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PostgreSQL Hash Indexes


Hash indexes are one of the several indexing methods available in PostgreSQL. Unlike the default B-tree indexes which excel at range queries, hash indexes are specifically optimized for equality comparisons (column = value). In this guide, we'll explore how hash indexes work, when to use them, their advantages and limitations, and how to implement them in your PostgreSQL databases.

What are Hash Indexes?

Hash indexes use a hash function to convert a key value into a bucket number, which is then used to locate the data. This makes them extremely efficient for simple equality operations but unsuitable for range or pattern matching queries.

A hash index works by:

  1. Taking the indexed column value
  2. Applying a hash function to convert it to a fixed-size value
  3. Using that hash value to determine where the data is stored
  4. Providing direct access to the data when queried with an exact match

When to Use Hash Indexes

Hash indexes are ideal in specific scenarios:

  • When you primarily perform equality (=) comparisons
  • When you need faster lookup times than B-tree indexes for exact matches
  • For columns with high cardinality (many unique values)
  • When range queries are not needed on the indexed column

Creating a Hash Index

The syntax for creating a hash index is straightforward:

CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name USING HASH (column_name);

Let's create a practical example with a users table:

-- Create a users table
username VARCHAR(50) UNIQUE,
email VARCHAR(100) UNIQUE,
full_name VARCHAR(100),

-- Create a hash index on the username column
CREATE INDEX idx_users_username_hash ON users USING HASH (username);

Hash Index Performance

Let's compare the performance of hash indexes with B-tree indexes using a simple benchmark:

-- First, let's populate our table with sample data
INSERT INTO users (username, email, full_name)
'user' || i,
'user' || i || '',
'User ' || i
FROM generate_series(1, 100000) AS i;

-- Let's analyze the table to update statistics
ANALYZE users;

-- Query using the hash index (equality comparison)
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'user5000';

The output might look like this:

Index Scan using idx_users_username_hash on users  
(cost=0.00..8.02 rows=1 width=62)
(actual time=0.016..0.017 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (username = 'user5000'::text)
Planning time: 0.067 ms
Execution time: 0.041 ms

Now, let's create a B-tree index and compare:

-- Create a B-tree index on the same column
CREATE INDEX idx_users_username_btree ON users USING BTREE (username);

-- Query using the B-tree index
EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = 'user5000';

The output might be:

Index Scan using idx_users_username_btree on users  
(cost=0.42..8.44 rows=1 width=62)
(actual time=0.021..0.022 rows=1 loops=1)
Index Cond: (username = 'user5000'::text)
Planning time: 0.103 ms
Execution time: 0.046 ms

For equality searches on large tables, the hash index often performs slightly better than the B-tree index.

Advantages of Hash Indexes

  1. Speed for equality searches: Hash indexes can be faster than B-tree indexes for simple equality operations.
  2. Smaller size: They can consume less disk space than B-tree indexes in some cases.
  3. Constant-time lookups: Theoretically provide O(1) lookup performance regardless of table size.

Limitations of Hash Indexes

  1. Equality only: Hash indexes only support equality (=) operators, not inequality (<, >, <=, >=), range queries, or pattern matching.
  2. No sorting: They don't store data in sorted order.
  3. No multi-column: Prior to PostgreSQL 10, hash indexes only worked on a single column.
  4. Concurrency: In older PostgreSQL versions, hash indexes were not WAL-logged, making them unsuitable for replication or crash recovery.

Real-World Applications

Example 1: Session Lookup

Hash indexes are perfect for session management where lookups are always by exact session ID:

CREATE TABLE sessions (
session_id VARCHAR(128) PRIMARY KEY,
user_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(user_id),
data JSONB,
expires_at TIMESTAMP,

-- Create a hash index on session_id for fast lookups
CREATE INDEX idx_sessions_id_hash ON sessions USING HASH (session_id);

When a user makes a request with their session ID:

-- This query benefits from the hash index
SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE session_id = 'fd7e42f09a71';

Example 2: Cache Implementation

Hash indexes are ideal for cache tables with exact key lookups:

cache_key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
cache_value TEXT,
expires_at TIMESTAMP,

CREATE INDEX idx_cache_key_hash ON cache USING HASH (cache_key);

When retrieving a cached item:

-- Fast exact match using hash index
SELECT cache_value FROM cache
WHERE cache_key = 'user:preferences:1001' AND expires_at > NOW();

When to Avoid Hash Indexes

Avoid hash indexes when:

  1. You need to perform range queries (BETWEEN, <, >)
  2. You frequently use LIKE or pattern matching
  3. You need to retrieve data in sorted order
  4. You're using PostgreSQL version 9.6 or earlier (before they were WAL-logged)
  5. The indexed column has low cardinality (few unique values)

Practical Tips

  1. Test before implementing: Always benchmark your specific workload before deciding on an index type.
  2. Monitor index usage: Use pg_stat_user_indexes to check if your indexes are being used.
  3. Consider index size: Monitor the size of your indexes using:
SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('idx_users_username_hash'));
  1. Maintenance: Hash indexes benefit from occasional VACUUM and ANALYZE operations:


Hash indexes in PostgreSQL provide a specialized indexing method optimized for equality comparisons. They offer faster lookups than B-tree indexes for exact matches but cannot handle range queries or sorting operations. PostgreSQL has made hash indexes fully production-ready since version 10, with WAL-logging and improved performance.

When designing your database schema, consider hash indexes for columns that will be queried frequently with exact matches, especially in high-volume lookup tables or caching systems.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a table with at least 100,000 rows and compare the performance of hash vs. B-tree indexes for equality searches.
  2. Implement a simple caching system using a PostgreSQL table with a hash index.
  3. Use EXPLAIN ANALYZE to observe how the query planner uses hash indexes in different scenarios.
  4. Create a benchmark that tests at what data volume hash indexes start to outperform B-tree indexes for your specific hardware.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)