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PostgreSQL BRIN Indexes


When working with large PostgreSQL databases, efficient indexing becomes crucial for maintaining performance. Among PostgreSQL's various indexing options, BRIN (Block Range INdex) indexes offer a compelling solution for specific use cases, particularly with large tables where data has a natural correlation with physical storage order.

BRIN indexes were introduced in PostgreSQL 9.5 and provide a way to create very small but effective indexes for large tables when the data has a natural correlation with its physical location in the table. Unlike traditional B-tree indexes that store an entry for each row, BRIN indexes store summary information about ranges of blocks, making them significantly smaller and faster to maintain.

What is a BRIN Index?

BRIN stands for Block Range INdex. Unlike B-tree indexes which create separate entries for each value, BRIN indexes work by storing metadata about ranges of pages (blocks) in your table:

  • BRIN divides your table into block ranges (by default, 128 blocks per range)
  • For each range, it stores the minimum and maximum values for the indexed column(s)
  • When querying, PostgreSQL can quickly eliminate entire block ranges that don't match the query conditions

When to Use BRIN Indexes

BRIN indexes are particularly effective in the following scenarios:

  1. Very large tables (typically gigabytes or terabytes in size)
  2. Data with physical correlation (where the indexed column values correlate with physical storage order)
  3. When index size matters (BRIN indexes are extremely compact)
  4. When some table scan is acceptable (BRIN provides less precise filtering than B-tree)

Common use cases include:

  • Time-series data ordered by timestamp
  • Log tables with sequential IDs
  • Geographic data sorted by location
  • Any naturally ordered data where new rows are appended to the end of the table

Creating a BRIN Index

The syntax for creating a BRIN index is straightforward:

CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name USING brin (column_name);

You can also specify the block range size (number of blocks per range):

CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name USING brin (column_name) 
WITH (pages_per_range = 32);

Practical Examples

Example 1: Time-Series Data

Let's create a table for storing temperature readings from IoT devices:

CREATE TABLE temperature_readings (
temperature NUMERIC(5,2) NOT NULL

-- Insert sample data (in real scenarios, this could be millions of rows)
INSERT INTO temperature_readings (device_id, timestamp, temperature)
(random() * 100)::integer,
'2023-01-01'::timestamp + (random() * 365 * interval '1 day'),
(random() * 50)::numeric(5,2)
FROM generate_series(1, 1000000);

-- Create a BRIN index on the timestamp column
CREATE INDEX temperature_timestamp_brin_idx
ON temperature_readings USING brin (timestamp);

Now we can query the data efficiently:

-- This query can use the BRIN index
SELECT * FROM temperature_readings
WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '2023-06-01' AND '2023-06-30';

The query planner might show output like:

Bitmap Heap Scan on temperature_readings
Recheck Cond: ((timestamp >= '2023-06-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (timestamp <= '2023-06-30 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
-> Bitmap Index Scan on temperature_timestamp_brin_idx
Index Cond: ((timestamp >= '2023-06-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (timestamp <= '2023-06-30 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))

Example 2: Log Data with Sequential IDs

For log tables where IDs are assigned sequentially:

CREATE TABLE application_logs (
app_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
log_level VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
message TEXT NOT NULL,

-- Create a BRIN index on the log_id column
CREATE INDEX logs_id_brin_idx ON application_logs USING brin (log_id);

-- And another on the timestamp
CREATE INDEX logs_timestamp_brin_idx ON application_logs USING brin (created_at);

These indexes would be effective for queries like:

-- Find logs from a specific time period
SELECT * FROM application_logs
WHERE created_at BETWEEN '2023-10-01' AND '2023-10-02';

-- Find logs with IDs in a specific range
SELECT * FROM application_logs
WHERE log_id BETWEEN 1000000 AND 2000000;

BRIN vs. B-tree Indexes: A Comparison

Let's compare BRIN and B-tree indexes to understand their trade-offs:

SizeVery small (can be 1000x smaller)Larger (one entry per row)
Maintenance overheadLowHigher
Query precisionLower (block ranges)Higher (exact matches)
Best forRange queries on correlated dataPoint lookups, arbitrary data
Creation speedFastSlower
Update impactLowHigher

Measuring BRIN Index Effectiveness

You can check the size of your indexes with:

SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('index_name'));

Compare the sizes of BRIN and B-tree indexes:

-- Create both types of indexes
CREATE INDEX temperature_timestamp_btree_idx
ON temperature_readings USING btree (timestamp);

CREATE INDEX temperature_timestamp_brin_idx
ON temperature_readings USING brin (timestamp);

-- Compare their sizes
'B-tree' AS index_type,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('temperature_timestamp_btree_idx')) AS size
'BRIN' AS index_type,
pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('temperature_timestamp_brin_idx')) AS size;

The output might show:

 index_type |  size  
B-tree | 21 MB
BRIN | 48 kB

Advanced BRIN Features

Multi-Column BRIN Indexes

You can create BRIN indexes on multiple columns:

CREATE INDEX multi_column_brin_idx 
ON temperature_readings USING brin (device_id, timestamp);

Different Operator Classes

BRIN supports different operator classes for different data types:

CREATE INDEX text_minmax_ops_idx 
ON documents USING brin (title text_minmax_ops);

Custom Block Range Size

Adjust the block range size based on your data distribution:

CREATE INDEX custom_range_brin_idx 
ON temperature_readings USING brin (timestamp)
WITH (pages_per_range = 64);

Limitations and Considerations

When working with BRIN indexes, keep these limitations in mind:

  1. Correlation requirement: BRIN indexes are only effective when data is correlated with physical storage order
  2. Less precise: They eliminate ranges of blocks, not individual rows
  3. Not suitable for high-cardinality columns with random distribution
  4. Sequential scans still occur: After using the index, PostgreSQL still needs to scan relevant blocks

Performance Tuning Tips

To get the most out of BRIN indexes:

  1. Analyze your table after bulk loading data:

    ANALYZE temperature_readings;
  2. Consider table clustering to improve data correlation:

    CLUSTER temperature_readings USING temperature_readings_pkey;
  3. Tune pages_per_range: A smaller value gives more precise filtering but larger index size

  4. Use with partitioning for even better performance on very large tables


BRIN indexes provide a lightweight indexing solution that works exceptionally well for large tables with naturally ordered data. Their tiny size and low maintenance overhead make them perfect for specific use cases where traditional B-tree indexes would be impractical.

Key takeaways:

  • BRIN indexes store metadata about ranges of table blocks
  • They're significantly smaller than B-tree indexes
  • They work best when data correlates with physical storage order
  • They're ideal for time-series data, logs, and sequential datasets
  • They sacrifice some precision for dramatically reduced size

By understanding and properly implementing BRIN indexes, you can significantly improve query performance on very large PostgreSQL tables while minimizing storage overhead.

Additional Resources

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a table with timestamp data and compare the size and performance of B-tree and BRIN indexes.
  2. Experiment with different pages_per_range values and observe how they affect index size and query performance.
  3. Try using BRIN indexes on a table where data is randomly distributed and observe the performance compared to when data is ordered.
  4. Create a multi-column BRIN index and test queries that filter on both columns.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)