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Rust BinaryHeap


The BinaryHeap is a collection in Rust's standard library that implements a priority queue using a max-heap data structure. A max-heap is a tree-based structure where the parent nodes always have values greater than or equal to their children. This property makes BinaryHeap perfect for scenarios where you need to efficiently retrieve the maximum element from a collection.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use Rust's BinaryHeap, understand its operations, and see practical examples of when and how to use it in your applications.

What is a BinaryHeap?

A BinaryHeap in Rust is a collection that:

  • Automatically maintains elements in a max-heap order
  • Provides O(log n) time complexity for insertion and removal of the maximum element
  • Offers O(1) time complexity for peeking at the maximum element
  • Is implemented using a binary heap algorithm on top of a vector

Let's visualize how a binary heap is structured:

In this diagram, each parent node has a value greater than or equal to its children, making it a max-heap. The maximum value (10) is at the root for quick access.

Basic Operations

Let's start by looking at the fundamental operations of BinaryHeap.

Creating a BinaryHeap

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

// Create an empty BinaryHeap
let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();

// Create a BinaryHeap from an existing vector
let mut heap_from_vec = BinaryHeap::from(vec![1, 4, 3, 2]);

// You can also use the collect method
let mut heap_collected: BinaryHeap<i32> = vec![1, 4, 3, 2].into_iter().collect();

Adding Elements

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();

// Add elements one by one

println!("Heap after pushing elements: {:?}", heap);


Heap after pushing elements: BinaryHeap [5, 3, 1, 2]

Note that the order in the debug output doesn't necessarily reflect the internal structure, but the max-heap property is maintained.

Retrieving Elements

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

let mut heap = BinaryHeap::from(vec![1, 5, 2, 3]);

// Peek at the largest element without removing it
if let Some(&max) = heap.peek() {
println!("Maximum element: {}", max);

// Remove and return the largest element
if let Some(max) = heap.pop() {
println!("Removed maximum element: {}", max);

println!("Heap after popping: {:?}", heap);


Maximum element: 5
Removed maximum element: 5
Heap after popping: BinaryHeap [3, 1, 2]

Other Useful Methods

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;

let mut heap = BinaryHeap::from(vec![1, 5, 2, 3]);

// Check if the heap is empty
println!("Is heap empty? {}", heap.is_empty());

// Get the number of elements
println!("Heap size: {}", heap.len());

// Clear all elements
println!("Heap after clearing: {:?}", heap);


Is heap empty? false
Heap size: 4
Heap after clearing: BinaryHeap []

Working with Custom Types

To use custom types with BinaryHeap, they must implement the Ord and PartialOrd traits. By default, Rust will order elements in descending order (max-heap).

Here's an example using a custom type:

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

#[derive(Debug, Eq)]
struct Task {
priority: u32,
description: String,

// We need to implement PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, and Ord
impl PartialEq for Task {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.priority == other.priority

impl Ord for Task {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// Note: we use reverse order for priority because BinaryHeap is a max-heap

impl PartialOrd for Task {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

fn main() {
let mut task_queue = BinaryHeap::new();

task_queue.push(Task { priority: 2, description: String::from("Study Rust") });
task_queue.push(Task { priority: 5, description: String::from("Fix critical bug") });
task_queue.push(Task { priority: 1, description: String::from("Write documentation") });
task_queue.push(Task { priority: 3, description: String::from("Implement new feature") });

// Process tasks in order of priority (highest first)
while let Some(task) = task_queue.pop() {
println!("Processing task with priority {}: {}", task.priority, task.description);


Processing task with priority 5: Fix critical bug
Processing task with priority 3: Implement new feature
Processing task with priority 2: Study Rust
Processing task with priority 1: Write documentation

Creating a Min-Heap

By default, BinaryHeap is a max-heap, but sometimes you need a min-heap. You can easily achieve this by implementing Ord to reverse the comparison or by using a wrapper type:

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

// Wrapper to reverse the ordering
#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct MinHeapWrapper<T>(T);

impl<T: Ord> Ord for MinHeapWrapper<T> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// Reverse the order for a min-heap

impl<T: PartialOrd> PartialOrd for MinHeapWrapper<T> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

fn main() {
// Create a min-heap of integers
let mut min_heap = BinaryHeap::new();

// Wrap values to reverse ordering

// Extract values in ascending order
while let Some(MinHeapWrapper(value)) = min_heap.pop() {
println!("Popped: {}", value);


Popped: 1
Popped: 2
Popped: 3
Popped: 5

Practical Examples

Example 1: Task Scheduler

Let's implement a simple task scheduler that processes tasks based on their priority:

use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

#[derive(Debug, Eq)]
struct Task {
priority: u32,
id: u32,
description: String,

impl PartialEq for Task {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.priority == other.priority && ==

impl Ord for Task {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// First compare by priority (higher is better)
let pri_cmp = self.priority.cmp(&other.priority);
if pri_cmp != Ordering::Equal {
return pri_cmp;
// If priorities are equal, use FIFO order (lower ID is better)

impl PartialOrd for Task {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

fn main() {
let mut scheduler = BinaryHeap::new();

// Add tasks with different priorities
scheduler.push(Task {
priority: 2,
id: 1,
description: String::from("Perform daily backup")

scheduler.push(Task {
priority: 5,
id: 2,
description: String::from("Restart server")

scheduler.push(Task {
priority: 5,
id: 3,
description: String::from("Deploy new version")

scheduler.push(Task {
priority: 1,
id: 4,
description: String::from("Send status email")

// Process tasks in order of priority
println!("Processing tasks:");
while let Some(task) = scheduler.pop() {
println!("[Priority: {}, ID: {}] {}", task.priority,, task.description);


Processing tasks:
[Priority: 5, ID: 2] Restart server
[Priority: 5, ID: 3] Deploy new version
[Priority: 2, ID: 1] Perform daily backup
[Priority: 1, ID: 4] Send status email

Example 2: Dijkstra's Algorithm for Shortest Paths

Here's a simplified implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path in a graph:

use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::cmp::Ordering;

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
struct State {
cost: u32,
node: usize,

// Custom ordering for the priority queue (min-heap)
impl Ord for State {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
// Note: we use reverse order here to create a min-heap
other.cost.cmp(&self.cost).then_with(|| self.node.cmp(&other.node))

impl PartialOrd for State {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

type Edge = (usize, u32); // (destination, weight)

fn shortest_path(graph: &Vec<Vec<Edge>>, start: usize, end: usize) -> Option<u32> {
// Distance from start to all nodes
let mut distances = vec![u32::MAX; graph.len()];
distances[start] = 0;

let mut visited = vec![false; graph.len()];
let mut heap = BinaryHeap::new();

// Start from the start node
heap.push(State { cost: 0, node: start });

while let Some(State { cost, node }) = heap.pop() {
// If we reached the target node, return the cost
if node == end {
return Some(cost);

// If this state has already been processed with a better cost, skip it
if visited[node] {

visited[node] = true;

// For each neighbor of the current node
for &(next_node, edge_cost) in &graph[node] {
// If the neighbor has already been visited, skip it
if visited[next_node] {

// Calculate the new cost to reach the neighbor
let next_cost = cost + edge_cost;

// If we found a better path to the neighbor, update its distance
if next_cost < distances[next_node] {
distances[next_node] = next_cost;
heap.push(State { cost: next_cost, node: next_node });

// If we couldn't reach the end node

fn main() {
// Define a simple graph (adjacency list)
let mut graph = vec![Vec::new(); 6];

// Add edges (undirected graph)
// (node, (destination, weight))
graph[0].push((1, 7)); // A -> B, cost 7
graph[0].push((2, 9)); // A -> C, cost 9
graph[0].push((5, 14)); // A -> F, cost 14

graph[1].push((0, 7)); // B -> A, cost 7
graph[1].push((2, 10)); // B -> C, cost 10
graph[1].push((3, 15)); // B -> D, cost 15

graph[2].push((0, 9)); // C -> A, cost 9
graph[2].push((1, 10)); // C -> B, cost 10
graph[2].push((3, 11)); // C -> D, cost 11
graph[2].push((5, 2)); // C -> F, cost 2

graph[3].push((1, 15)); // D -> B, cost 15
graph[3].push((2, 11)); // D -> C, cost 11
graph[3].push((4, 6)); // D -> E, cost 6

graph[4].push((3, 6)); // E -> D, cost 6
graph[4].push((5, 9)); // E -> F, cost 9

graph[5].push((0, 14)); // F -> A, cost 14
graph[5].push((2, 2)); // F -> C, cost 2
graph[5].push((4, 9)); // F -> E, cost 9

// Find shortest path from node 0 (A) to node 4 (E)
if let Some(shortest) = shortest_path(&graph, 0, 4) {
println!("Shortest path from A to E: {}", shortest);
} else {
println!("No path exists from A to E");


Shortest path from A to E: 20

Performance Characteristics

Understanding the performance of BinaryHeap operations helps you make informed decisions:

OperationTime Complexity
Push elementO(log n)
Pop (remove max)O(log n)
Peek (get max)O(1)
Create from vectorO(n)

Common Pitfalls and Tips

1. Remember It's a Max-Heap

The BinaryHeap in Rust is a max-heap by default. If you need a min-heap, you'll need to reverse the ordering as shown in the min-heap example.

2. Heap Order vs. Iteration Order

When you iterate over a BinaryHeap, the elements are not necessarily yielded in order of priority. If you need elements in order, use the pop method in a loop.

3. Updating Elements

The BinaryHeap doesn't provide a direct way to update the priority of an element. If you need to change an element's priority, you typically need to remove it and reinsert it with the new priority.

4. Efficiency

BinaryHeap is very efficient for its primary operations (inserting elements and retrieving the maximum), but if you need to search for elements that aren't at the top, consider using a different data structure.


Rust's BinaryHeap is a powerful collection for efficiently managing priorities. Its key features include:

  • Automatic ordering using a max-heap implementation
  • Fast insertion and extraction of the maximum element
  • Support for custom types through the Ord and PartialOrd traits
  • The ability to be adapted into a min-heap when needed

As you've seen, BinaryHeap is particularly useful for:

  • Task scheduling and priority queues
  • Algorithm implementations like Dijkstra's shortest path
  • Any application where you need to process items in order of importance

Additional Resources and Exercises



  1. Basic BinaryHeap: Implement a program that reads a list of numbers from the user and prints them in descending order using a BinaryHeap.

  2. Median Finder: Create a data structure that efficiently finds the median of a stream of numbers using two BinaryHeap instances.

  3. Merge K Sorted Lists: Write a function that merges k sorted lists into one sorted list using a BinaryHeap.

  4. Event Simulator: Implement a simple event-driven simulation where events are scheduled at specific times and processed in chronological order using a min-heap.

  5. Huffman Coding: Implement Huffman coding compression algorithm using a BinaryHeap to build the Huffman tree.

By practicing these exercises, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how and when to use BinaryHeap in your Rust programs.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)