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Ubuntu Shell Introduction

What is the Ubuntu Shell?

The Ubuntu shell is a powerful text-based interface that allows you to interact with your Ubuntu operating system by typing commands. Also known as the "terminal" or "command line," the shell provides direct access to the core functionality of your system, enabling you to perform tasks ranging from simple file operations to complex system administration.

The default shell in Ubuntu is called Bash (Bourne Again SHell), which is the most common shell in Linux-based systems.

Why Learn Shell Commands?

Learning to use the shell offers several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Many tasks can be completed faster through the shell than using a graphical interface
  • Automation: Commands can be combined and saved as scripts to automate repetitive tasks
  • Remote access: You can manage systems remotely through SSH without needing a graphical interface
  • Resource efficiency: Shell commands typically use fewer system resources than graphical applications
  • Precision: Shell commands offer fine-grained control over system operations

Accessing the Terminal

There are several ways to access the terminal in Ubuntu:

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T (keyboard shortcut)
  2. Search for "Terminal" in the Applications menu
  3. Right-click on the desktop and select "Open Terminal" (if available)

When you open the terminal, you'll see a prompt that looks something like this:


This prompt tells you:

  • Your username (username)
  • Your computer's hostname (hostname)
  • Your current directory (~ represents your home directory)
  • The $ symbol indicates you're operating as a regular user (a # would indicate root/administrator privileges)

Basic Shell Navigation

Checking Your Current Location

The pwd (Print Working Directory) command shows your current location in the file system:




Listing Files and Directories

The ls command lists files and directories:



Desktop  Documents  Downloads  Music  Pictures  Public  Templates  Videos

Add options to see more details:

ls -l  # Long format with details


drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Documents
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Downloads
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Music
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Pictures
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Public
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Templates
drwxr-xr-x 2 username username 4096 Jan 10 09:15 Videos
ls -la  # Long format including hidden files (those starting with .)

Changing Directories

The cd (Change Directory) command lets you navigate between directories:

cd Documents  # Move to Documents directory

Special directory references:

  • cd ~ - Go to your home directory
  • cd .. - Go up one level (parent directory)
  • cd - - Go back to the previous directory
  • cd / - Go to the root directory

Working with Files and Directories

Creating Directories

Create new directories with the mkdir command:

mkdir Projects

Create nested directories with a single command:

mkdir -p Projects/WebDev/HTML

The -p flag creates parent directories if they don't exist.

Creating Files

Create an empty file using touch:

touch notes.txt

Or create a file with content using text editors like nano:

nano notes.txt

Copying Files

Copy files with the cp command:

cp notes.txt notes_backup.txt

Copy directories recursively:

cp -r Projects ProjectsBackup

Moving/Renaming Files

The mv command moves or renames files:

mv notes.txt Documents/  # Move to Documents directory
mv notes.txt meeting_notes.txt  # Rename file

Deleting Files and Directories

Remove files with rm:

rm notes.txt

Remove directories with rmdir (only works on empty directories):

rmdir EmptyFolder

Remove directories and their contents with rm -r:

rm -r Projects

⚠️ Warning: Be extremely careful with rm -r and especially rm -rf commands. They delete files permanently without sending them to a trash bin.

Viewing File Content

Displaying Entire Files

View a file's content with cat:

cat notes.txt

Viewing Files Page by Page

For longer files, use less to paginate:

less long_document.txt

Use these keys with less:

  • Space: Next page
  • b: Previous page
  • /pattern: Search for "pattern"
  • q: Quit

Viewing File Beginnings and Endings

Show the first 10 lines of a file:

head filename.txt

Show the last 10 lines of a file:

tail filename.txt

Specify a different number of lines:

head -n 5 filename.txt  # First 5 lines
tail -n 20 filename.txt # Last 20 lines

Getting Help

Ubuntu offers several ways to get help on commands:

The man Command

Access manual pages for commands:

man ls

The --help Option

Most commands provide built-in help:

ls --help

The info Command

Provides more detailed information than man pages:

info ls

Command Structure

Most shell commands follow this pattern:

command [options] [arguments]


  • command is the name of the program
  • options (or "flags") modify how the command works
  • arguments are what the command operates on (like filenames)

For example:

ls -la /home/username


  • ls is the command
  • -la are the options (-l for long format, -a for all files)
  • /home/username is the argument (the directory to list)

Shell Features

Command History

Access previously used commands with the up/down arrow keys. View your command history:


Execute a command from history by its number:

!123  # Executes command number 123 from history

Tab Completion

Save typing by pressing Tab to autocomplete commands, filenames, and directories:

  1. Start typing a command or path: cd Doc
  2. Press Tab: It completes to cd Documents/


Wildcards let you match multiple files at once:

  • * - Matches any number of characters
  • ? - Matches exactly one character
  • [...] - Matches any character in the brackets


ls *.txt         # Lists all files ending in .txt
ls document?.txt # Matches document1.txt, documentA.txt, etc.
ls image[1-3].jpg # Matches image1.jpg, image2.jpg, image3.jpg

Practical Examples

Example 1: Organizing Files

Let's create a project structure and organize some files:

# Create project directory and subdirectories
mkdir -p MyProject/{docs,src,tests}

# Create some files
touch MyProject/
touch MyProject/src/{,}
touch MyProject/docs/

# List the structure
ls -R MyProject


docs src tests




Example 2: Finding and Processing Files

Find all Python files in a directory and count lines of code:

# Find all .py files and display their line count
find MyProject -name "*.py" -exec wc -l {} \;


0 MyProject/src/
0 MyProject/src/

Example 3: System Information

Get basic system information:

# Display Ubuntu version
lsb_release -a


No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
# Display system uptime


 14:30:25 up  3:42,  2 users,  load average: 0.45, 0.38, 0.39


In this introduction to the Ubuntu shell, we've covered:

  • What the shell is and why it's useful
  • How to navigate the filesystem using commands like pwd, ls, and cd
  • Working with files and directories using mkdir, touch, cp, mv, and rm
  • Viewing file contents with cat, less, head, and tail
  • Getting help with man, --help, and info
  • Understanding command structure and shell features like history, tab completion, and wildcards
  • Several practical examples demonstrating real-world shell usage

Further Learning

To continue your journey with the Ubuntu shell:

  1. Practice these commands regularly
  2. Explore more advanced commands like grep, sed, and awk
  3. Learn how to redirect input/output with >, >>, and |
  4. Start writing simple shell scripts to automate tasks


  1. Create a directory structure for a fictional web project with folders for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files
  2. Find all text files in your home directory and copy them to a new backup folder
  3. Write a command to display the 5 largest files in your downloads folder
  4. Create a simple text file, then use shell commands to count the number of words and lines it contains

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)