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Ubuntu Environment Variables


Environment variables are dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes behave on a computer. In Ubuntu and other Linux systems, these variables are an essential part of the shell environment and play a crucial role in system configuration and application behavior.

Environment variables serve several important purposes:

  • They store system settings
  • They control program behavior
  • They facilitate communication between processes
  • They provide a way to customize your shell experience

In this tutorial, we'll explore what environment variables are, how they work in Ubuntu, and how you can use them effectively in your shell scripts and daily operations.

Understanding Environment Variables

What Are Environment Variables?

An environment variable is simply a name-value pair stored in your system's memory. The shell and other programs can access these variables to get information about the environment in which they're running.

Think of environment variables as a way for your operating system to communicate important information to applications and scripts. For example, your system uses environment variables to tell applications:

  • Where to find executable files
  • What your username is
  • Where your home directory is located
  • What terminal type you're using
  • And much more!

Key Environment Variables in Ubuntu

Let's look at some of the most common environment variables you'll encounter in Ubuntu:

HOMEContains the path to the current user's home directory
USERContains the currently logged-in username
PATHContains a colon-separated list of directories where the shell looks for commands
PWDContains the present working directory
SHELLContains the path to the current user's shell program
TERMContains the terminal type
LANGContains language and locale settings
PS1Contains the primary prompt string

Viewing Environment Variables

Displaying All Environment Variables

To display all environment variables currently set in your shell session, you can use the env or printenv command:


Sample output:


Alternatively, you can use:


Viewing a Specific Environment Variable

To view the value of a specific environment variable, you can use the echo command with the $ symbol before the variable name:

echo $HOME



You can also use the printenv command followed by the variable name:

printenv PATH



Setting Environment Variables

Temporary Variables (Session Only)

To set an environment variable for the current session only, use the export command:

export MY_VARIABLE="Hello, Ubuntu!"

You can verify it was set correctly:



Hello, Ubuntu!

These variables will only persist for the duration of your current terminal session. Once you close the terminal, they're gone.

Persistent Environment Variables

To make environment variables persist across terminal sessions and system reboots, you need to add them to shell configuration files.

For user-specific variables, add them to your .bashrc or .profile file in your home directory:

echo 'export MY_VARIABLE="Hello, Ubuntu!"' >> ~/.bashrc

For system-wide variables that should apply to all users, you can add them to /etc/environment or create a new file in the /etc/profile.d/ directory:

sudo sh -c 'echo "export GLOBAL_VAR=\"System-wide variable\"" > /etc/profile.d/'

After making changes to these files, you'll need to either restart your terminal or source the file to apply the changes:

source ~/.bashrc

Working with PATH Variable

The PATH variable is particularly important as it tells the shell where to look for executable programs. It contains a colon-separated list of directories.

Viewing the PATH Variable

echo $PATH



Adding a Directory to PATH

To add a new directory to your PATH temporarily:

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/directory

To add it permanently for your user, add this line to your ~/.bashrc file:

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/your/directory' >> ~/.bashrc

Then source the file:

source ~/.bashrc

Environment Variables in Shell Scripts

Environment variables are extremely useful in shell scripts for configuration and passing data between processes.

Using Variables in Scripts

Here's a simple script that uses environment variables:


# Script to demonstrate environment variables

echo "Hello, $USER!"
echo "Your home directory is: $HOME"
echo "Your current shell is: $SHELL"
echo "Your current directory is: $PWD"

# Using a custom environment variable
echo "Custom variable value: $MY_VARIABLE"

Save this as, make it executable with chmod +x, and run it:

chmod +x

Sample output:

Hello, user!
Your home directory is: /home/user
Your current shell is: /bin/bash
Your current directory is: /home/user/scripts
Custom variable value: Hello, Ubuntu!

Local Variables vs. Environment Variables

In shell scripts, there's an important distinction between local variables and environment variables:

  • Local variables exist only in the current shell or script
  • Environment variables are inherited by child processes

To demonstrate this difference:


# Local variable
LOCAL_VAR="I am local"
echo "Inside parent script: $LOCAL_VAR"

# Environment variable
export ENV_VAR="I am exported"
echo "Inside parent script: $ENV_VAR"

# Run a child script
bash -c 'echo "Inside child process - LOCAL_VAR: $LOCAL_VAR"; echo "Inside child process - ENV_VAR: $ENV_VAR"'

Save this as, make it executable, and run it:

chmod +x

Sample output:

Inside parent script: I am local
Inside parent script: I am exported
Inside child process - LOCAL_VAR:
Inside child process - ENV_VAR: I am exported

Notice that LOCAL_VAR isn't available in the child process, but ENV_VAR is because it was exported.

Practical Examples

Let's look at some practical applications of environment variables in Ubuntu.

Example 1: Creating Aliases with Environment Variables

You can use environment variables to create shortcuts to commonly used directories:

export PROJECTS_DIR="$HOME/projects"

Then, in your shell scripts or commands, you can use:


Example 2: Configuring Application Behavior

Many applications use environment variables for configuration. For example, to configure Git with your details:

export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Your Name"
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]"

Example 3: Building a Custom Prompt

You can customize your bash prompt using the PS1 environment variable:

export PS1="\u@\h \[\033[32m\]\w\[\033[33m\]\$(git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -n 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/p')\[\033[00m\] $ "

This will create a custom prompt with your username, hostname, current directory, and git branch (if applicable).

Example 4: Creating a Simple Logger with Environment Variables

Here's a script that uses an environment variable to control logging verbosity:


# - A simple logging script

# Default to INFO level if LOG_LEVEL is not set

log_debug() {
if [[ "$LOG_LEVEL" == "DEBUG" ]]; then
echo "[DEBUG] $1"

log_info() {
if [[ "$LOG_LEVEL" == "INFO" || "$LOG_LEVEL" == "DEBUG" ]]; then
echo "[INFO] $1"

log_error() {
echo "[ERROR] $1"

# Main script logic
log_debug "This is a debug message"
log_info "This is an info message"
log_error "This is an error message"

Run with default logging level:



[INFO] This is an info message
[ERROR] This is an error message

Run with DEBUG level:



[DEBUG] This is a debug message
[INFO] This is an info message
[ERROR] This is an error message

Environment Variable Management Tips

Listing Variables by Prefix

To find all environment variables that start with a specific prefix:

env | grep "^PREFIX_"

Unsetting Variables

To remove an environment variable:


Temporary Environment Variables for a Single Command

You can set an environment variable for just a single command:

MY_VARIABLE="temporary value" my_command

Checking if a Variable Exists

In scripts, you can check if a variable exists and provide a default if it doesn't:


# Use a default value if MY_VARIABLE isn't set

echo "Using setting: $MY_SETTING"

Environment Variables and Security

When working with environment variables, keep these security considerations in mind:

  1. Never store sensitive information (like passwords or API keys) in environment variables for long-term use
  2. Be aware that any process you launch can access your environment variables
  3. Some system tools might log environment variables, potentially exposing sensitive data
  4. For sensitive data, consider using more secure alternatives like keyring services or encrypted configuration files


Environment variables are a powerful feature in Ubuntu and other Linux systems that allow you to:

  • Configure your shell environment
  • Control how applications behave
  • Pass information between processes
  • Create customized user experiences

Key points to remember:

  • Use export to set variables for the current session
  • Edit configuration files (~/.bashrc, /etc/environment) for persistent variables
  • The PATH variable determines where the shell looks for executable files
  • Only exported variables are passed to child processes
  • Be cautious with sensitive information in environment variables

By mastering environment variables, you'll have much more control over your Ubuntu system and will be able to create more powerful and flexible shell scripts.

Exercises for Practice

  1. Create a script that displays all environment variables containing the word "PATH"
  2. Add a custom directory to your PATH and create a simple executable in it
  3. Create a script that behaves differently based on a DEBUG environment variable
  4. Set up a persistent environment variable that points to a projects folder
  5. Write a script that validates whether required environment variables are set

Additional Resources

  • The Bash manual: man bash (look for the "ENVIRONMENT" section)
  • The Ubuntu Community Help Wiki
  • Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
  • Bash Hackers Wiki

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)