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PostgreSQL Index Basics


Database indexes are one of the most powerful tools for optimizing query performance, yet they're often misunderstood or underutilized. In PostgreSQL, proper indexing can transform a sluggish query that takes minutes into one that completes in milliseconds.

Think of an index like the index at the back of a book - instead of reading through every page to find a specific topic, you can look up the page number in the index and jump straight there. Similarly, database indexes allow PostgreSQL to find data without scanning every row in a table.

In this guide, we'll explore the fundamental concepts of PostgreSQL indexes, learn how to create them, understand when they're beneficial, and examine their impact on query performance.

What Are Indexes?

Indexes are special data structures that store a sorted subset of a table's data, making it faster to find specific rows. When a query includes a WHERE clause or join condition on an indexed column, PostgreSQL can use the index to quickly locate matching rows instead of scanning the entire table.

Types of PostgreSQL Indexes

PostgreSQL supports several index types, each optimized for different data types and query patterns:

  1. B-tree (default) - General-purpose balanced tree structure, suitable for most scenarios
  2. Hash - Optimized for equality comparisons only
  3. GiST - Generalized Search Tree for complex data types (geometric data, full-text search)
  4. SP-GiST - Space-partitioned GiST for non-balanced data structures
  5. GIN - Generalized Inverted Index for composite values (arrays, JSON, full-text search)
  6. BRIN - Block Range Index for very large tables with naturally clustered data

For most beginners, B-tree indexes will be the go-to choice as they work well for equality and range comparisons.

Creating Your First Index

Let's create a simple table and add an index to it:

-- Create a users table
username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE,
email VARCHAR(100),

-- Insert some sample data
INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES
('john_doe', '[email protected]'),
('jane_smith', '[email protected]'),
('bob_jones', '[email protected]');

-- Create an index on the email column
CREATE INDEX idx_users_email ON users(email);

In this example:

  • The PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically creates an index on the id column
  • The UNIQUE constraint creates an index on the username column
  • We manually created an index named idx_users_email on the email column

Index Naming Conventions

While PostgreSQL doesn't enforce a naming convention for indexes, a common practice is to use the format:

idx_[table name]_[column name(s)]

For multi-column indexes, you might use:


This makes it easier to identify what the index is for when examining your database schema.

When To Use Indexes

Indexes are most beneficial when:

  1. Tables are large - Small tables (a few hundred rows) can be scanned quickly anyway
  2. Columns are used frequently in WHERE clauses - Index columns that are often filtered on
  3. Columns are used in JOIN conditions - Index foreign keys to speed up joins
  4. Columns have high cardinality (many unique values) - Indexes work best when they can eliminate many rows

For example, indexing a gender column with only two possible values wouldn't be very helpful, but indexing an email column with unique values for each row would be very effective.

Examining Index Usage

PostgreSQL provides tools to check if and how your indexes are being used. The EXPLAIN command shows the query plan, revealing whether an index scan or a sequential scan will be performed:

-- Check if our index is used
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]';

Example output:

                                 QUERY PLAN
Index Scan using idx_users_email on users (cost=0.29..8.30 rows=1 width=72)
Index Cond: (email = '[email protected]'::text)

The output shows PostgreSQL is using our idx_users_email index to find the matching row directly.

Let's compare with a query that can't use the index:

-- This query can't use our email index
EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE 'j%';

Example output:

                           QUERY PLAN
Seq Scan on users (cost=0.00..22.00 rows=4 width=72)
Filter: (username ~~ 'j%'::text)

This query performs a sequential scan, checking every row in the table.

Multi-Column Indexes

Sometimes you need to filter on multiple columns together. In these cases, a multi-column index can be more efficient than individual indexes:

-- Create a multi-column index
CREATE INDEX idx_users_email_created_at ON users(email, created_at);

This index is useful for queries that filter on email alone OR on both email AND created_at:

-- Can use the multi-column index
SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = '[email protected]' AND created_at > '2023-01-01';

However, it's important to understand that the order of columns matters. This index won't help queries that only filter on created_at without also filtering on email.

Index Impact on Performance

Let's see the real impact of indexes by comparing query times on a larger dataset:

-- Create a test table with 1 million rows
CREATE TABLE large_test (
data TEXT,
search_column VARCHAR(100)

-- Insert 1 million rows
INSERT INTO large_test (data, search_column)
'Some data ' || i,
'value_' || (i % 10000)
FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) i;

-- Query without an index
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_test WHERE search_column = 'value_9999';

-- Create an index
CREATE INDEX idx_large_test_search ON large_test(search_column);

-- Query with the index
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM large_test WHERE search_column = 'value_9999';

Example output without index:

                                                  QUERY PLAN
Seq Scan on large_test (cost=0.00..18334.00 rows=100 width=40) (actual time=0.028..94.815 rows=100 loops=1)
Filter: (search_column = 'value_9999'::text)
Rows Removed by Filter: 999900
Planning Time: 0.107 ms
Execution Time: 94.849 ms

Example output with index:

                                                       QUERY PLAN
Index Scan using idx_large_test_search on large_test (cost=0.43..8.45 rows=100 width=40) (actual time=0.036..0.075 rows=100 loops=1)
Index Cond: (search_column = 'value_9999'::text)
Planning Time: 0.153 ms
Execution Time: 0.099 ms

The difference is dramatic - the query with an index is about 950 times faster! This illustrates why proper indexing is crucial for database performance.

Index Maintenance

Indexes come with trade-offs. While they speed up SELECT queries, they slow down INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations because the index must be updated along with the table.

Some important maintenance considerations:

Viewing Your Indexes

To list all indexes in your database:

schemaname = 'public'

Removing Unused Indexes

Unused indexes consume space and slow down writes without providing benefits. You can drop them:

DROP INDEX idx_users_unused;

Rebuilding Indexes

Over time, indexes can become fragmented. You can rebuild them with:

REINDEX INDEX idx_users_email;

Or rebuild all indexes on a table:


Common Indexing Mistakes

  1. Over-indexing - Creating too many indexes wastes space and slows down write operations
  2. Indexing small tables - Tables with few rows don't benefit much from indexes
  3. Indexing low-cardinality columns - Columns with few unique values don't make good indexes
  4. Not indexing foreign keys - Foreign keys used in JOINs should almost always be indexed
  5. Not monitoring index usage - Regular review helps identify unused or inefficient indexes


PostgreSQL indexes are powerful performance optimization tools that:

  • Dramatically speed up query performance when properly implemented
  • Work best on large tables with columns that have many unique values
  • Should be created for columns used in WHERE clauses and JOIN conditions
  • Come with maintenance overhead that affects write operations

Understanding when and how to use indexes is a fundamental skill for database optimization. As your database grows, proper indexing becomes increasingly important for maintaining good performance.

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a table representing a product inventory with at least 5 columns, then add appropriate indexes based on likely query patterns.
  2. Write queries that would and would not benefit from those indexes, and use EXPLAIN to verify your predictions.
  3. Create a multi-column index and experiment with different query conditions to see when it gets used.
  4. Experiment with different index types (e.g., Hash vs. B-tree) and compare their performance for various queries.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)