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Ubuntu File Permissions


File permissions are a fundamental aspect of any Unix-based system like Ubuntu. They determine who can read, write, or execute files, forming a critical part of system security. Understanding file permissions is essential for managing your Ubuntu system effectively, preventing unauthorized access, and troubleshooting permission-related issues.

In this guide, we'll explore how Ubuntu handles file permissions, how to view and modify them, and common use cases for permission management.

Understanding Permission Basics

In Ubuntu, every file and directory has three types of permissions assigned to three different categories of users:

Permission Types

  • Read (r): Allows viewing a file's contents or listing a directory's contents
  • Write (w): Allows modifying a file or creating/deleting files within a directory
  • Execute (x): Allows running a file as a program or accessing a directory

User Categories

  • Owner: The user who created or owns the file
  • Group: Users who belong to the file's assigned group
  • Others: All other users on the system

Viewing File Permissions

You can view file permissions using the ls command with the -l (long format) option:

ls -l filename

For example:

ls -l myfile.txt


-rw-r--r-- 1 username groupname 1234 Mar 12 14:30 myfile.txt

Let's break down this output:

  • First character: File type (- for regular files, d for directories)
  • Characters 2-4: Owner permissions (rw- means read and write, but not execute)
  • Characters 5-7: Group permissions (r-- means read-only)
  • Characters 8-10: Others permissions (r-- means read-only)

Permission Notations

There are two common ways to represent permissions:

Symbolic Notation

Uses letters to represent permissions:

  • r: Read
  • w: Write
  • x: Execute
  • -: No permission

Numeric Notation

Uses numbers to represent permissions:

  • 4: Read
  • 2: Write
  • 1: Execute
  • 0: No permission

The sum of these values represents the permissions for each category:

  • 7 (4+2+1): Read, write, and execute
  • 6 (4+2): Read and write
  • 5 (4+1): Read and execute
  • 4: Read only
  • 3 (2+1): Write and execute
  • 2: Write only
  • 1: Execute only
  • 0: No permissions

Modifying File Permissions

Using chmod (Change Mode)

The chmod command allows you to change file permissions.

Symbolic Method

chmod [who][operation][permissions] filename


  • who: u (owner), g (group), o (others), a (all)
  • operation: + (add), - (remove), = (set exactly)
  • permissions: r, w, x


# Give the owner execute permission
chmod u+x

# Remove write permission for others
chmod o-w myfile.txt

# Give read and write permissions to owner and group
chmod ug+rw document.txt

# Set exact permissions for all categories
chmod a=r readme.txt

Numeric Method

chmod [numeric_value] filename


# Set permissions to rwxr-xr-- (owner: rwx, group: r-x, others: r--)
chmod 754

# Set permissions to rw-rw-r-- (owner: rw-, group: rw-, others: r--)
chmod 664 document.txt

# Set permissions to rwx------ (only owner has all permissions)
chmod 700 private_folder

Practical Examples

Making a Script Executable

When you create a bash script, you need to make it executable before running it:

# Create a script
echo '#!/bin/bash' >
echo 'echo "Hello, World!"' >>

# Check current permissions
ls -l
# Output: -rw-r--r-- 1 username groupname 33 Mar 12 15:45

# Make it executable
chmod +x
# or
chmod 755

# Check updated permissions
ls -l
# Output: -rwxr-xr-x 1 username groupname 33 Mar 12 15:45

# Now you can run it
# Output: Hello, World!

Securing Configuration Files

For sensitive configuration files, you might want to restrict permissions:

# Create a configuration file with a password
echo "password=mysecretpassword" > config.cfg

# Restrict permissions to owner only
chmod 600 config.cfg

# Check permissions
ls -l config.cfg
# Output: -rw------- 1 username groupname 25 Mar 12 15:50 config.cfg

Special Permissions

Beyond the basic permissions, Ubuntu supports special permissions:

SetUID (Set User ID)

When set on an executable file, it runs with the permissions of the file's owner rather than the user executing it.

# Set the SetUID bit
chmod u+s executable
# or
chmod 4755 executable

SetGID (Set Group ID)

When set on an executable file, it runs with the permissions of the file's group. When set on a directory, new files created in it inherit the directory's group.

# Set the SetGID bit
chmod g+s executable
# or
chmod 2755 executable

Sticky Bit

When set on a directory, files within can only be deleted by their owners, the directory owner, or root.

# Set the sticky bit
chmod +t directory
# or
chmod 1777 directory

Changing Ownership with chown

You can change a file's owner or group using the chown command:

# Change owner
sudo chown new_owner filename

# Change group
sudo chown :new_group filename

# Change both owner and group
sudo chown new_owner:new_group filename


# Change the owner to 'john'
sudo chown john myfile.txt

# Change the group to 'developers'
sudo chown :developers myfile.txt

# Change both owner to 'john' and group to 'developers'
sudo chown john:developers myfile.txt

Recursive Permission Changes

To change permissions or ownership for directories and all their contents, use the -R (recursive) option:

# Change permissions recursively
chmod -R 755 directory/

# Change ownership recursively
sudo chown -R username:groupname directory/

Common Permission Patterns

Here are some commonly used permission patterns:

PermissionNumericUse Case
-rwx------700Scripts or programs only you should use
-rwxr-xr-x755Scripts or programs everyone should be able to use
-rw-------600Private files only you should see
-rw-r--r--644Files everyone should be able to read but only you can modify
drwx------700Private directories
drwxr-xr-x755Directories everyone should be able to access

Troubleshooting Permission Issues

Common Problems and Solutions

  1. "Permission denied" when running a script

    # Solution: Make the script executable
    chmod +x
  2. Can't modify a file

    # Solution: Add write permission
    chmod u+w file.txt
  3. Can't access a directory

    # Solution: Add execute permission
    chmod u+x directory/
  4. Can't modify files as a different user

    # Solution: Change ownership (requires sudo)
    sudo chown username file.txt

Checking Process Permissions

You can check what permissions a process has using the ps command:

ps -eo user,pid,args

Advanced Concepts: Access Control Lists (ACLs)

For more fine-grained control beyond the traditional permissions, Ubuntu supports Access Control Lists (ACLs).

To use ACLs, you need to install the acl package:

sudo apt install acl

Setting ACLs

# Give a specific user read access to a file
setfacl -m u:username:r file.txt

# Give a specific group write access
setfacl -m g:groupname:w file.txt

Viewing ACLs

getfacl file.txt


Understanding Ubuntu file permissions is essential for system security and proper file management. Here's what we've covered:

  • Permission types: read, write, and execute
  • User categories: owner, group, and others
  • Viewing permissions with ls -l
  • Modifying permissions with chmod using both symbolic and numeric methods
  • Changing ownership with chown
  • Special permissions: SetUID, SetGID, and sticky bit
  • Common permission patterns and troubleshooting
  • Advanced permissions with Access Control Lists

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a new directory called practice_permissions and experiment with different permission settings.
  2. Create a bash script that prints system information and make it executable.
  3. Create a file with sensitive information and restrict its permissions so only you can read and write to it.
  4. Create a shared directory where members of your group can add files, but only the creator of a file can delete their own files.

Additional Resources

  • The man pages for the commands mentioned in this guide:
    man chmod
    man chown
    man ls
    man getfacl
    man setfacl
  • Online documentation:
    • Ubuntu Documentation on File Permissions
    • Linux Command Library
    • GNU Coreutils Documentation

By mastering file permissions in Ubuntu, you'll be better equipped to maintain a secure and properly functioning system while avoiding many common permission-related issues that beginners often encounter.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)