

Example with Options

cat -n hello.txt


1  Hello World
2 This is a sample file
3 Created for demonstration purposes

The more Command

While cat is useful for small files, it can be impractical for larger ones as they scroll past your screen. The more command displays text one screen at a time.

Basic Usage

more filename.txt
  • Press Space to move forward one page
  • Press b to move backward one page
  • Press q to quit
  • Press h for help


more /etc/apt/sources.list

This will display the contents of your APT sources list one page at a time.

The less Command

less is an improved version of more with more features and better navigation.

Basic Usage

less filename.txt
  • Arrow keys: Scroll up and down line by line
  • Space or Page Down: Move forward one page
  • b or Page Up: Move backward one page
  • /pattern: Search forward for "pattern"
  • ?pattern: Search backward for "pattern"
  • n: Next search result
  • N: Previous search result
  • g: Go to first line
  • G: Go to last line
  • q: Quit


less /var/log/syslog

This allows you to browse through your system log efficiently.

Advanced Text Viewing Commands

The head Command

The head command displays the beginning of a file (by default, the first 10 lines).

Basic Usage

head filename.txt


head -n 5 filename.txt    # Display first 5 lines
head -c 20 filename.txt # Display first 20 bytes


Let's create a larger sample file:

for i in {1..20}; do echo "Line $i" >> lines.txt; done
head lines.txt


Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Line 4
Line 5
Line 6
Line 7
Line 8
Line 9
Line 10

The tail Command

The tail command displays the end of a file (by default, the last 10 lines).

Basic Usage

tail filename.txt


tail -n 5 filename.txt    # Display last 5 lines
tail -f filename.txt # Follow the file (show updates in real-time)


tail lines.txt


Line 11
Line 12
Line 13
Line 14
Line 15
Line 16
Line 17
Line 18
Line 19
Line 20

Real-time Monitoring with tail -f

The -f (follow) option is particularly useful for monitoring log files as they update:

tail -f /var/log/syslog

This will continuously display new entries as they're added to the log file. Press Ctrl+C to exit.

Combining Commands

Using grep with Text Viewing Commands

The power of text viewing commands increases when combined with other utilities like grep for filtering.

Example: Filter Output with grep

cat /etc/passwd | grep "home"

This command shows only lines containing "home" from the /etc/passwd file.

Piping to wc for Counting

cat filename.txt | wc -l

This counts the number of lines in a file.

Practical Applications

Checking System Logs

tail -n 50 /var/log/syslog | grep ERROR

This shows the last 50 lines of the system log and filters for error messages.

Viewing Configuration Files

less /etc/ssh/sshd_config

This allows comfortable reading of the SSH server configuration.

Examining Large Data Sets

head -n 10 dataset.csv

This shows a preview of the first 10 lines of a CSV file to understand its structure.

Text Viewing Workflow Diagram

The following diagram illustrates a typical workflow for deciding which text viewing command to use based on file size and requirements:


Debian and other Linux distributions provide a rich set of text viewing tools for terminal use:

  • cat: Best for small files or quick viewing
  • more: Basic paging for medium-sized files
  • less: Full-featured paging with search for larger files
  • head: View the beginning of files
  • tail: View the end of files, monitor file changes
  • These commands can be combined with pipes and filters for powerful text analysis

Mastering these text viewing commands will significantly improve your efficiency when working with Debian systems, especially for server administration, debugging, and software development tasks.

Additional Exercises

  1. Create a large log file by duplicating an existing log several times. Practice using less to navigate through it efficiently.

  2. Use tail -f on a log file while performing actions that generate log entries to observe real-time logging.

  3. Combine head, tail, and grep to extract specific information from the middle of a file.

  4. Write a small script that uses cat and text viewing commands to display statistics about a log file.

  5. Practice using less search functionality to find patterns in configuration files.

Further Reading

  • The manual pages (access them using man cat, man less, etc.)
  • The GNU Coreutils documentation
  • Linux text processing books and tutorials
  • Advanced text manipulation with sed and awk

Learning these text viewing commands is your first step toward becoming proficient in Debian terminal operations. As you practice these skills, you'll find yourself becoming more comfortable with the command-line interface and more efficient at navigating and working with text files.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)