Kotlin Function References
In functional programming, functions are treated as first-class citizens, meaning they can be stored in variables, passed as arguments to other functions, and returned from functions. Kotlin embraces this concept with function references, a powerful feature that allows you to reference functions directly instead of calling them.
Function references provide a way to pass functions around without having to wrap them in lambda expressions, making your code cleaner and more expressive.
Understanding Function References
In Kotlin, the double colon (::
) operator is used to create function references. This operator allows you to refer to a function by name rather than calling it directly.
Basic Syntax
Let's look at a simple example to understand how function references work:
fun isEven(number: Int): Boolean {
return number % 2 == 0
fun main() {
// Using a lambda
val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
// Without function reference
val evenNumbers1 = numbers.filter { num -> isEven(num) }
println("Even numbers (using lambda): $evenNumbers1")
// With function reference
val evenNumbers2 = numbers.filter(::isEven)
println("Even numbers (using function reference): $evenNumbers2")
Even numbers (using lambda): [2, 4, 6]
Even numbers (using function reference): [2, 4, 6]
In this example, ::isEven
is a reference to the isEven
function. The filter
function expects a lambda that takes an element and returns a boolean. By using a function reference, we're providing exactly that, but in a more concise way.
Types of Function References
Kotlin supports several types of function references:
1. Top-Level Function References
These reference standalone functions that aren't part of a class:
fun greet(name: String): String {
return "Hello, $name!"
fun main() {
val greeting = ::greet
// You can also pass it directly to higher-order functions
val names = listOf("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")
val greetings = names.map(::greet)
Hello, Alice!
[Hello, Alice!, Hello, Bob!, Hello, Charlie!]
2. Member Function References
These reference methods of a class:
class Person(val name: String) {
fun introduce() = "My name is $name"
fun main() {
val alice = Person("Alice")
// Reference to a member function
val introducer = Person::introduce
// Using with higher-order functions
val people = listOf(Person("Alice"), Person("Bob"), Person("Charlie"))
val introductions = people.map(Person::introduce)
My name is Alice
[My name is Alice, My name is Bob, My name is Charlie]
3. Constructor References
You can reference constructors for creating new instances:
class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
fun main() {
val userConstructor = ::User
val user = userConstructor("Alice", 30)
println("User: ${user.name}, ${user.age}")
// Using with higher-order functions
val names = listOf("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")
val ages = listOf(30, 25, 35)
val users = names.zip(ages).map { (name, age) -> userConstructor(name, age) }
users.forEach { println("User: ${it.name}, ${it.age}") }
User: Alice, 30
User: Alice, 30
User: Bob, 25
User: Charlie, 35
4. Extension Function References
You can also reference extension functions:
fun String.exclaim(): String = "$this!"
fun main() {
val exclaimer = String::exclaim
val phrases = listOf("Hello", "Thank you", "Goodbye")
val exclaimed = phrases.map(String::exclaim)
[Hello!, Thank you!, Goodbye!]
Bound and Non-bound References
When referencing instance methods, Kotlin distinguishes between bound and non-bound references:
Non-bound References
Non-bound references don't have a receiver specified. They require the instance to be provided later:
class Printer {
fun print(message: String) = println("Printing: $message")
fun main() {
val printRef = Printer::print // Non-bound reference
val printer = Printer()
printRef(printer, "Hello, world!") // You need to provide the instance
Printing: Hello, world!
Bound References
Bound references already have a receiver (instance) attached:
class Printer {
fun print(message: String) = println("Printing: $message")
fun main() {
val printer = Printer()
val boundPrintRef = printer::print // Bound reference
boundPrintRef("Hello, world!") // No need to provide the instance again
Printing: Hello, world!
Practical Applications
1. Event Handlers
Function references are perfect for event handling in GUI applications:
// Simplified Android-like button click handling
class Button {
fun setOnClickListener(action: () -> Unit) {
// In a real app, this would register the callback
println("Button click listener registered")
action() // For demonstration, we'll call it immediately
class Screen {
fun handleClick() {
println("Button was clicked!")
fun setupUI() {
val button = Button()
// Using function reference instead of lambda
fun main() {
Button click listener registered
Button was clicked!
2. Strategy Pattern
Function references make implementing the strategy pattern elegant:
class TextProcessor {
fun process(text: String, strategy: (String) -> String): String {
return strategy(text)
fun uppercase(text: String): String = text.uppercase()
fun reverse(text: String): String = text.reversed()
fun addExclamation(text: String): String = "$text!"
fun main() {
val processor = TextProcessor()
val input = "hello world"
println("Original: $input")
println("Uppercase: ${processor.process(input, ::uppercase)}")
println("Reversed: ${processor.process(input, ::reverse)}")
println("With exclamation: ${processor.process(input, ::addExclamation)}")
// Chaining strategies
val combined = processor.process(
processor.process(input, ::uppercase),
println("Combined (uppercase + exclamation): $combined")
Original: hello world
Uppercase: HELLO WORLD
Reversed: dlrow olleh
With exclamation: hello world!
Combined (uppercase + exclamation): HELLO WORLD!
3. Data Transformation Pipelines
Function references are excellent for creating data transformation pipelines:
data class Person(val name: String, val age: Int, val email: String)
fun extractNames(people: List<Person>): List<String> = people.map { it.name }
fun filterAdults(people: List<Person>): List<Person> = people.filter { it.age >= 18 }
fun findEmailDomain(email: String): String = email.substringAfter('@')
fun main() {
val people = listOf(
Person("Alice", 25, "[email protected]"),
Person("Bob", 17, "[email protected]"),
Person("Charlie", 30, "[email protected]")
// Extract names of adults
val adultNames = extractNames(filterAdults(people))
println("Adult names: $adultNames")
// Extract email domains
val emailDomains = people.map { it.email }.map(::findEmailDomain)
println("Email domains: $emailDomains")
Adult names: [Alice, Charlie]
Email domains: [example.com, example.org, example.net]
Function references in Kotlin provide an elegant way to work with functions as first-class citizens. Key takeaways include:
- Function references are created using the
operator - They can reference top-level functions, member functions, constructors, and extension functions
- They can be bound to specific instances or non-bound
- They help create cleaner, more concise code by avoiding unnecessary lambda syntax
- They're particularly useful in event handling, strategy patterns, and data transformation pipelines
Function references are a powerful tool in the Kotlin programmer's toolkit, promoting a more functional programming style while maintaining readability.
Additional Resources
- Create a list of integers and use function references to filter out odd numbers, double all numbers, and then sum them.
- Implement a simple calculator class with methods for basic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) and use function references to create an operation lookup table.
- Create an extension function for the String class that counts vowels, and use it as a function reference in a map operation on a list of strings.
- Implement a text processing pipeline using function references that takes a paragraph, splits it into sentences, counts words in each sentence, and returns the average word count.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)