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Kong Event Hooks


Event hooks are a powerful feature in Kong that allow you to execute custom logic in response to specific events that occur within the Kong API Gateway. Think of them as listeners that wait for certain events to happen and then trigger predefined actions when those events occur.

In this guide, we'll explore how event hooks work in Kong, their benefits, and how to implement them in your API management workflows.

What Are Event Hooks?

Event hooks in Kong provide a way to create event-driven architectures for your API gateway. They enable you to:

  • Execute custom logic when specific events occur
  • Integrate Kong with external systems
  • Create automation workflows
  • Implement advanced logging and monitoring

Kong's event hooks follow a publish-subscribe pattern where Kong publishes events, and your custom code subscribes to and handles these events.

Types of Kong Events

Kong generates various types of events that you can hook into:

Event TypeDescriptionCommon Use Cases
crudDatabase operations eventsSync configuration changes with external systems
rate-limitingConsumer rate limit violationsAlert systems or block suspicious IPs
cacheCache invalidation eventsClear related caches or update dependencies
pluginPlugin-specific eventsCustom plugin integrations
clusterNode operations in a Kong clusterHigh-availability monitoring

Setting Up Your First Event Hook

Let's walk through creating a basic event hook that logs when a new API service is created in Kong.

Step 1: Create a Custom Handler

First, you'll need to create a custom Lua script that will handle the event:

-- /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/my-event-hook/handler.lua

local BasePlugin = require "kong.plugins.base_plugin"
local cjson = require "cjson"

local MyEventHookHandler = BasePlugin:extend()

function MyEventHookHandler:new(), "my-event-hook")

function MyEventHookHandler:init_worker()

-- Subscribe to CRUD events for services
kong.log.notice("New service created: " .. cjson.encode(data.entity))

-- You could make an HTTP call to an external system here
-- local http = require "resty.http"
-- local httpc =
-- httpc:request_uri("http://my-notification-service/api/notify", {
-- method = "POST",
-- body = cjson.encode({ event = "service.created", service = data.entity }),
-- headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" }
-- })

end, "crud", "services.create")

return MyEventHookHandler

Step 2: Create Plugin Schema

Create a schema for your plugin:

-- /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/kong/plugins/my-event-hook/schema.lua

return {
name = "my-event-hook",
fields = {
{ config = {
type = "record",
fields = {
{ notification_url = { type = "string", required = false } }
} }

Step 3: Register Your Plugin

Add your plugin to the Kong configuration file (kong.conf):

plugins = bundled,my-event-hook

Step 4: Restart Kong

kong restart

Step 5: Enable the Plugin Globally

You can enable the plugin for all services:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8001/plugins \
--data "name=my-event-hook"

Common Event Hook Patterns

1. Configuration Synchronization

This pattern synchronizes Kong's configuration with external systems:

local http = require "resty.http"
local httpc =

httpc:request_uri("http://configuration-service/sync", {
method = "POST",
body = cjson.encode({
entity_type = "route",
operation = "update",
entity = data.entity
headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" }
end, "crud", "routes")

2. Security Monitoring

This example sends alerts when rate limiting is triggered:

local consumer = data.consumer
local ip = data.ip

kong.log.alert("Rate limit exceeded: Consumer=" .. consumer .. ", IP=" .. ip)

-- Send alert to security team
local http = require "resty.http"
local httpc =

httpc:request_uri("http://security-monitor/alert", {
method = "POST",
body = cjson.encode({
event_type = "rate_limit_exceeded",
consumer = consumer,
ip = ip,
timestamp = ngx.time()
headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json" }
end, "rate-limiting", "exceeded")

Event Hooks Workflow

Here's a visualization of the event hooks workflow:

Advanced: Creating an Event-Driven Architecture

You can build sophisticated event-driven systems with Kong event hooks:

1. Set up a Webhook Publisher Plugin

-- webhook_publisher.lua
local WebhookPublisherHandler = {}

WebhookPublisherHandler.PRIORITY = 1000

function WebhookPublisherHandler:init_worker()
-- Register event handlers for various events
kong.worker_events.register(self.handle_service_event, "crud", "services")
kong.worker_events.register(self.handle_route_event, "crud", "routes")
kong.worker_events.register(self.handle_consumer_event, "crud", "consumers")

function WebhookPublisherHandler:handle_service_event(data)
self:publish_event("service", data.operation, data.entity)

function WebhookPublisherHandler:handle_route_event(data)
self:publish_event("route", data.operation, data.entity)

function WebhookPublisherHandler:handle_consumer_event(data)
self:publish_event("consumer", data.operation, data.entity)

function WebhookPublisherHandler:publish_event(entity_type, operation, entity)
local http = require "resty.http"
local httpc =

local conf = kong.db.plugins:select_by_name("webhook-publisher")

if not conf or not conf.config.webhook_url then

httpc:request_uri(conf.config.webhook_url, {
method = "POST",
body = cjson.encode({
entity_type = entity_type,
operation = operation,
entity = entity,
timestamp = ngx.time()
headers = {
["Content-Type"] = "application/json",
["X-Kong-Event"] = entity_type .. "." .. operation

return WebhookPublisherHandler

2. Implement a Configuration Management System

With these event hooks, you can build a configuration management system that:

  1. Tracks all changes to Kong configuration
  2. Maintains audit logs of who changed what and when
  3. Implements approval workflows for configuration changes
  4. Enables rollback of configuration changes

Best Practices for Kong Event Hooks

  1. Keep handlers lightweight: Event hooks run in the Kong worker processes, so keep your handlers as lightweight as possible to avoid affecting API performance.

  2. Use non-blocking I/O: When making external HTTP calls, use the non-blocking HTTP client provided by Kong.

  3. Implement error handling: Always add error handling to your event hooks to prevent failures from affecting Kong's operation.

  4. Consider using a dedicated event bus: For high-volume events, consider using a message queue like Redis or Kafka as an intermediate layer.

  5. Monitor performance: Keep an eye on the performance impact of your event hooks and optimize them if necessary.

Troubleshooting Kong Event Hooks

Common Issues and Solutions

IssuePotential Solution
Event hook not firingCheck event name and subscription pattern
Slow performanceOptimize handler code, consider using async processing
High memory usageReduce event payload size, optimize Lua code
HTTP request failuresImplement retry logic with exponential backoff

Debugging Tips

Add debug logging to your event hooks:

kong.log.debug("Event received: " .. cjson.encode(data))

Then enable debug logging in your Kong configuration:

log_level = debug


Kong Event Hooks provide a powerful way to extend Kong's functionality and integrate it with external systems. They allow you to respond to various events that occur within Kong, enabling you to build advanced, event-driven architectures for your API gateway.

By following the patterns and best practices outlined in this guide, you can leverage Kong Event Hooks to create sophisticated, automated workflows that improve the management, security, and observability of your APIs.

Further Resources


  1. Create an event hook that logs all consumer creation events to a file.
  2. Implement a hook that sends an email notification when a service is updated.
  3. Build an event hook that tracks rate limiting events and creates a real-time dashboard.
  4. Extend the webhook publisher example to include authentication for secure webhook delivery.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)