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Ubuntu Search Functions


Efficient file management in Ubuntu requires knowing how to quickly find files and content across your system. Ubuntu provides several powerful command-line tools that can help you locate files based on names, content, properties, and other criteria. In this guide, we'll explore the most useful search functions in Ubuntu that every beginner should know.

Whether you need to find a specific configuration file, search for text within files, or locate recently modified documents, Ubuntu's search tools have you covered. These tools are essential for both day-to-day usage and more advanced system administration tasks.

Core Search Commands in Ubuntu

The find Command

The find command is one of the most versatile and powerful search tools in Ubuntu. It allows you to search for files and directories based on various criteria including name, size, permissions, modification time, and more.

Basic Syntax

find [starting-directory] [options] [expression]

Finding Files by Name

To find files with a specific name:

find /home/user -name "filename.txt"

This command searches for "filename.txt" starting from the /home/user directory.

For case-insensitive search:

find /home/user -iname "filename.txt"

You can also use wildcards:

find /home/user -name "*.txt"

Example output:


Finding Files by Type

To find only directories:

find /home/user -type d

To find only regular files:

find /home/user -type f

Finding Files by Size

To find files larger than 10MB:

find /home/user -size +10M

To find files smaller than 1KB:

find /home/user -size -1k

Finding Files by Modification Time

To find files modified in the last 7 days:

find /home/user -mtime -7

To find files accessed more than 30 days ago:

find /home/user -atime +30

Combining Find Criteria

You can combine multiple criteria using logical operators:

find /home/user -name "*.txt" -size +1M -mtime -30

This finds all .txt files larger than 1MB that were modified in the last 30 days.

Executing Commands on Found Files

One of the most powerful features of find is the ability to execute commands on found files:

find /home/user -name "*.txt" -exec grep "important" {} \;

This finds all .txt files and searches for the word "important" in them.

The locate Command

The locate command is much faster than find because it searches a database of filenames instead of scanning the actual filesystem. This database is typically updated daily via a cron job.

Basic Usage

locate filename

Before using locate, ensure the database is up-to-date:

sudo updatedb


locate bashrc



Case-Insensitive Search with locate

locate -i FILENAME

Limiting the Number of Results

locate -n 10 .conf

This limits the output to 10 results for files with ".conf" in their names.

The grep Command

While find and locate search for files based on names and attributes, grep searches for text patterns within files.

Basic Usage

grep "search_pattern" filename

To search recursively through directories:

grep -r "search_pattern" /directory/path


grep -r "function" /home/user/Projects/

This searches for the word "function" in all files under the Projects directory.

Useful grep Options

Case-insensitive search:

grep -i "pattern" filename

Show line numbers:

grep -n "pattern" filename

Show only filenames that contain matches:

grep -l "pattern" *

Display only the matched part of the line:

grep -o "pattern" filename

Using Regular Expressions with grep

grep supports powerful regular expressions for more complex searches:

grep "^#" /etc/ssh/sshd_config

This finds all lines in the SSH configuration file that start with a "#" (commented lines).

Combining Search Tools

The real power of Ubuntu search functions comes from combining these tools together:

find /home/user -type f -name "*.py" -exec grep -l "import numpy" {} \;

This finds all Python files that import the numpy library.

Advanced Search Techniques

Using find with Permissions

Find files with specific permissions:

find /home/user -perm 644

Find files owned by a specific user:

find /home/user -user username

The which Command

which helps you locate the binary file of a command:

which python3



The whereis Command

whereis locates the binary, source, and manual page files for a command:

whereis python3


python3: /usr/bin/python3 /usr/lib/python3 /etc/python3 /usr/share/python3 /usr/share/man/man1/python3.1.gz

Graphical Search Options

While command-line tools offer powerful searching capabilities, Ubuntu also provides graphical options for beginners:

Using the Files Application (Nautilus)

  1. Open the Files application
  2. Press Ctrl+F to open the search bar
  3. Type your search term and press Enter

Using the Ubuntu Dash

  1. Press the Super key (Windows key)
  2. Type your search term
  3. Filter results by clicking on the appropriate category (Files & Folders)

Practical Examples

Example 1: Finding Configuration Files

Suppose you need to find all configuration files related to Apache:

find /etc -name "*apache*" -type f

Example 2: Finding and Removing Temporary Files

To find and remove all temporary files (*.tmp) older than 7 days:

find /home/user -name "*.tmp" -mtime +7 -delete

Example 3: Finding Large Files to Free Disk Space

To identify the top 10 largest files in your home directory:

find /home/user -type f -exec du -sh {} \; | sort -rh | head -n 10

Example 4: Searching for Text in Multiple File Types

To search for the text "TODO" in both Python and JavaScript files:

find . \( -name "*.py" -o -name "*.js" \) -exec grep -l "TODO" {} \;

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Use the right tool for the job:

    • find for detailed, criteria-based searches
    • locate for quick filename searches
    • grep for content-based searches
  2. Limit your search scope to improve performance:

    • Search in specific directories instead of the entire filesystem
    • Use more specific patterns to reduce results
  3. Beware of permissions:

    • Some searches may require sudo privileges
    • Running sudo find / may expose sensitive system files
  4. Create aliases for common searches:

    echo 'alias findpy="find . -name \"*.py\""' >> ~/.bashrc
  5. Redirect large outputs to files:

    find / -name "*.log" > log_files.txt 2>/dev/null


Ubuntu provides a comprehensive set of search functions that allow users to find files and content efficiently. The three main tools—find, locate, and grep—each serve different purposes and can be combined for powerful search capabilities:

  • find: Flexible, criteria-based file searching
  • locate: Fast filename searching using a database
  • grep: Content-based text pattern searching

Mastering these search functions will significantly improve your productivity and help you navigate the Ubuntu filesystem with confidence.

Additional Resources and Exercises


  1. Find all images (jpg, png, gif) in your home directory modified in the last month.
  2. Search for all configuration files containing the word "password" in the /etc directory.
  3. Find all empty files in your Documents folder.
  4. Locate all executable scripts in your home directory and list their permissions.

Further Learning

  • Explore the manual pages for each command using man find, man locate, and man grep.
  • Learn more about regular expressions to enhance your grep searches.
  • Investigate other search tools like fd (a modern alternative to find) and ripgrep (a faster alternative to grep).

By mastering these search functions, you'll be well-equipped to handle file management tasks efficiently in Ubuntu and other Linux distributions.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)