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Rust Vectors


In Rust, a vector is a resizable array that can grow or shrink during program execution. Vectors are part of Rust's standard library and provide a flexible way to store multiple values of the same type. Unlike arrays in Rust, which have a fixed size, vectors can dynamically adjust their capacity, making them perfect for situations where the amount of data isn't known in advance.

Vectors store their elements in contiguous memory, which makes them efficient for direct access operations. They're implemented as a generic type Vec<T>, where T is the type of elements the vector will contain.

Creating Vectors

There are several ways to create vectors in Rust. Let's explore them one by one:

Using Vec::new()

The simplest way to create an empty vector is by using the Vec::new() method:

fn main() {
// Create an empty vector that will store integers
let mut v: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();

// Add elements to the vector

println!("Vector: {:?}", v);


Vector: [1, 2, 3]

When creating an empty vector, we need to specify the type annotation (Vec<i32>) because Rust can't infer the type of elements the vector will hold from an empty vector.

Using the vec! Macro

The vec! macro provides a more convenient way to create and initialize vectors:

fn main() {
// Create a vector with initial values
let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

println!("Vector: {:?}", v);


Vector: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

The vec! macro automatically infers the type of the vector from the provided elements.

Creating Vectors with Default Values

You can also create vectors with repeated default values:

fn main() {
// Create a vector with 5 zeros
let zeros = vec![0; 5];

// Create a vector with 3 instances of "hello"
let greetings = vec!["hello"; 3];

println!("Zeros: {:?}", zeros);
println!("Greetings: {:?}", greetings);


Zeros: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
Greetings: ["hello", "hello", "hello"]

Accessing Vector Elements

Elements in a vector can be accessed using either indexing or methods like get():

Using Indexing

fn main() {
let v = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

// Access using indexing
let third_element = v[2]; // Remember: indexing starts at 0

println!("Third element: {}", third_element);

// Be cautious with indexing - this will cause a panic if the index is out of bounds
// let invalid_element = v[10]; // Runtime error: index out of bounds


Third element: 30

Using the get() Method

The get() method returns an Option<&T>, which is safer because it handles the case where the index is out of bounds:

fn main() {
let v = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

// Safe access using get() method
match v.get(2) {
Some(element) => println!("Third element: {}", element),
None => println!("Element not found"),

// Attempting to access an out-of-bounds element
match v.get(10) {
Some(element) => println!("Element at index 10: {}", element),
None => println!("Element at index 10 doesn't exist"),


Third element: 30
Element at index 10 doesn't exist

Modifying Vectors

Since vectors are dynamic, you can add or remove elements after creation:

Adding Elements

fn main() {
// Remember to make the vector mutable if you need to modify it
let mut v = Vec::new();

// Adding elements

println!("After pushing elements: {:?}", v);

// Adding elements at the beginning (less efficient)
v.insert(0, 0);

println!("After inserting at the beginning: {:?}", v);

// Extending with another vector
let more_numbers = vec![4, 5, 6];

println!("After extending: {:?}", v);


After pushing elements: [1, 2, 3]
After inserting at the beginning: [0, 1, 2, 3]
After extending: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Removing Elements

fn main() {
let mut v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

// Remove the last element and return it
let last = v.pop();
println!("Popped value: {:?}", last);
println!("Vector after pop: {:?}", v);

// Remove element at index 1
let second = v.remove(1);
println!("Removed value at index 1: {}", second);
println!("Vector after removal: {:?}", v);

// Clear all elements
println!("Vector after clear: {:?}", v);


Popped value: Some(5)
Vector after pop: [1, 2, 3, 4]
Removed value at index 1: 2
Vector after removal: [1, 3, 4]
Vector after clear: []

Vector Capacity and Length

Vectors have both a length and a capacity:

  • Length: The number of elements currently in the vector
  • Capacity: The amount of space allocated for the vector
fn main() {
let mut v = Vec::new();

println!("Empty vector - Length: {}, Capacity: {}", v.len(), v.capacity());

// Add 10 elements
for i in 0..10 {
println!("After adding {} - Length: {}, Capacity: {}",
i, v.len(), v.capacity());

// Preallocate space for efficiency
let mut v2 = Vec::with_capacity(10);
println!("Preallocated vector - Length: {}, Capacity: {}",
v2.len(), v2.capacity());

for i in 0..10 {

println!("Filled preallocated vector - Length: {}, Capacity: {}",
v2.len(), v2.capacity());

Output might look like:

Empty vector - Length: 0, Capacity: 0
After adding 0 - Length: 1, Capacity: 4
After adding 1 - Length: 2, Capacity: 4
After adding 2 - Length: 3, Capacity: 4
After adding 3 - Length: 4, Capacity: 4
After adding 4 - Length: 5, Capacity: 8
After adding 5 - Length: 6, Capacity: 8
After adding 6 - Length: 7, Capacity: 8
After adding 7 - Length: 8, Capacity: 8
After adding 8 - Length: 9, Capacity: 16
After adding 9 - Length: 10, Capacity: 16
Preallocated vector - Length: 0, Capacity: 10
Filled preallocated vector - Length: 10, Capacity: 10

Notice how the capacity increases in powers of 2 as needed. When you know in advance how many elements you'll need, using Vec::with_capacity() can improve performance by avoiding multiple reallocations.

Iterating Over Vectors

There are several ways to iterate through a vector:

fn main() {
let v = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50];

// 1. Simple for-in loop
println!("Simple iteration:");
for element in &v {
println!("{}", element);

// 2. Enumerated iteration (get index and value)
Enumerated iteration:");
for (index, element) in v.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Index: {}, Value: {}", index, element);

// 3. Mutable iteration
let mut v2 = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
Before modification: {:?}", v2);

for element in &mut v2 {
*element *= 2; // Double each element

println!("After modification: {:?}", v2);


Simple iteration:

Enumerated iteration:
Index: 0, Value: 10
Index: 1, Value: 20
Index: 2, Value: 30
Index: 3, Value: 40
Index: 4, Value: 50

Before modification: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
After modification: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

Memory Management of Vectors

Understanding how vectors manage memory is crucial for writing efficient Rust programs:

A vector consists of three parts:

  1. A pointer to the data on the heap
  2. The length (how many elements are currently stored)
  3. The capacity (how much memory is reserved)

When a vector needs to grow beyond its capacity, it:

  1. Allocates a new, larger chunk of memory (typically double the current capacity)
  2. Copies all elements from the old location to the new one
  3. Updates its internal pointer to the new location
  4. Deallocates the old memory

This is why preallocating capacity can improve performance when you know the approximate size needed.

Practical Examples

Example 1: User Input Collection

use std::io;

fn main() {
let mut input = String::new();
let mut numbers = Vec::new();

println!("Enter numbers, one per line (enter 'done' when finished):");

loop {

.read_line(&mut input)
.expect("Failed to read input");

let input = input.trim();

if input == "done" {

match input.parse::<i32>() {
Ok(number) => {
println!("Added: {}. Current list: {:?}", number, numbers);
Err(_) => println!("That's not a valid number, try again."),

if !numbers.is_empty() {
let sum: i32 = numbers.iter().sum();
let average = sum as f64 / numbers.len() as f64;

println!("Count: {}", numbers.len());
println!("Sum: {}", sum);
println!("Average: {:.2}", average);
} else {
println!("No numbers were entered.");

This program collects numbers from user input, stores them in a vector, and calculates basic statistics.

Example 2: Filtering and Transforming Data

fn main() {
// Initial data: product prices in dollars
let prices = vec![29.99, 19.95, 8.99, 110.0, 65.5, 42.0, 17.25, 88.0];

println!("Original prices: {:?}", prices);

// Task 1: Find all products under $20
let affordable = prices.iter()
.filter(|&&price| price < 20.0)

println!("Affordable products (under $20): {:?}", affordable);

// Task 2: Apply 10% discount to all prices
let discounted: Vec<f64> = prices.iter()
.map(|&price| price * 0.9)

println!("Prices after 10% discount: {:?}", discounted);

// Task 3: Find expensive products and apply a larger discount
let special_offer: Vec<f64> = prices.iter()
.map(|&price| if price > 50.0 {
price * 0.8 // 20% off for expensive items
} else {
price * 0.9 // 10% off for regular items

println!("Special offer prices: {:?}", special_offer);

This example demonstrates using vector methods with iterators for data processing, which is common in real-world applications.

Example 3: Graph Representation

fn main() {
// Represent a simple graph using adjacency lists
// Each index is a node, and the vector at that index contains
// the indices of connected nodes
let mut graph: Vec<Vec<usize>> = vec![
vec![1, 2], // Node 0 is connected to nodes 1 and 2
vec![0, 3, 4], // Node 1 is connected to nodes 0, 3, and 4
vec![0, 5], // Node 2 is connected to nodes 0 and 5
vec![1], // Node 3 is connected to node 1
vec![1, 5], // Node 4 is connected to nodes 1 and 5
vec![2, 4], // Node 5 is connected to nodes 2 and 4

// Print the initial graph
println!("Graph representation:");
for (node, connections) in graph.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Node {} is connected to: {:?}", node, connections);

// Add a new connection: connect node 3 to node 5

After adding connection between nodes 3 and 5:");
for (node, connections) in graph.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Node {} is connected to: {:?}", node, connections);

// Calculate the degree (number of connections) of each node
Node degrees:");
for (node, connections) in graph.iter().enumerate() {
println!("Node {} has degree {}", node, connections.len());

This example shows how vectors can be used to represent graph data structures, which are common in many algorithms and applications.

Common Vector Methods

Here's a quick reference of commonly used vector methods:

push()Adds an element to the endv.push(10)
pop()Removes and returns the last elementlet last = v.pop()
insert()Inserts an element at a specific indexv.insert(0, 42)
remove()Removes and returns an element at a specific indexlet item = v.remove(3)
len()Returns the number of elementslet size = v.len()
capacity()Returns the vector's capacitylet cap = v.capacity()
is_empty()Checks if the vector has no elementsif v.is_empty() { ... }
clear()Removes all elementsv.clear()
extend()Adds all elements from another collectionv.extend(other_vec)
get()Safely retrieves an element at a specific indexif let Some(x) = v.get(5) { ... }
contains()Checks if an element exists in the vectorif v.contains(&x) { ... }
sort()Sorts the elements in-placev.sort()
reverse()Reverses the order of elements in-placev.reverse()

Slicing Vectors

You can create slices (references to portions of a vector) using Rust's slice syntax:

fn main() {
let v = vec![10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100];

// Create a slice of elements 3 through 6 (inclusive of 3, exclusive of 7)
let slice = &v[3..7];

println!("Original vector: {:?}", v);
println!("Slice (elements 3-6): {:?}", slice);

// You can use slices with most of the same methods as vectors
let sum: i32 = slice.iter().sum();
println!("Sum of slice elements: {}", sum);

// Slices using range syntax
println!("First three elements: {:?}", &v[..3]);
println!("Elements from index 7 to the end: {:?}", &v[7..]);
println!("All elements (full slice): {:?}", &v[..]);


Original vector: [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
Slice (elements 3-6): [40, 50, 60, 70]
Sum of slice elements: 220
First three elements: [10, 20, 30]
Elements from index 7 to the end: [80, 90, 100]
All elements (full slice): [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]

Vector vs. Array vs. Slice

Let's compare these similar but distinct Rust types:

Declarationlet a: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];let v: Vec<i32> = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];let s: &[i32] = &v[1..4];
SizeFixed at compile timeDynamic, can grow and shrinkBorrows a section of an array or vector
MemoryStackHeapReference (points to array or vector)
Type[T; N]Vec<T>&[T]
Adding elementsNot possiblepush(), insert(), etc.Not possible
Best used forFixed-size data, small collectionsCollections that need to grow or shrinkPassing around references to sequences


Vectors are a fundamental data structure in Rust that allow you to store multiple values of the same type. They provide flexibility through their dynamic size, while maintaining performance with contiguous memory storage.

Key points to remember:

  • Create vectors using Vec::new() or the vec! macro
  • Access elements safely with the get() method
  • Modify vectors with methods like push(), pop(), insert(), and remove()
  • Iterate through vectors using various looping techniques
  • Understand vector capacity to optimize performance
  • Use slices to work with portions of vectors without copying data

Vectors are used extensively in Rust programs for everything from storing simple lists to implementing complex data structures and algorithms.

Additional Resources


  1. Vector Basics: Create a program that reads numbers from user input until they enter 'q', then calculates and displays the minimum, maximum, and average values.

  2. Word Counter: Write a function that takes a string of text and returns a vector of tuples, each containing a word and its frequency in the text.

  3. Matrix Operations: Implement a simple matrix as a vector of vectors. Write functions to add two matrices and multiply a matrix by a scalar.

  4. Custom Collection: Create a simple to-do list application that uses a vector to store tasks. Implement functions to add, remove, and mark tasks as complete.

  5. Advanced: Implement a simple graph algorithm (such as breadth-first search) using vectors to represent the graph structure as shown in Example 3.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)