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Kotlin Lambda Returns

In Kotlin, lambdas are a powerful feature that allows you to write concise, functional code. Understanding how return statements work within lambdas is crucial for effective programming. In this tutorial, we'll explore the various ways to return values from lambda expressions and how they behave differently from regular function returns.

Introduction to Lambda Returns

When working with lambdas in Kotlin, the way values are returned might seem confusing at first. Unlike regular functions where you use the return keyword explicitly, lambdas often use implicit returns. Let's start by understanding the basics.

Implicit Returns in Lambdas

In Kotlin, the last expression in a lambda automatically becomes its return value.

// Basic lambda with implicit return
val sum = { a: Int, b: Int -> a + b }
val result = sum(5, 3)
println(result) // Output: 8

In this example, a + b is the last expression in the lambda, so its value is automatically returned.

Explicit vs. Implicit Returns

Let's compare explicit and implicit returns in lambdas:

Implicit Return (Default Behavior)

val multiply = { x: Int, y: Int -> 
// The last expression becomes the return value
x * y
println(multiply(4, 5)) // Output: 20

Explicit Return (Using the return Keyword)

When you use an explicit return in a lambda, it doesn't just return from the lambda—it returns from the enclosing function. This behavior can be surprising:

fun processNumbers(action: (Int) -> Unit) {
for (i in 1..5) {
println("This will not be printed if return is called in the lambda")

fun demonstrateReturn() {
processNumbers {
println("Processing $it")
if (it == 3) {
return // Returns from demonstrateReturn(), not just the lambda!
println("This code is unreachable when it == 3")

fun main() {

// Output:
// Processing 1
// Processing 2
// Processing 3
// (The function exits after processing 3)

As you can see, when it == 3, the return statement exits the entire demonstrateReturn() function, not just the lambda.

Labeled Returns

To return from a lambda expression rather than the enclosing function, you can use labeled returns:

fun processWithLabel() {
processNumbers label@{
println("Processing $it")
if (it == 3) {
return@label // Returns from the lambda only
println("Done with $it")
println("This will be printed even after it == 3")

fun main() {

// Output:
// Processing 1
// Done with 1
// Processing 2
// Done with 2
// Processing 3
// Processing 4
// Done with 4
// Processing 5
// Done with 5
// This will be printed even after it == 3

Using Function Name as a Label

Alternatively, you can use the function name as a label:

fun processWithFunctionNameAsLabel() {
processNumbers {
println("Processing $it")
if (it == 3) {
return@processNumbers // Returns from the lambda using function name as label
println("Done with $it")
println("This will be printed after lambda execution")

fun main() {

// Output:
// Processing 1
// Done with 1
// Processing 2
// Done with 2
// Processing 3
// Processing 4
// Done with 4
// Processing 5
// Done with 5
// This will be printed after lambda execution

Multiple Returns in Lambdas

In more complex lambdas, you might have conditional logic with multiple return paths:

val getLetterGrade = { score: Int ->
when {
score >= 90 -> "A"
score >= 80 -> "B"
score >= 70 -> "C"
score >= 60 -> "D"
else -> "F"

println(getLetterGrade(85)) // Output: B
println(getLetterGrade(95)) // Output: A
println(getLetterGrade(55)) // Output: F

Since Kotlin's when expression returns a value, the last evaluated branch becomes the lambda's return value.

Real-World Examples

Example 1: Filtering a Collection

fun main() {
val numbers = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

val evenNumbers = numbers.filter {
it % 2 == 0 // Implicit return determines if item is included

println("Even numbers: $evenNumbers")

val numbersLessThan5 = numbers.takeWhile {
// When the condition becomes false, takeWhile stops
it < 5

println("Numbers less than 5: $numbersLessThan5")

// Output:
// Even numbers: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
// Numbers less than 5: [1, 2, 3, 4]

Example 2: Custom Collection Processing

fun <T, R> List<T>.myMap(transform: (T) -> R): List<R> {
val result = mutableListOf<R>()
for (item in this) {
return result

fun main() {
val names = listOf("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie")
val lengths = names.myMap { it.length }
println("Name lengths: $lengths") // Output: Name lengths: [5, 3, 7]

val greetings = names.myMap { name ->
"Hello, $name!"
println("Greetings: $greetings")
// Output: Greetings: [Hello, Alice!, Hello, Bob!, Hello, Charlie!]

Example 3: Building a Simple DSL

class HTMLBuilder {
private var html = ""

fun div(block: () -> String) {
html += "<div>${block()}</div>"

fun span(block: () -> String) {
html += "<span>${block()}</span>"

fun build(): String = html

fun buildHTML(init: HTMLBuilder.() -> Unit): String {
val builder = HTMLBuilder()

fun main() {
val html = buildHTML {
div {
"This is a div"
span {
"This is a span"

// Output: <div>This is a div</div><span>This is a span</span>

Best Practices for Lambda Returns

  1. Prefer Implicit Returns: They make your code more concise and readable.

  2. Use Labels for Clarity: When you need to return from a specific lambda, use labeled returns to make your intentions clear.

  3. Be Careful with Non-Local Returns: Remember that return without a label will exit from the enclosing function.

  4. Single Expression Functions: For simple lambdas, use single expression syntax.

  5. Avoid Complex Logic: If your lambda contains complex branching logic, consider refactoring into a named function.


In this tutorial, we've explored:

  • How implicit returns work in Kotlin lambdas
  • The difference between explicit and implicit returns
  • Using labeled returns to control the flow
  • Multiple return paths in lambdas
  • Real-world examples showing practical applications

Understanding how returns work in Kotlin lambdas is essential for writing clean, functional code. The right approach depends on your specific use case, but generally, simpler and more explicit code leads to better readability and maintainability.


To practice what you've learned:

  1. Write a lambda that finds the first prime number in a list, or returns null if none exist.
  2. Create a function that uses labeled returns to process a list until a certain condition is met.
  3. Implement a custom forEach function that allows early termination using labeled returns.
  4. Build a simple calculator using lambdas with different operations.

Additional Resources

By mastering lambda returns in Kotlin, you'll be able to write more expressive, concise, and powerful code!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)